Thursday, August 28

JoAnn Neumayer
JoAnn Neumayer, 71, passed away on Wednesday, Aug. 20, 2008, at her home near Bonners Ferry.

City water, sewer, garbage rates could increase
Bonners Ferry City Council is studying the possibility of increasing water rates by 10 percent, sewer rates by 30 percent and garbage rates by 12 percent.
Robert Eugene Smith
Robert Eugene Smith, 78, lost his battle with cancer on Tuesday, Aug. 5, 2008.

Pack of 14 wolves spotted
On a recent Sunday, Bob Vickaryous and Tom Davis stumbled across a pack of 14 wolves while hiking through the Panhandle National Forest’s grazing area between Grass and Cow creeks.

Students to be greeted by 14 new teachers
Boundary County students can expect to see new faces this year with 14 teachers joining the school district. Two of them, Andy Rice and Angela Schnuerle, were raised in Bonners Ferry.

Veterans offer $600 reward for memorial vandalism
Bonners Ferry Korean War Veteran Elden Koon felt sick to his stomach when he saw the desecration of the memorial at Veteran’s Memorial Park in front of Boundary County Library.
Spreading the Word
• Wendy Kramer won the home spa basket raffled by Festival of Trees during the Boundary County Fair.

Garlic Festival this Saturday in Bonners Ferry
David Ronniger’s interest in garlic goes beyond its taste and health benefits.
Cooking With Sarah
Cooking with Sarah is a weekly column featuring recipes submitted by readers.

State runner-ups will count on seniors, juniors for BFHS girls soccer team
Coach John Lindberg expects great things from the Bonners Ferry High School girls soccer team this year.

Badger boys soccer falls 4-0 to Sandpoint Bulldogs
SANDPOINT — Two games, two shutouts so far this season for Sandpoint as they blanked visiting Bonners Ferry 4-0 Tuesday in non-league boys soccer action at Centennial Field.
Youth dominate Bonners Ferry football team
The weaknesses and strengths for this fall’s Bonners Ferry High School football team are one and the same.
Man quits $100,000 job to walk
Joel Bivens gave up working for walking.
Golf tournament raises $4,386
Law Enforcement and Friends Benefit Golf Tournament organized by the Bonners Ferry Boarder Patrol Station and Mitch Vogel raised $4,386 for the Bonners Ferry Cancer Support Group.

Only one ambulance available
With an engine blown in one ambulance and injectors bad in another, Boundary Volunteer Ambulance is left with one vehicle to serve Boundary County.
Crystal Peal Baker
Crystal Peal Baker, 92, passed away Wednesday, Aug. 20, 2008, at Boundary County Nursing Home in Bonners Ferry.
Planning, zoning meeting example of socialism
Last week’s P & Z meeting was a good example of socialism and how it is destructive of community.

Great things expected from Cross Country
Bonners Ferry High School Cross Country Coach Paul Bonnell expects good things from his runners this fall.
From The Bonners Ferry Herald
May 9, 1913
Delbert Ray Gardner
Delbert Ray Gardner, 79, passed away Friday, Aug. 22, 2008, at his home surrounded by his family.
Mildred Whitney
Former Bonners Ferry resident Mildred Whitney, 89, passed away Nov. 10, 2007.
Thursday, August 14

Smith brothers, another Smith race for thrills
For three Bonners Ferry boys, giving up is not an option, even if it means broken bones.
Bonners gas prices on par with CDA
Anytime Sharon Fitzgerald drives her Chevy Silverado to Coeur d’Alene, she makes sure she needs to fill up the tank.
Ambulance service needs four-wheel drive
I would like to introduce myself. My name is Robert Rosin and I am a part of the support staff for Boundary Volunteer Ambulance Service.
Cancer victim: Chemotherapy gave her acute leukemia
I was treated with chemotherapy for breast cancer in 2006.
County Hispanic population up 12 percent
When Mexican-born Ra-miro Villanueva moved to Boundary County 20 years ago, he was among the area’s token Hispanics.
$3M to $5M development proposed
A local company would like to build a $3 million to $5 million development with retail space and a restaurant on Bonners Ferry’s Main Street.
Direct diplomatic initiative needed for dealing with Iran
Though we followed with interest the recent conference in Geneva, at which both a U.S. State Department official and an official from Iran were in attendance, we were once again disappointed by the lack of any meaningful dialogue.
City council discusses repairing swimming pool
Fixing the Bonners Ferry City Swimming Pool is an issue near and dear to councilman John Lang’s heart.
Anthony 'Tony' Villelli
Longtime La Habra, Calif., and Bonners Ferry resident Anthony 'Tony' Villelli, 89, died early Tuesday, Aug. 5, 2008, at Fullerton's St. Jude Hospital not long after most of his 31 great-grandchildren, 24 grandchildren and six children bid a sad good-bye to their 'Papa.'
Old Timer's Column
From the Bonners Ferry Herald

Thomas Edward DeMers
Thomas Edward DeMers, 79, passed away peacefully in the presence of his family at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, July 31, 2008, at his home in Ponderay.
Spreading the Word
• Bonners Ferry High School Class of 1978 met for its 30th reunion on Aug. 2 and 3 at Northside School Bed and Breakfast.

Nancy Joan Headings Archibald
Nancy Joan Headings Archibald, 60, of Idaho Falls, died Monday, Aug. 4, 2008, at her home after a courageous 9-year battle with cancer.
Developer helps those in need
I am writing this letter in response to a letter that has been touted as the truth about Jimmy Ball and his actions concerning the development of his property.
Bonners Ferry Swish a much appreciated event
Thank you to all the volunteers and businesses that helped make Bonners Ferry Swish such a great success.
Trout hitting in Priest Lake, Kootenai
The Herald has initiated an outdoor column for this week’s issue.

Huckleberries bountiful
Car troubles and dry conditions limited Ross Stapley’s 2007 huckleberry harvest to 1.5 gallons.
Robert Eugene Smith
Robert Eugene Smith, 78, passed away Tuesday, Aug. 5, 2008, at his Moyie Springs area home.

Edla Johnson Burtner
Edla Johnson Burtner, 93, passed away Friday, Aug. 8, 2008, at Boundary Community Hospital in Bonners Ferry.
Friday, August 8
Charges against kiddie porn suspect transferred
Charges against a man, who was caught with 37 compact discs containing sexually explicit images of children, have been dropped in Boundary County and will be re-filed with the U.S. District Court.
Riverside Auto Center undergoes renovation
Riverside Auto Center is undergoing a renovation.

Arthur Marcotte
Arthur Marcotte, 83, passed away Thursday, July 31, 2008, at Boundary Community Hospital in Bonners Ferry.
Bonners Ferry man arrested for attempting to buy ecstasy
A Bonners Ferry man was arrested for an attempted drug-buy on Highway 95, milepost 508.
Month Horoscopes
Eleven new jobs created at Riley Creek
Production up 25 percent
Sexual assault case continues in court
WALLACE - A convicted Bonners Ferry sex offender waived his preliminary hearing in Shoshone County Magistrate Court Wednesday for allegedly sexually abusing a 10-year-old girl.
Spreading the word
Dr. Imre Schmidt of Bonners Ferry was the oldest to swim in Saturday’s 14th Annual Long Bridge Swim in Sandpoint.
Naples man dies after motorcycle crash
A Naples man was killed after being thrown from his motorcycle at 2:30 p.m. Sunday on Highway 95, south of Bonners Ferry.

Selkirk Storage opens near Bonners Ferry
Selkirk Storage has opened at Lions Den Road and Deep Creek Road south of Bonners Ferry.

More than 1,000 attend Swish
Saturday’s business at Bonners Books was typical for a Saturday in the summer.

Hazel Scott
Funeral services for Hazel Rebecca Scott, 88, were held July 26 at First Baptist Church in Bonners Ferry with burial following at Grandview Cemetery.
City residents face 3% property tax increase
The city of Bonners Ferry’s proposed $12.9 million budget calls for the traditional 3-percent property tax increase.
Alonzo named police chief
Bonners Ferry City Council on Tuesday named deputy chief Rick Alonzo as the city’s new police chief.
Soccer registration under way for youth, coaches needed
Registration is under way for Boundary County Parks and Recreation’s fall soccer season for youth 4 to 14 years old.
June 2009 new deadline for needing Passports at Canadian border
Beginning in June 2009, U.S. travelers crossing international borders by land or sea must present a passport or another single document denoting citizenship and identity.

Roger William Hodel
Roger William Hodel, 59, was taken from us on Sunday, Aug. 3, 2008, in a tragic motorcycle accident on Highway 95 south of Bonners Ferry.
Old Timer's Column
From the Bonners Ferry Herald
Maggi takes 1st with low gross
Matt Maggi placed first with a low gross of 38 during Mirror Lake Men’s Association play on July 29.