Thursday, December 8
Who will wear the antlers?
Moose Madness is back and will be hosted by the Bulldogs at Sandpoint High School this year.
Man charged with assault on 9 mo. pregnant girlfriend
Preston Lethrud, 23, of Bonners Ferry is being held in the Boundary County Jail on $500,000 bond for felony aggravated assault of his pregnant girlfriend.

Black belts earned
Through hard work, and perseverance, Pat Rodgers, his son Ben, 15, and Zach Cleave, 15, received their black belts in Taekwondo.

Remembering Dick Kelson
Last December I had the opportunity to meet Dick Kelson, a happy man full of smiles who each year donated a huge Christmas tree to the city of Bonners Ferry.
Paul Bonnell is honored as Community Star 2011
Paul Bonnell is the eighth recipient in Boundary County to receive Panhandle State Bank’s Community Star Award.

BCMS third at wrestling districts
The Boundary County Middle School wrestling team came in third place districts last weekend in Timberlake.

Badgers beat Libby by 15 points
The Bonners Ferry boys varsity Badgers basketball team on Tuesday beat Libby at home with a score of 48-33.