Thursday, June 30

Try this quick and easy recipe for sesame chicken salad
This is an easy, tasty recipe, but can be a messy one with all the sauteing.
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Nearly 180 runners ushered in the first Saturday of summer during the annual Kootenai River Run on Saturday, June 25.

Excellent turnout at Kootenai River Run
Nearly 180 runners ushered in the first Saturday of summer during the annual Kootenai River Run on Saturday, June 25.

Local taxidermist awarded for work at Idaho Taxidermists Association Convention
A local taxidermist was recently awarded for his efforts, winning several prominent awards at the recent Idaho Taxidermists Association’s 2016 Competition and Convention in Boise earlier this month.


Local Couple celebrates 70th
City Pool hours beginning July 3

Agencies brace for wildfires
COEUR d'ALENE — With hot temperatures becoming more common, wildfire season in North Idaho has heated up.
Seen and Heard

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Ethel June Heinemann
Ethel “June” Heinemann passed from this life to the next on Thanksgiving Day 2015. A Memorial Service will be held on July 5, 2016 at 2:00pm in the Bonners Ferry Funeral Home with interment in the Grandview Cemetery, Bonners Ferry, Idaho.

Sarah Lou Hudnall
Sarah Lou Hudnall (60) passed away on June 18, 2016 at the Boundary Community Hospital in Bonners Ferry, Id. Private arrangements to be held.
U of I hosts Forest Insects and Disease Field Day July 15
On Friday, July 15, University of Idaho Extension will be hosting the Forest Insects & Disease Field Day, from 8am to 5pm, starting at the Boundary County Fairgrounds. This one-day field trip will give participants first-hand exposure to a wide range of insects, diseases, and parasitic plants that impair the growth of trees and forests in northern Idaho. Experts will be on hand to help participants identify insect and disease symptoms and discuss practical methods of dealing with them. The course costs $15 and the registration deadline is July 8. Contact UI Extension Office at 267-3235 to register, or download the form and submit it by mail. Registration form is available at On Friday, July 15, University of Idaho Extension will be hosting the Forest Insects & Disease Field Day, from 8am to 5pm, starting at the Boundary County Fairgrounds. This one-day field trip will give participants first-hand exposure to a wide range of insects, diseases, and parasitic plants that impair the growth of trees and forests in northern Idaho. Experts will be on hand to help participants identify insect and disease symptoms and discuss practical methods of dealing with them. The course costs $15 and the registration deadline is July 8.
Joint Celebration of Life services to be held for Christopher Jacob (CJ) Erickson, Robert Lee (Robbie) Gust, III
Christopher Jacob (CJ) Erickson (25) passed away on June 26, 2016 at Kootenai Health Care in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho as a result of an automobile accident. A celebration of life Service will be held on Saturday, July 2, 2016 at the Becker Auditorium of the Bonners Ferry High School at 1:00pm. A private internment to be held.
Big game controlled hunt drawing results online
Hunters who applied for elk, deer, pronghorn, fall turkey and black bear controlled hunts can check online to see whether they were successful in the recent computerized drawing.
Wildfire season has become a misnomer
In the past, warm spring weather touched off the start of the worst wildfires. Now, unfortunately one fire season essentially runs into the next.
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Kip Smith Memorial Ride says goodbye to Lloyd Hughes Park
Cultivate a lifelong fishing buddy – take a kid fishing
For quality time with your family, there’s nothing quite like spending a day fishing together. It’s a great way to instill a love for the outdoors in your kids, inexpensive and fun.
Herald offices closed Monday the 4th
The Bonners Ferry Herald will be closed on Monday, July 4th, 2016.
Best of Boundary County voting begins July 1
July 1 will kick off voting for the Best of Boundary County. Anyone interested in voting for their favorites, please look online for details and categories. Voting this year will be entirely online, and ballots can be found at Please call the Herald at 208-267-5521 with any questions. Have a great holiday weekend!

Pile of Rocks?
What appears to be just a pile of rocks, really isn’t.

Hawkins-Braden Wedding
David and Alicia Braden of Bonners Ferry, ID, would like to
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June 30

Drop your phone in the drink? There may be a solution
With summer in full swing and Boundary County residents gravitating toward the rivers, lakes and swimming pools, it’s inevitable that a cell phone or two will end up in the water.

Earl D. Retford
Earl D. Retford passed away on June 10, 2016 at his home near Sagle, Idaho. There will be a “Celebration of Life” at 7th day Adventist Church at 2235 Pine St., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864 At 3:00pm on Sunday, July 10, 2016. All his family and friends are invited to share their Special memories of Earl at this time.

Boundary Community Hospital rehabilitation department receives award for clinic quality
Boundary Community Hospital’s Rehabilitation Department is proud to announce it has received the FOTO Outcomes Excellence Award for Orthopedic Physical Therapy from Focus On Therapeutic Outcomes, Inc. (FOTO®). The FOTO Outcomes Excellence Award honors a select group of Rehabilitation providers that exceed the national average for Functional (FS) change in FOTO’s database for four consecutive quarterly reporting periods.
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BONNERS FERRY--Thursday, June 23, the case of State of Idaho vs. Skyler Ingraham heard sentencing arguments.

Duane Edward Saunders
Duane Edward Saunders was born September 26th 1961 in Bonners Ferry, Idaho. A descendant of Chief Narcisse Isadore, he was born to Moses Isadore and Irene Ignatius. His family included brothers Richard, Blair and sister Delphine.
Diana Dehlbom Waters Memorial Service
There will be a brief Memorial Service on July 4th at 9:00 a.m. for Diana Dehlbom Waters in Moravia. Her ashes will be placed between Mom, Norma and Dad, Harold Dehlbom in that cemetery.

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4th of July Parade in Eastport at 1 p.m.
Unorganized. Unplanned. All PARADE participants welcome. Line up at 12 noon, come meet your neighbors. Parade starts at 1:00 p.m. Potluck to follow at the Fire Hall behind Good Grief on the Meadow Creek Road. Bring a dish or dessert to pass. Hamburgers and refreshments available. For more information contact Patricia at 267-8681.

Leyden family welcomes baby girl
Eva Charlene Leyden was born on June 11, 2016 to Shereen and Joe Leyden at Bonner General Hospital.

Ingraham sentenced in Barron murder
BONNERS FERRY--Thursday, June 23, the case of State of Idaho vs. Skyler Ingraham heard sentencing arguments.
Mirror Lake Golf Ladies finish 7th week
In the seventh week of golf the Mirror Lake Ladies had invite a guest day. The game of the day was Viva Las Vegas card game.
Rossi family welcomes baby boy
Dean Rossi was born June 17, 2016 at Bonner General Hospital to A. Joyeux and N. Rossi. Dean weighed 7.15 pounds and was 20 inches long.

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FAB Lab receives $600 donation from the Eagles
Legals June 30, 2016
T.S. No. 025120-ID Parcel No.: RP61N01W241803A NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE On 9/29/2016 at 10:00 AM (recognized local time), at the BOUNDARY COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 6452 KOOTENAI ST., BONNERS FERRY, ID 83805, in the County of Boundary, SYDNEY K. LEAVITT, ESQ., a member of the State Bar of Idaho, of Aldridge Pite, LLP successor to Pite Duncan, LLP as a result of the merger of Pite Duncan, LLP into Aldridge Connors, LLP, as trustee, will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, in lawful money of the United States, all payable at the time of sale, the following described real property, situated in the County of Boundary, State of Idaho, and described as follows, to wit: TRACT F WEST END A TRACT OF LAND IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (SE 1/4 NE 1/4) OF SECTION TWENTY-FOUR (24), TOWNSHIP SIXTY-ONE (61) NORTH, RANGE ONE (1) WEST, MORE COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO. The Trustee has no knowledge of a more particular description of the above referenced real property, but for purposes of compliance with Idaho Code Section 60-113, the Trustee has been informed that the address of: 265 OTTER LANE, BONNERS FERRY, ID 83805, is commonly associated with said real property. Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession or encumbrances to satisfy the obligation secured by and pursuant to the power of sale conferred in the Deed of Trust executed by GARRETT T HEATON, as Grantor(s), to FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, as Trustee, for the benefit and security of BANK OF AMERICA, NA, as Beneficiary, dated 12/13/2007, recorded 1/4/2008, as Instrument No. 235870, official records of Boundary County, Idaho. Please note: The above named Grantors are named to comply with Idaho Code Section 45-1506(4)(a); no representation is made that they are, or are not, presently responsible for the obligation. The default for which this sale is to be made is the failure to make monthly payments when due from 7/12/2011 and all subsequent monthly payments thereafter, including installments of principal, interest, impounds, advances, plus any charges lawfully due under the note secured by the aforementioned Deed of Trust, Deed of Trust and as allowed under Idaho Law. The sum owing on the obligation secured by said Deed of Trust as of 5/23/2016 is $300,037.02 including interest, costs, fees, including trustee and/or attorney fees and costs, and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation thereunder or in this sale and to protect the security associated with the Deed of Trust, as authorized in the Note, Deed of Trust or as allowed under Idaho Law. Because interest, late charges, fees, costs and expenses continue to accrue, the total amount due varies from day to day. Hence, if you pay the amount shown above, an adjustment may be necessary after receipt of funds to satisfy the debt. For further information, write the Trustee at 4375 Jutland Drive, Ste. 200, San Diego, CA 92117, or call (866)931-0036 DATED: 5/23/16 SYDNEY K. LEAVITT, ESQ., a member of the State Bar of Idaho, of Aldridge Pite, LLP successor to Pite Duncan, LLP as a result of the merger of Pite Duncan, LLP into Aldridge Connors, LLP BFH Legal 9458 June 9, 16, 23, 30, 2016
Tuesday, June 28

Events for 4th of July
Monday, June 27

Local team racing in Yukon
Sunday, June 26
2 Local Men killed, One injured in crash
POST FALLS--Early Sunday morning, June 26, the vehicle carrying Robert L. Gust, Christopher J. (CJ) Erickson, and Colton Teleford, Moyie Springs, was involved in a single car crash. They were traveling westbound on I90 at an increased rate of speed when the driver, Gust, did not negotiate the curve on the off ramp causing the vehicle to roll into the median and rest on the embankment. Gust succumbed to his injuries at the scene; Erickson was transported but also succumbed to his injuries. Teleford who was wearing a seatbelt, was transported to Kootenai Medical. Our hearts go out to all the family and friends of all these young men.
Thursday, June 23
*BREAKING NEWS* Ingraham sentenced
Ingraham sentenced for the murder of Brent D. Barron.

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Singer/songwriter Andy Sydow to perform at the Pearl Theater June 25
The Pearl Theater presents Andy Sydow Saturday June 25, 2016. A true treasure of Denver’s rapidly growing music scene, Sydow has a charismatic stage presence and is an excellent songwriter. His music dabbles in Americana, swampy Blues slide guitar, Southern Rock, Folk and Singer/Songwriter, all tied together by his heavy New Orleans influence. “I’ve loved music since I was a little kid, but it was seeing those southern New Orleans and Mississippi guys that really changed the game for me. When I saw guys like Henry Butler, Anders Osborne and North Mississippi Allstars, my passion for music was met on an entirely different level.”
Sheriff Log

BFH Volleyball 1st annual Color Blast Run

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June 23
Arrests made in rash of local burglaries
BONNERS FERRY--June 13, in the vicinity of a reported burglary, a BFPD officer that was on patrol noticed three males, with one wearing a red backpack. As he approached the males, two began to run. One of the males, Ethan James Pinson, had an active warrant for his arrest, the other two were juveniles. Since the two males were hiding behind an outbuilding, and suspected to be in possession of a firearm, BFPD ordered them to come out at gunpoint.

Badger Youth Basketball Camp returns to Bonners
School is officially out for the summer, but it went a little longer for 123 students entering grades 3-8 last week.

University of Idaho Field Day and Farm Tour June 30
Interested in learning which wheat and barley varieties do best in Boundary County?
Telephone scammers targeting Idaho residents
BOISE – The United States Attorney’s Office and the United States Marshals Service are advising Idaho residents to be aware of telephone calls threatening individuals of a pending arrest warrant. Calls have been reported in the Boise, Pocatello and Twin Falls area.

Local home destroyed by fire, fund account set
BONNERS FERRY-- Monday, June 20th, Kristie Cooper’s home in the Kaniksu Trailer Park was devastated by a fire. The home was a complete loss including the loss of two of her dogs.

The hum of hummingbirds a welcome sound in N. Idaho
For the past 15 years that my wife and I have lived in North Idaho we have enjoyed the wildlife of Boundary County including the migration of many birds. One of our favorite migrating bird is the hummingbird. Last May 1, we heard the welcoming humming helicopter sound of small wings by our west kitchen window. Fortunately the feeder was full and the hummingbird became busy eating the nectar. We don’t know if it was one of the same hummingbirds that had been to our property last year, but we would like to think so. Some studies and some scientist believe many hummingbirds return season after season to the same nesting and feeding area.
Seen and Heard
Come support
May unemployment rate unchanged at 3.7 percent
Idaho’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate held at 3.7 percent in May, unchanged from April.
ICF awards more than $85,000 to Bonner and Boundary County nonprofits
Three funds in the Idaho Community Foundation – the North Idaho Action Fund, the Bonner County Endowment Fund for Human Rights and the Bonner County Fund for Arts Enhancement – have awarded $85,350 to local nonprofits.
Do you own a boat, canoe, kayak, or raft? Get on board with the Idaho Invasive Species sticker for watercraft
The Boundary Soil Conservation District wants to remind you that under the Invasive Species Law, any motorized or sail powered watercraft not registered in Idaho and any non-motorized vessel (canoe, kayak, raft, drift boat, etc.) need to have an IISF sticker. Inflatable, non-motorized vessels less than 10 feet in length are exempt from this requirement. Vessels that have a valid Idaho registration do not need an additional invasive species sticker.

2015 Drought producing bark beetle issues with Panhandle conifers
University of Idaho Extension, Idaho Department of Lands, and U.S. Forest Service offices in our region are currently getting inundated by calls about dead and dying conifers. Most of these trees are being killed by bark beetles, but the real culprit is stress from last summer’s drought and overstocking. If dry conditions continue this summer and fall, the number of trees killed by bark beetles could increase.
Karen Frederickson Corbeil graveside services
Karen Frederickson Corbeil. Graveside Services 2 p.m. June 24, 2016 Grandview Cemetery in Bonners Ferry, ID.

Protecting free speech and reining in IRS abuse
Dear Friends,
New laser therapy available at Moore Chiropractic
BONNERS FERRY--Moore Chiropractic introduces a new therapy to practice. Beginning on Tuesday, the 14th of June, deep tissue laser therapy will be available. Deep tissue laser therapy, LightForce® EX therapy laser by LiteCure Medical initiates a photochemical response to damaged tissue; this activates healing on a cellular level by facilitating cells to produce energy or ATP.
Crapo, Risch statements on Senate gun proposals
Crapo, Risch talk Senate gun proposals
Fish and Game seeks information about killing of juvenile wolves
Idaho Fish and Game is asking for the public’s help in determining who is responsible for removing and killing young wolves from a den in northern Idaho.

Woman crashes through Troy, MT office of local chiropractor
TROY, MT--Daniel Moore, D.C. is trying to find humor what would have been a potentially life changing event. Tuesdays and Thursdays, are his days of the week to practice in Troy, MT. Last Thursday, he decided to take a rare day off, and travel with son Colton to a trap and skeet shoot in Bozeman, MT. At approximately 3 p.m., a female drove through the office at Moore’s Troy location. Moore made light of the event, “we are trying a new angle on thru chiropractic.”
Take hunter education now to avoid the rush
Hunter education is required for anyone born on or after January 1, 1975 who wants to purchase an Idaho hunting license.

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Carolann Foote
Carolann Foote went to be with the Lord on June 2, 2016 at the age of 76. Graveside services will be held at 2:00pm (Mountain Standard Time) at Milner lake Cemetery in Troy, Montana
Legals June 23, 2016
T.S. No. 025120-ID Parcel No.: RP61N01W241803A NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE On 9/29/2016 at 10:00 AM (recognized local time), at the BOUNDARY COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 6452 KOOTENAI ST., BONNERS FERRY, ID 83805, in the County of Boundary, SYDNEY K. LEAVITT, ESQ., a member of the State Bar of Idaho, of Aldridge Pite, LLP successor to Pite Duncan, LLP as a result of the merger of Pite Duncan, LLP into Aldridge Connors, LLP, as trustee, will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, in lawful money of the United States, all payable at the time of sale, the following described real property, situated in the County of Boundary, State of Idaho, and described as follows, to wit: TRACT F WEST END A TRACT OF LAND IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (SE 1/4 NE 1/4) OF SECTION TWENTY-FOUR (24), TOWNSHIP SIXTY-ONE (61) NORTH, RANGE ONE (1) WEST, MORE COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO. The Trustee has no knowledge of a more particular description of the above referenced real property, but for purposes of compliance with Idaho Code Section 60-113, the Trustee has been informed that the address of: 265 OTTER LANE, BONNERS FERRY, ID 83805, is commonly associated with said real property. Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession or encumbrances to satisfy the obligation secured by and pursuant to the power of sale conferred in the Deed of Trust executed by GARRETT T HEATON, as Grantor(s), to FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, as Trustee, for the benefit and security of BANK OF AMERICA, NA, as Beneficiary, dated 12/13/2007, recorded 1/4/2008, as Instrument No. 235870, official records of Boundary County, Idaho. Please note: The above named Grantors are named to comply with Idaho Code Section 45-1506(4)(a); no representation is made that they are, or are not, presently responsible for the obligation. The default for which this sale is to be made is the failure to make monthly payments when due from 7/12/2011 and all subsequent monthly payments thereafter, including installments of principal, interest, impounds, advances, plus any charges lawfully due under the note secured by the aforementioned Deed of Trust, Deed of Trust and as allowed under Idaho Law. The sum owing on the obligation secured by said Deed of Trust as of 5/23/2016 is $300,037.02 including interest, costs, fees, including trustee and/or attorney fees and costs, and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation thereunder or in this sale and to protect the security associated with the Deed of Trust, as authorized in the Note, Deed of Trust or as allowed under Idaho Law. Because interest, late charges, fees, costs and expenses continue to accrue, the total amount due varies from day to day. Hence, if you pay the amount shown above, an adjustment may be necessary after receipt of funds to satisfy the debt. For further information, write the Trustee at 4375 Jutland Drive, Ste. 200, San Diego, CA 92117, or call (866)931-0036 DATED: 5/23/16 SYDNEY K. LEAVITT, ESQ., a member of the State Bar of Idaho, of Aldridge Pite, LLP successor to Pite Duncan, LLP as a result of the merger of Pite Duncan, LLP into Aldridge Connors, LLP BFH Legal 9458 June 9, 16, 23, 30, 2016
Thursday, June 16

Boundary County Fire District to host Wildfire Preparedness Dinner
As the wildfire season in northern Idaho approaches, the South Boundary Fire District will be holding a Wildfire Preparedness Dinner Saturday, June 18 at Naples School.

Cabinet making at BFHS
Students at Bonners Ferry High School finished up their table projects for the semester. The students pictured are enrolled in Ms. Garner’s Cabinet Making and Millwork 2 Class. This is a junior level class where the students learn key cabinet making and furniture construction skills. This semester, students built small night stands for their table projects. They used Rustic Hard Maple and various other types of wood for this project. In completion of this project, students learned how to layout and cut various joints. These joints consisted of dovetails, mortise and tenons, floating mortise and tenons, and other various joints. Students used planers, jointers, table saws, and other various machines and hand tools to complete their projects. Each table contains a drawer, taper legs, and turned knobs. Some students took their projects even further and used a computerized router to cut designs into their tops.

Anglers willing to make trip will find action at Dworshak
Summer is almost here and a lot of folks have been taking advantage of the warm, sunny days by spending a day fishing out on the lake. Dworshak Reservoir is one of the most popular fisheries in the Clearwater Region and anglers have been busy chasing “bluebacks,” “smallies,” or whatever else may bite. Here’s the lowdown on the kokanee this year and how the fishery is shaping up.
Sheriff Log
Youth hunting licensing to be made easier for families
Fish and Game continues to propose steps to simplify youth licensing and hunting, to make it easier for families and youth to understand youth hunting opportunities and eligibility requirements. Commission-approved seasons include youth general and controlled hunts for pheasants, turkeys, and waterfowl. Currently, age and mentoring eligibility requirements are inconsistent with resident Junior Hunting License and nonresident Junior Mentored Hunting License requirements and are inconsistent across species.

Hall wins University Men's Freestyle National Championships
Adam Hall had a goal to make an Olympic or World wrestling team, and for ten years, that dream has been foremost in his mind. Yet at the end of each collegiate season, Hall could not compete in freestyle due to injuries. After taking fifth at both the 2012 and 2016 Olympic Team Trials, he received one more chance. Having been a college student this past year (graduate school), not turning 28 years old before January 1, and being injury-free, Hall found himself eligible to compete in the University Men’s Freestyle National Championships in Akron, Ohio. Wrestling at 70 kg (154 lb.), his plan was to dominate and win the tournament. Wrestling in a field of 93 competitors, Hall quickly ended each match by tech fall, outscoring his opponents 74-1, including Matt Leshinger (NYC RTC), 11-0, Joe Galasso (Cornell University), 10-0, Alfred Bannister (Terrapin WC), 12-1, and Logan Ryan (University of Iowa), 10-0.

Rod Benders Jamboree brings cars from far and wide
It was a great day for vintage car enthusiasts two Saturdays ago, as cars from all over the region lined downtown Main Street for the Rod Benders’ Borders 3 Jamboree.

County participates in disaster scenario
On Thursday, June 9, a 9.0 magnitude earthquake hit the Cascadia fault off the coast of Oregon and Washington, causing a tsunami with waves reaching 40 feet tall.
Celebrating Idaho's rich Basque heritage
Basque traditions, art and history form an integral part of our state’s heritage. Basque migrants first brought their work ethic to Idaho over a century ago. Today, Idaho bears the proud mark of that stalwart tradition from the high desert ranges to the halls of the Statehouse. Visitors to our nation’s capital this summer can learn more about and celebrate this central part of Idaho’s culture at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival. I am honored to serve as an honorary co-host of the Basque contribution to the festival exploring the community’s unique language and distinct cultural heritage.
Traveling back in time: This date in Bonners Ferry history
History for June 16th, 2016
Duane Edward Saunders
Duane Edward Saunders (54) passed away on Sunday, June 12, 2016 at the Community Hospital , in Bonners Ferry, Idaho. A wake will be held on Wednesday, June 15, 2016 starting at 5:00pm at the Kootenai Tribal Hall.

The Friends of Kootenai National Wildlife is hosting two events at the Refuge on Saturday, June 18.
What: Birds of Prey Northwest - Meet Live Raptors
Randy Fort celebration of life
A Celebration of Life for Randy Fort will be held Saturday, June 18th, 2016, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. at the Great NW Event Center.
Happy Father's Day from the Herald
What is a Dad?

St. Ann's fire still under investigation with FBI
BONNERS FERRY--The arson that destroyed St. Ann's Catholic Church early morning on April 20th is still currently under investigation with the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI).

Craving an avocado dish? Try this recipe for avocado soup with shrimp
When I found this recipe in a book I was a little apprehensive about trying it. I’d never heard of using avocado in a soup. However, you never know until you try it. It makes a nice creamy soup. I was pleased with the results and though this recipe uses shrimp I think it would be good with scallops or any other cooked fish.
Free ball games and instruction announced for local youngsters
Teamswin fastpitch and baseball for Bonners Ferry and Boundary County Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday (Wednesday is reserved for hiking).
Whitetails exhibiting aggressive behavior likely have fawns nearby
All of us have had the experience of seeing a deer in our yards when we have walked out of the house or pulled into the driveway. A deer will then typically do one of two things. It may raise its white, tail flag and run away; or, it may watch us long enough to conclude that we are not a threat and go back to feeding on our shrubs, flowers, grass or garden. Unless the deer is feeding in our vegetable garden or in flowerbeds that we have worked hard to create, we don’t have reason for concern.

Former Badger graduates from West Point
Reid James Boorman graduated from United States Military Academy at West Point on May 21, 2016 and commissioned as an officer into the United States Army.

Another school year in the books for BCMS
Promotion ceremony went very smooth this year. It was quick and the temperature was favorable. Thanks to all those who helped create this event to celebrate the passing of our 8th grade students. By the way, did you know that every 8th grade student was promoted this year? Not one will be required to attend summer school or repeat the grade. Way to go students!

New happenings at Trinity Lutheran Church after a year of change
There has been a year of changes at Trinity Lutheran, what with our new pastor and growing community. Pastor Andy Hinderlie arrived from Africa via South Dakota in December of 2014, assuming his new role on January 4th, 2015. Andy’s wife, Barbara, and their two sons were in attendance as he started his service in leadership of Trinity Lutheran Church. The Hinderlies came to Bonners Ferry from South Dakota where they had landed after 17 years of service in Central and East Africa and the congregation has heard several exciting excerpts from Andy’s African experience, doubtlessly there will be more.
Bonners Ferry High School Class of 1966 – 50 year Reunion August 19 & 20th, 2016
Call all classmates! Believe it or not, it has been 50 years since we left the halls of Bonners Ferry High School! Now, that is something to celebrate! There will be a kick-off gathering at 4:30 pm on Friday, August 19th, at the home of Linda and Bob Case on the Northside. Turn left toward the hospital at the north end of the bridge and follow the signs. Bring only your smiles and your memories. We have a lot of catching up to do!

Hospital Auxiliary Health Fair raffle winners
Drawings for the Hospital Auxiliary Health Fair Raffle took place May 14th during all the activities of the fair at the hospital.
The Idaho National Guard’s press release was inaccurate regarding the name of the local football field in Bonners Ferry. It’s named after 1st Sgt. Kenneth Mendenhall, an Idaho Army National Guard NCO assigned to the Bonner’s Ferry armory from 1961-1981.
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Hall/Young Engagement

Fox squirrels enjoying summer on the Kootenai River
Last week while walking beside a pond in a forested area by the Kootenai River, I came across a Fox squirrel busily eating seeds from a pine cone. He was so engaged dismantling the pine cone he barely took note of me. But after a few minutes he gathered his pine cone and scurried off to the safety of the forest and his favorite tree. The squirrel gave me a good scolding for disturbing him as he made his exit.
No headline
June 16

2015-2016 school year a positive one for Boundary County School District
On June 4, I had the distinct honor to shake the hands of 86 successful young men and women. The sparkle in their eyes made me feel both young and old at the same time. The graduation ceremony was well attended, fun and hot. All speakers hit the mark with memorable advice and positive counsel for a bright future. I was impressed. I look forward to seeing my former students through this good and improving educational system in Boundary County. Badger Nation is on the RISE!

Summer Fun
BOUNDARY COUNTY--BCSO responded to a rollover OHV accident yesterday, June 13 involving unlicensed juveniles. With the warm weather upon us, often safety goes by the wayside.
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Thursday, June 9

Local Cancer Donation
Bonners Ferry Women's Cancer Support and Education Receives Donation

BCMS Archery
For the Herald

Kerttu named Certified Employee of the Month
Brenda Kerttu is May’s Certified Employee of the Month! Brenda teaches 7th grade science and agricultural science at Boundary County Middle School and she brings a hands on and active approach to the classroom. She is an invaluable team member and helps support both her grade level team and also the science department as a whole. Brenda actively engages in school wide development and growth and assists in any area she can.
Safe Driving Reminders
BONNERS FERRY - School is coming to a closure and soon there will be an increase in the traffic downtown, due to families on vacation.
Convention of Idaho State Chapter PEO
Convention of Idaho State Chapter PEO

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Mt. Hall Elementary names it’s Students of the Month
No headline
June 9

KC Pest and Weed Control
BONNERS FERRY-KC Pest and Weed Control, owned by Kyle Cady who has been a certified sprayer since 2001. The busy season is now – spring to fall. Cady’s business is not only weed, but also pests; stink bugs and ants to general weeds and noxious weeds. Cady utilizes a broad leaf herbicide that is selective to only the problem areas, and not grass. It allows for the competition for the grass to be destroyed. Knapweed for instance, is an area that Cady deals with in area pastures.

BCMS Track

Graduates hear...the beard is magic.
Sheriff Log
Raymond E. Rasmussen, Sr.
Raymond E. Rasmussen, Sr. (84) passed away Friday, May 27th, 2016. A Memorial Service will be held Saturday, June 18th, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. at the Seventh Day Adventist Church located 6 miles N. of Bonners Ferry on Hwy 95.

BCSD 101 Retirees
A thank you to Jeffersonian Democrats

Brush Fire

Ospreys return to area river banks
Recently I was traveling west of the Boundary County fair-grounds when a bird attracted my attention, not only because of its size but the fact he was carrying a tree branch nearly three feet long and was having a time negotiating with the branch in flight. Because of the rare sight I slowed my vehicle and watch him fly west along the Kootenai River and land on a pole holding a huge nest on top. He began to weave the dried tree branch, into the nest until secured, although it was too long the branch still hangs distinctly to one side.

National Guard building to close in near future
BONNERS FERRY--During the June 7 Bonners Ferry City Council Meeting, members of the Idaho National Guard were in attendance to discuss the National Guard building in Bonners Ferry. Col. Thomas Rasmussen and Brig. Gen. John Goodale along with other uniformed personnel from 145th Support Battalion out of Post Falls were among those chosen to speak.

Robinson/Linnell wedding
Verna Alice Robinson and Robert Justin Linnell are happy to announce their upcoming wedding on July 16, 2016 at 3:30 p.m. in Moyie Springs, Idaho.
National Fishing Week is June 4-June 11
The outstanding weather we have been experiencing the past couple of weeks makes it easy to understand why we have chosen to live in the great Pacific Northwest. Blue skies, warm sunny days and cool evenings beckon us into the outdoors in the spring. This is especially true if the great fishing opportunities we have are part of your motivation to live here.
BONNERS FERRY--Correction for the story that ran on March 3, 2016, in regards to Skylar Ingraham for felony Murder I. According to Stacey Ingraham, the victim, Mr. Barron, is not an uncle or blood relative to the defendant as was previously reported.
Idaho Youth Summit June 14-17
COEUR D’ALENE – Two-hundred millennial’s take a break from the internet for a week to sleep in bunk beds and figure out how to be themselves at the Idaho Youth Summit.
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Ecco Nims
Ecco Nims (84) passed away Saturday, May 28th, 2016 in Stanwood, WA. Services are pending at this time.

Margaret Evelyn Haynes Klein
Our loving mother left this world to re-unite with her husband and love of her life Franklin on June 4th, 2016 at the Libby Care Center in Libby, Montana. Margaret Evelyn Haynes Klein, 87, orn June 17, 1928 to John and Florence Haynes on a ranch in Eads, CO. She was the eldest of 6 siblings; Jack, Audrey, Don, Dean, and Larry. We’ve heard she was popular with the boys, but one special guy caught her eye and she married Franklin Paul Klein on Sept. 11th, 1948. They set up housekeeping and started their family.
(COEUR D’ALENE, ID- June 2, 2016) The award-winning fair located in Coeur d’Alene announced today its name change to the North Idaho State Fair.

Roy Everett Day
Roy Everett Day, our beloved Husband, Father, Grandfather, Great-Grandfather and Great-Great-Grandfather, , went to the arms of his loving Holy Father on June 3, 2016, one day before celebrating his 67th Wedding Anniversary. He passed peacefully at home with family at his side. Free from wheelchair and scooter, nausea and pain, and now stands tall – can walk, talk, dance and sing with the angels. A private service to be held at Grandview Cemetery. Memorial Service to be held on Saturday, June 11th at the Trinity Lutheran Church, Bonners Ferry, Idaho at 1:00 p.m.
Legals June 9, 2016
30-16 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE At 10:00 o'clock A.M. (recognized local time) on September 14, 2016, on the Front Steps of the Boundary County Courthouse, located at, 6452 Kootenai Street, Bonners Ferry, Idaho, First American Title Company, Inc. as Trustee, will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, in lawful money of the United States, all payable at the time of sale, the following described real property, situated in BOUNDARY County, Idaho, and described as follows, to-wit: Lots 1 and 2 of Eastport Industries, Inc. Subdivision as shown by the Recorded Plat in Book 2 of Plats, Page 69, recorded with Boundary County, Idaho. Information concerning the foreclosure action may be obtained from the Trustee, whose telephone number is (208) 785-2515. According to the Trustee's records, the street address of 121 and 127 Ironhorse Rd., Eastport, Idaho 83826 is sometimes associated with said property. Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty regarding title, possession, or encumbrances to satisfy the obligations secured by and pursuant to the power of sale conferred in the Deed of Trust Including Due-on-Sale Rider executed by, Lani Christiansen, an unmarried woman as Grantor(s), First American Title Company, Inc., as Trustee, for the benefit and security of, Eastport Industries, Inc., as Beneficiary; said Deed of Trust Including Due-on-Sale Rider was recorded December 13, 2005 as BOUNDARY County Recorder's Instrument No. 224227. The default for which this sale is to be made is as follows: 1) Failure to make the monthly payment in the amount of $255.85 plus a $4.00 monthly escrow fee for a total monthly payment of $259.85 due for the 25th day of January 2015 and a like sum of $259.85 due for the 25th day of each and every month thereafter. 2) Failure to comply with paragraph A4 of said Deed of Trust Including Due-on-Sale Rider, to pay, at least ten days before delinquency, all taxes and assessments affecting said property, when due. Specifically, the first 1/2 of the 2015 taxes are delinquent. The above Grantor(s) are named to comply with Section 45-1506(4)(a), Idaho Code. No representation is made that they are, or are not, presently responsible for this obligation. As of April 26, 2016 there is due and owing on the loan an unpaid principal balance of $22,701.89, accrued interest in the amount of $1,928.73 and late fees in the amount of $191.85 for a total amount due of $24,822.47. Interest continues to accrue on the Note at the rate of 7% per annum with a per diem rate of $4.35 after April 26, 2016. All delinquencies are now due together with any late charges, advances to protect the security, and fees and costs associated with this foreclosure. The Beneficiary elects to sell or cause said property to be sold to satisfy said obligation. DATED May 11, 2016 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY, INC. By: /s/ Kaitlin Ann Gotch, Trust Officer BFH Legal 9454 May 26, 2016 June 2, 9, 16, 2016
Friday, June 3

BFHS 2016 Graduation Ceremony
Thursday, June 2

2016 Senior Walk
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Encourage kids to learn during the summer months
Friends of the Restorium
Carol Pomeroy, soon-to-be- Restorium resident, and Carol Lucero, Kaniksu Health Services Behavioral Health Supervisor, were the lucky winners of the Friends of the Restorium annual Spring raffle held at Akins Harvest Foods in May.
Try northern pike fishing in northern Idaho's lakes
The Panhandle offers a unique fishing opportunity for northern pike not found elsewhere in Idaho, which anglers can enjoy while at the same time keeping the fish’s population in check which is a good thing for other species.

Spring in Yellowstone is a joy to behold
This year our spring vacation took my wife and I to the east entrance of Yellowstone, 53 miles west of Cody Wyoming to one of the most impressive national parks in the United States. After entering the east gate and traveling the 27 miles to Fishing Bridge we were impressed with the vast beauty of the park and the immenseness of Lake Yellowstone. The park has over 40 major waterfalls, approximately 300 active geysers and about 10,000 thermal features. The Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone is 1,500 to 4,000 feet wide and 1500 feet deep.
2nd Harvest Food Distribution
The second 2nd Harvest food distribution for this year will be held Wednesday June 15 from 11-1pm in
FEMA to conduct large-scale exercise for earthquake preparation
BOISE - Emergency management officials in Idaho will take part in a large-scale exercise with Washington and Oregon and FEMA Region 10, June 7-10. The exercise will test state and county preparedness measures for a massive earthquake that could devastate large areas along the West Coast. The exercise scenario is meant to simulate the catastrophic impacts of a Cascadia Subduction Zone magnitude 9.0 earthquake and tsunami.
Registrations due June 8 for forestry shortcourse in Sandpoint
Many Idaho forest landowners desire a better understanding of how forests grow and how they can better manage their forest property to meet their goals. Furthermore, forest landowners are often required to demonstrate planned, active forest management to qualify for lower forestry property tax rates and cost-share assistance for management activities such as thinning.
Sheriff Log
Calling for county payments extension
The federal government is responsible for the impact of federal land ownership on local communities, and it must meet this responsibility within its budget. A bipartisan group of 33 fellow senators, including Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho), recently joined me in calling for the reauthorization of critical payments to rural counties that help ensure this responsibility is met.

Adam Hall Takes 5th at 2016 Olympic Team Trials
Adam Hall Takes 5th at 2016 Olympic Team Trials
Summerfield named Classified Employee of the Month
Ms. Nati Summerfield has been supporting and teaching students in Boundary School District for the past 3 years as a classified employee. She plays a huge role in the Life Skills classroom working with students and staff alike.
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June 2

Local FFA and 4-H attend livestock show in Spokane
Seven 4-H and FFA youth travelled to Spokane the first week of May to make Boundary County proud at the 81st Annual Jr. Livestock Show of Spokane. All of the kids made an excellent showing making it to the final rounds of Showmanship and Quality with their prospect steers and heifers. Dillon Mai went on to be the Junior Beef Grand Champion Showman and Blake Rice was right with him at Reserve Grand Champion Junior Showman. Each member of the group showed their fair prospect steer and/or breeding project heifers and one sold a market steer at the Jr. Livestock Sale held on May 8.
BCMS Track
By Travis Hinthorn
BFHS Senior Tea
THURSDAY-The Convention of Idaho State Chapter PEO is having their annual Senior Tea today for the graduating seniors and their family. It is being held at the Bonners Ferry High School Commons at 4:15pm. All 2016 Seniors and their are welcome to come.

Revegetation Status Update for the Kootenai River Habitat Restoration Program
The first year of construction for the Bonners Ferry Islands restoration project was completed in 2015 and included revegetation at two constructed islands, and on the north bank of the Kootenai River as part of a larger scale restoration program to help native fish, provide habitat and increase the food web. Revegetation included planting native trees and shrubs, planting live willow cuttings, seeding, and installing a large amount of dead brush to protect live plants from deer and other wildlife.
Spokane Jr. Livestock Show
For the Herald

Schuman to move forward with write-in campaign
After a positive turnout at a recent meeting to discuss his options, Sheriff’s candidate David Schuman has decided to move forward with a write-in campaign to compete with Dave Kramer in the general election in November.
Time to take the family fishing
Looking for a fun family-friendly activity close to home? Try fishing.

Need a quick energy fix on that long hike? Try this recipe for Sesame Seed Squares
Here is a recipe for a peanut butter/sesame seed bar that is easy to make and great to take on a hike. I brought it to a potluck the other day and it was a great hit. I told everyone to check the newspaper for the recipe.

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Ted Reynolds, CAA, receives NIAAA State Award of Merit
Indianapolis, IN (April 7, 2016) – Ted Reynolds, CAA, Middleton High School, Middleton, Idaho, received the 2016 NIAAA State Award of Merit during the Idaho
'Long Live Idaho' campaign promotes healthy eating and active lifestyles
CALDWELL – The Healthy Eating, Active Living (HEAL) Idaho partners, powered by the University of Idaho’s Eat Smart Idaho program, have launched a statewide campaign aimed at inspiring Idahoans to eat healthier, lead more active lives, and help their children do the same.

Celebrate National Trails Day with the Fourth Annual Bay Trail Fun Run
SANDPOINT – It’s time to lace up those running shoes and hit the trail — the Pend d’Oreille Bay Trail — for the fourth annual Bay Trail Fun Run.
Mirror Lake Ladies Golf
In the third week of golf the Mirror Lake Ladies Golf had seven players turnout for the Tuesday evening play where the game of the day was low gross score. Gerry Ann Howlett was the winner with a score of 46. On Wednesday morning the game of the day winner was Therese Helmer with a low gross score of 49 and Maureen Blackmore coming in second with a low gross score of 56. Maureen Blackmore also had low net score of the day with a score of 34 and least number of putts with 16.

Munson/Johnson wedding
Gabrielle (Gabby) Munson and Jeremiah Johnson were married on March 12, 2016 at the Boise, Idaho LDS Temple. Gabby is the daughter of Ken and Tammie Goggia and Bill Munson. She is a 2014 Bonners Ferry High School graduate and is currently attending college at the University of Idaho studying Agriculture Education. Jeremiah, the son of Brad and Tina Johnson, is a 2012 graduate from Payette High School. Jeremiah is studying Rangeland and Ranch Management at U of I and plans to graduate in December 2016. A reception was held in their honor on March 19th at the Bonners Ferry LDS church. The young couple is currently residing in Moscow, Idaho.

Rod Benders gearing up for June 4th Jamboree
If you are a vintage car buff who can’t wait to show off the Model-T or the classic Edsel you’ve been scraping your knuckles on in the garage during the winter months, you’ve got good reason to rejoice. The Bonners Ferry Rod Benders 17th annual Borders 3 Jamboree is almost upon us. Set for the first Saturday in June, this will be on Main street and will have the feelings of a giant Block Party with vintage car owners displaying their rides of cars, pickups and roadsters.
Big game controlled hunt deadline approaching
The application period for this fall’s deer, elk, pronghorn, black bear, and turkey controlled hunts goes through Sunday, June 5.

New happenings at Trinity Lutheran Church
There has been a year of changes at Trinity Lutheran, what with our new pastor and growing community. Pastor Andy Hinderlie arrived from Africa via South Dakota in December of 2014, assuming his new role on January 4th, 2015. Andy’s wife, Barbara, and their two sons were in attendance as he started his service in leadership of Trinity Lutheran Church. The Hinderlies came to Bonners Ferry from South Dakota where they had landed after 17 years of service in Central and East Africa and the congregation has heard several exciting excerpts from Andy’s African experience, doubtlessly there will be more.

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Legals June 2, 2016
NOTICE OF HEARING ON NAME CHANGE (Minors) IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BOUNDARY IN RE: Samira Lynn Rucker Logan James Rucker Legal names of children A Petition to change the name of (1) Samira Rucker, and the name of (2) Logan Rucker, all minors, now residing in the City of Bonners Ferry, State of Idaho, has been filed in the District Court in Boundary County, Idaho. The names will change to (1) Samira Lynn Stebbins McClelland, (2) Logan James Stebbins McClelland. The reason for the change in names is: Childrens preference, absent biological father, domestic violence. It is to protect the children from the potential harm of being associated with the name Rucker the kids are discriminated against because of their last name. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 9:30 o'clock a.m. on 6-7-16 at the Boundary County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name changes. Date: 5-2-16 CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By: Teri Navarro Deputy Clerk BFH Legal 9446 May 12, 19, 26, 2016 June 2, 2016