Thursday, November 24
Legals November 24, 2016
SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION ON COMPLAINT FOR JUDICIAL FORECLOSURE AND DECLARATORY RELIEF Case No. CV-2016- 282 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BOUNDARY WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., Plaintiff, v. CHRISTI K. FINLEY aka CHRISTI FINLEY; THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND DEVISEES OF PHILLIP E. FINLEY, JR. aka PHILLIP FINLEY; HORIZON CREDIT UNION; UPF INC.; STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE AND TAXATION; STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF LABOR; AND DOES 1 THROUGH 20, INCLUSIVE, including all parties with an interest in and/or residing in real property commonly known as, 1749 Roosevelt Rd, Moyie Springs, ID 83845, and legally described as: LOT 6, MCCLURE SUBDIVISION, LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 62 NORTH, RANGE 2 EAST, BOISE MERIDIAN, RECORDED JUNE 13, 1979, IN BOOK 2 OF PLATS AT PAGE 18A, RECORDS OF BOUNDARY COUNTY, IDAHO. Defendants. TO: DEFENDANTS THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND DEVISEES OF PHILLIP E. FINLEY, JR. aka PHILLIP FINLEY and DOES 1 through 20, inclusive, Including all Unknown Individuals With An Interest In Real Property commonly known as 1749 Roosevelt Rd, Moyie Springs, ID 83845: You have been sued by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., the Plaintiff, in the District Court in and for the County of Boundary, Idaho, Case No. CV-2016- 282. The nature of the claim against you is an action for declaratory relief and judicial foreclosure of the real property currently known as 1749 Roosevelt Rd, Moyie Springs, ID 83845 and legally described as: LOT 6, MCCLURE SUBDIVISION, LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 62 NORTH, RANGE 2 EAST, BOISE MERIDIAN, RECORDED JUNE 13, 1979, IN BOOK 2 OF PLATS AT PAGE 18A, RECORDS OF BOUNDARY COUNTY, IDAHO Any time after 20 days following the last publication of this summons, the court may enter a judgment against you without further notice, unless prior to that time you have filed a written response in the proper form, including the Case Number and paid any required filing fee to the Clerk of the Court at 6452 Kootenai Street, P.O. Box 419, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805 (208)267-2242, and serve a copy of your response on the Plaintiff's attorney, Elisa S. Magnuson, at ALDRIDGE PITE, LLP, 13125 W. Persimmon Lane, Ste. 150, Boise, ID 83713. A copy of the Summons and Complaint can be obtained by contacting either the Clerk of the Court or the attorney for Plaintiff. If you wish for legal assistance, you should immediately retain an attorney to advise you in this matter. Dated this 8th day of September, 2016. GLENDA POSTON CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By: Jamie Wilson DEPUTY BFH Legal 9576 November 24, 2016 December 1, 8, 15, 2016

A history of Boulder City continued: Schnatterly's legacy
The story behind the Idaho Gold and Ruby Mine can be seen as a magnificent failure, or it can be seen as a groundbreaking triumph against all odds. In a sense, it is both. From a pragmatic, economical perspective, it was a complete flop. But from an idealistic viewpoint, it’s difficult not to admire the project, as well as the man who made it all happen: the enigmatic J.M. Schnatterly.

Rest in peace
This week, we bring you another picture from downtown. This building is gone, but is not forgotten.
Tuesday's Trouble finishes week 10
Melayne Stevens got high scratch game 167 and second high scratch series 440.
Wednesday, November 23
Heroes among us
For the past fourteen years, I have had the honor of recognizing some of the remarkable service of Idahoans with the Spirit of Freedom: Idaho Veterans Service Award. This award is presented in two categories: veterans and volunteers who assist veterans. Many of these Idahoans participated in formidable world events and returned home, raised families, built up our communities and continued to serve in many capacities assisting fellow Idahoans, including veterans and their families. Their examples of selfless service are beyond worthy of recognition and are a tip of the iceberg of the many outstanding Americans who make Idaho home.
Festival of Trees cancelled
“When is the Festival of Trees this year?” is a question heard around Bonners Ferry recently.

Memoirs of a former CIA spy
Former Central Intelligence Agency spy, Leonard LeSchack, known among certain circles as the American James Bond, is a retired U.S. Navy captain who recently penned his memoirs in a two-volume set entitled “He Heard a Different Drummer.”
BFHS girls basketball team drops their first game of the season
The Bonners Ferry High School girls varsity basketball team lost their first game of the season to St. Maries on Thursday, Nov. 17. The final score was 34-66.
Registrations for forestry class due Nov. 29
Good decisions require good information on a forest; whether determining how much to thin or what species, preparing for a timber sale, or managing for other values. Some forest owners like to make these decisions intuitively, but careful measurements can often illuminate misconceptions about a forest developed from casual observations.

In honor of this bird's least favorite holiday, let's talk about turkeys
Here’s something to ponder as Thanksgiving approaches: wild turkeys are found across Idaho, and there’s even an open hunting season on them right now up in the North Idaho Panhandle. But they’re not native to the state. Turkeys were actually introduced by Idaho Fish & Game in 1961.
Caring for wild game meat in warm weather
Most of us have welcomed the unusually warm November weather in northern Idaho.
History for November 24th, 2016 100 Year The body of Joe Dunn, the man who died at Kingsgate last Friday morning while trying to enter a refrigerator car was buried in the Bonners Ferry cemetery Monday afternoon. Coroner Reich held an inquest Saturday evening and an autopsy was held by Dr. E.E. Fry. The coroner’s jury brought in a verdict to the effect that Dunn’s death had been caused by pneumonia. From all present indications the project of reclaiming the Kootenai Valley of Idaho and British Columbia, which includes some 80,000 acres of rich bottom lands on both sides of the Kootenai river for a distance of some 60 miles, will soon be taken up again. While skating Sunday on the lake below town Miss Janie Rebenstroff was severely bitten by a dog belonging to George Causton. Eastport – A runaway boy from Bonners Ferry, was picked up here by the immigration officers last week. He was promptly returned to his parents. The basket ball team of the Bonners Ferry high school is rapidly getting in shape for the opening games of the season which will be played on December 7th, 8th and 9th at Libby, Eureka and Kalispell, Mont., respectively. The line-up of the team which will make the Montana trip will be as follows: Forwards, Stewart, Bond, Collins; center, Norton; guards, Luse and Thomsen. 50 Years Tuesday, Nov. 21, marked the opening of the Naples-Peterson hill section of Highway 2 and 95, and the Naples overpass. The eight-mile stretch of highway has been two years in the building with the costs listed as follows: grading, drainage and base materials, $1,400,000; paving, $425,000; and overpass, $460,000. The overpass is 730 feet long and 28 feet wide. The Boundary County TV Translator association today said the weak signal received last week was due to an icing condition on the antennas at Black mountain. Bob Myers and Clem Mostek went to the site and removed a four-inch ice coat to restore the signal. The association also stated: “We ask our cooperation. This also goes for the two non-members (free loaders) who were complaining about their poor TV reception from our translators on Black mountain.” A small but interested group of “old timers”, met at the courthouse last Thursday evening to further discuss the formation of a Boundary County historical society. Mrs. Goldie Brewer acted as chairman of the meeting and in the enthusiastic discussions which took place the groundwork was laid for the formation of an historical organization for the local community. Seen and Heard… Neil Howarth, Al Flory and LeRoy White not being recognized as they did the can can….. An ice skating rink at the fairgrounds show area will be forth-coming with the arrival of cold weather. Jaycees will flood the arena soon to establish a base and submerge existing sawdust and chips, then will sprinkle the ice with the first good freeze in hopes of providing a safe, well lighted place for residents to enjoy the almost-forgotten sport.

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Recipes by Barbara: Spinach & Mushrooms Farfalle
This is a quick and easy recipe and you can make several changes to suit your taste. If you don’t want to go out and get a licorice flavored liqueur like annisette you can either eliminate it or you can use sliced fresh fennel and saute it a few minutes at the beginning before adding the mushrooms and onions. I use veggie bow-tie pasta (which is also called Farfalle), but you can vary that also. I like Parmesan cheese so I also use more than the 2 tablespoons. Dried thyme may be used, but the fresh is much better. This is best if you have a very large skillet, especially when you add the pasta.
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Hospital: What is TSE?
Boundary Community Hospital is the first Pacific Northwest hospital to be awarded the Critical Access Hospital designation by the federal government, and with the upcoming Idaho Time Sensitive Emergency System, the hospital is working towards official TSE designations by meeting the stringent criteria as a Level IV Trauma, Level III Stroke, and Level II STEMI (Heart Attack) Center.

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BCEA teams up with local businesses to show appreciation for teachers
Safeway teamed up with the Boundary County Education Assocation (BCEA) recently to show their appreciation for local educators and support staff.
Sheriff's Log
Nov. 17

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Night of Nativities to take place Dec. 2 and 3
The third annual “Night of Nativities” event will take place on Dec. 2 and 3 at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Bonners Ferry. The event features hundreds of nativity scenes on display, as well as musical performances by a host of special guests. The festivities will occur from 5 to 9 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 2, and from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday.
Re: Do You Remember
The hospital staff have been curious about the device shown in the Do You Remember a couple weeks ago.
Legal aid lawyer to visit Bonners Ferry
A lawyer from the Cour d’Alene office of Idaho Legal Aid Services will be in Bonners Ferry on Monday, Nov. 28 to meet with low-income Boundary County residents who have legal problems or questions.
Free meal every Thursday starts Dec. 1
Starting on Dec. 1, The Bonners Ferry United Methodist Church will offer a free meal every Thursday from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. as a service to the community.

Shook Twins: Homegrown favorites return to the Pearl for Thanksgiving concert
Most of us know the Shook Twins, Katelyn and Laurie Shook…at least, some of us seem to have known them as we watched them growing up in the 80’s and 90’s. Before they came on the music scene, they danced around the halls of Bonners Ferry High School like two little princesses, visiting the school with their teacher parents, Patty and Dan Shook. Even then, they had celebrity status. As the years pass, we continue to celebrate the amazing talent and accomplishment of these two young women: musicians with incredible harmonies and eclectic sound.
Julia Marie (Morton) Hankey
Julia Marie (Morton) Hankey, 96, went home to be with the Lord and Savior on Nov. 16 at Boundary Community Hospital, surrounded by four of her five children, and also by phone from her youngest son, Paul, who resides Hawaii. Service will be held at Mountain Springs Church on Saturday, Nov. 26, at 1 p.m. A potluck will be held following the reception at Naples fire hall.

Ruth Hoglan
On the morning of Thursday, Nov. 17, Ruth Marion Hoglan completed her life here on this earth and crossed over into her new life, healthy, whole and free. Entering into eternity with her Lord Jesus, she joined her loved ones to complete what God had planned for her from the Beginning. Services will be held on Monday, Nov. 28 at 2 p.m., at the United Methodist Church in Bonners Ferry, Idaho, with interment following in the Grandview Cemetery.
Court Records
David E. Barros, born 1958, charged with misdemeanor driving without privileges on July 6, 2014 by BFPD. Disposition: Dismissed on Nov. 17. No fines, costs or jail.

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Thursday, November 17
Helping vets with holiday magic
The American Legion Post 55 will hold their annual craft show fundraiser in support of the veterans at the Boundary County fairgrounds on Dec. 2 and 3.
Naples Holiday Festival
Santa will be coming to the Naples General Store to take pictures with the kids on Dec. 2, from noon until 2 p.m.

Sgt. Conrad (Charlie) Laasch

Keough, community honor veterans
On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, Boundary County residents, community leaders, and veterans from three wars united in silence at the Veteran’s Memorial Park downtown Bonners ferry, honoring the living and those who’ve died in the line of duty.
Legals November 17, 2016
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Boundary County Commissioners will hold public hearing at 1:30 PM Monday, December 05, 2016 in the Commissioner's Office at the Boundary County Courthouse to accept public comment on an Amendment Application, 16-111 by the Planning & Zoning Administrator. Application 16-111 involves amending Ordinance 2015-2, Land Use Ordinance, to review proposed changes, specifically addressing updates to: Section 2 - Definitions Section 7 - Conditional Use Permits Section 8 - Special Event Permits Section 10 - Standards for Specific Uses Section 11 - Subdivisions Section 12 - Variances Section 13 - Mediation and Appeals Section 18 - Amendments Section 20 - Parcel Divisions The proposed updates are both typographical (correcting formatting and spelling/numbering errors), and substantive. (Substantive changes are changes to actual content which add or delete verbiage thus altering the potential interpretation of an ordinance. An example might be the addition to an ordinance section to state 'No dogs allowed'. Not hard to interpret, but if the words did not exist before, the addition of these words (or removal of them) would be considered a substantive change.) The deadline for written comment and material for 16-111 is 12 PM Monday November 28, 2016. Written comment may be mailed to: Boundary County Commissioners, PO Box 419, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805, faxed to (208) 267-1205 or emailed to Written comment will be accepted at public hearing provided the material is read into the record. There may be a five (5) minute limit per person on verbal testimony. Further information is available on this application at the Planning & Zoning Office, room 16 of the Courthouse, and the application is available for public review. Information is also available by calling (208) 267-7212 or by visiting the county website at Anyone requiring special accommodation due to handicap or disability should contact the planning office at least two (2) days prior to the hearing. BFH Legal 9570 November 17, 2016

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Harold A. Skelton
Harold A. Skelton, 86, of Kingman, AZ passed away at his home on Nov. 6.
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Barbequed Lamb Riblets
I just bought a lamb this past week and have a freezer full of my favorite meat. This is a cut you might not find in the store, but there are several local sheep ranchers that might have it. There is at least one grocer in town that carries U.S. lamb. I am an advocate of supporting our U.S. farmer. I hope you enjoy this recipe. It is one of my favorites, though it is a fatty one, but you can drain most of the fat away.

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Marc A. Gray

Super Star Citizen of the Month

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City to review utility policy
I am a 20-year resident of Moyie Springs. We have owned our home since 2001. In 2014, my husband passed away, leaving me a single income resident. Shortly thereafter, I lost my job. I found other work, but not at his $28 hr, nor my previous $14 hr rate. Conoco cannot afford those wages and I needed work no matter what the pay rate. I struggled through a year, cutting internet, cable, full coverage insurance, etc. I found myself sinking financially under my monthly obligations.
Court reports

Arlene Lynette Merrifield
Arlene Lynette Merrifield Schnuerle, 67, was peacefully called to Heaven from her home in Bonners Ferry on Friday, Nov. 11.
Valley View: November news
For the Herald

Carla Littlefield

Mother, daughter unite after 40 years
In 1973, a baby girl was born on an Indian Reservation in Canada. In 1975, she was taken from her mother’s care and put into a foster home. She was adopted by white, Christian parents three years later and raised far away from the reservation.

Edward R. Silva
Going once, going twice, sold!
A good time was had by all at the Boundary County Historical Society and Museum fundraising dinner and auction on Saturday, Oct. 22. A capacity, crowd-filled, Portrait Hall, with lively chit-chat, laughter and spirits. Patrons enjoyed a superb prime rib/chicken marsala dinner, catered by Jill at the Rusty Moose Tavern & Grill. Dessert followed as slices of assorted pies were served, compliments of Safeway.
Nov. 11

Lura Alice Dinning
Lura Alice Dinning went home to be with her Lord and Savior on Nov. 12. Services will be held on Nov. 19, at the Free Methodist Church at 4 p.m. The service will be followed by a hosted dinner at the Chic ‘n Chop.

A blackbird that sounds like a rusty farm gate opening
Recently while on a photo field trip I came across a flock of birds by the Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge. The birds in a flock of about 50 had golden heads, a white patch on black wings, and a call that sounded like a rusty farm gate opening, the yellow-headed blackbird demands your attention. They were an impressive flock as the group seemed to roll across the wetlands and field beside the road. Each bird would glean seeds from the ground, and then leapfrog over its flock mates to the front edge of the ever-advancing troupe.
Tuesday's Trouble finishes their ninth week of bowling
Danna Lemmert got high scratch game 175 and high scratch series 475.
BFHS football players make All-Intermountain League
First Team

Flags fly over Port of Entry
Since the establishment of the Bonners Ferry Port of Entry, more than two decades ago, there has always been something missing — the United States flag, the Idaho State flag and the POW/MIA flag. Thanks to the request of POE Inspector Tom Chaney, the efforts of other District 1 staff, an area business that donated and poured concrete for the base of the flagpole, and an ample amount of sweat equity, the Colors are now flying at the port.
Dennis Ray Nichols (63)
Dennis Ray Nichols, born Aug. 13, 1953, passed away on Oct. 27, 2016. A memorial service will be announced at a later date.

Msgt. Jon Littlefield

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Mount Hall Citizens of the Month

Patrick Lee McCalmant
Patrick Lee McCalmant, 63, passed away on Oct. 22, in Dickinson, N.D. as a result of aggressive Cancer.
BFHS senior named part of All-Northwest symphony
Outstanding music students from Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington and Wyoming have received top honors by being selected to participate in one of the 2017 NAfME All-Northwest performing groups.
The hospital thanks you!
On behalf of the Boundary Community Hospital, the Board of Trustees and staff, we would like to thank the community for passing the Supplemental Levy for the hospital.

Valley View Family Fitness winner

Mark Littlefield

Capt. Gene Littlefield
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The Boundary County Middle School Wrestling Team is off to a great start this year. They have already travelled to compete in three matches and their first match at home will take place this Thursday, Nov. 17.

Wedding Announcement
Kramer and Heather McNett were married on Sept. 17, 2016 at the historic Zephyr Lodge in liberty Lake, Wash.

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Ministerial Assoc. to host Thanksgiving
The Boundary County Ministerial Association will be hosting a free community dinner on Nov. 20, the Sunday before Thanksgiving. The dinner will be held in the Boundary County Middle School cafeteria from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. that afternoon. All are welcome.
Letters to the Editor cotd.
My name is David Fairall and I am the person who took the photo of Mike Ohler for the Herald’s online obituary. My wife Jill, son and daughter, Hannah, all lived on Mike’s place for over a year in the little yellow and white single-wide mobile home in about 2006/7.

Downtown Bonners Ferry
Downtown has changed over the years. From wooden sidewalks and multiple drinking establishments to what you see today.

Two of Bonners Ferry's fastest recognized
Jordan Young and Abigail Gorton of the Bonners Ferry High School cross country team were both recognized this fall as being among the elite runners in the state.

Larry D. Hosterman
Dennis Ray Nichols
Dennis Ray Nichols, 63, was born Aug. 13, 1953 and passed away on Oct. 27, 2016.

Boulder City: shadows of a mining marvel linger on
Remnants of decrepit settlements can be found throughout the dense, mountainous forests of the Northwest. Many of these settlements were established during the 19th and early 20th centuries but failed for one reason or another, and most of them gradually disappeared over the years. In many cases, these ghost towns have been reclaimed almost entirely by nature and little to no proof of their existence remains.
Thursday, November 10

Kramer elected Boundary County sheriff
Area residents selected former Bonners Ferry Police Chief David Kramer as their new Boundary County Sheriff at the polls on Tuesday, replacing sheriff Greg Sprungle, and outnumbering write-in candidate Dave Schuman.
Suzi Guy
Suzi Guy entered this world on Feb. 16, 1966 to Donald Guy and Kathy Guy in Edmonton, Wash. She left this world on Oct. 30, 2016 in Shafter, Calif. after a life-long battle with heart and lung complications she endured since birth.
Fox Mossman
Fox Mossman (75), born Dec. 24, 1941, passed away on Oct. 22, 2016. He put up a great fight against cancer with his devoted wife at his side. He is survived by his wife Karen Mossman, who lost her best friend and life partner when he went to be with Jesus.
Legals November 10, 2016
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Boundary County Commissioners will hold public hearing at 1:30 PM Monday, December 05, 2016 in the Commissioner's Office at the Boundary County Courthouse to accept public comment on an Amendment Application, 16-111 by the Planning & Zoning Administrator. Application 16-111 involves amending Ordinance 2015-2, Land Use Ordinance, to review proposed changes, specifically addressing updates to: Section 2 - Definitions Section 7 - Conditional Use Permits Section 8 - Special Event Permits Section 10 - Standards for Specific Uses Section 11 - Subdivisions Section 12 - Variances Section 13 - Mediation and Appeals Section 18 - Amendments Section 20 - Parcel Divisions The proposed updates are both typographical (correcting formatting and spelling/numbering errors), and substantive. (Substantive changes are changes to actual content which add or delete verbiage thus altering the potential interpretation of an ordinance. An example might be the addition to an ordinance section to state 'No dogs allowed'. Not hard to interpret, but if the words did not exist before, the addition of these words (or removal of them) would be considered a substantive change.) The deadline for written comment and material for 16-111 is 12 PM Monday November 28, 2016. Written comment may be mailed to: Boundary County Commissioners, PO Box 419, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805, faxed to (208) 267-1205 or emailed to Written comment will be accepted at public hearing provided the material is read into the record. There may be a five (5) minute limit per person on verbal testimony. Further information is available on this application at the Planning & Zoning Office, room 16 of the Courthouse, and the application is available for public review. Information is also available by calling (208) 267-7212 or by visiting the county website at Anyone requiring special accommodation due to handicap or disability should contact the planning office at least two (2) days prior to the hearing. BFH Legal 9570 November 10, 2016

Profile: Miranda Wenk, MVP
The Herald was fortunate enough to catch up with Bonners Ferry High School junior Miranda Wenk, who was named this year’s Most Valuable Player of the Intermountain League in volleyball, in order to get to know the person behind the award.
Win $1,000 from Pro X
Bonners Ferry, Idaho — One local winner will rake in $1,000 worth of merchandise at Pro X this month.
Information appreciated regarding Mike Oehler
My name is David Fairall and I am the person who took the photo of Mike that was in the online obit. My wife Jill, son Ian and daughter Hannah all lived on Mike’s place for over a year in the little yellow and white single-wide mobile home in about 2006/7.

Kootenai Valley Rifle Clubs start new season
Rifle shooting is not just for hunting or plinking. For some dedicatd Boundary County residents, it is a serious sport of precision. A group of these sharpshooters meets weekly from October to May to participate in the sport of small-bore target shooting.
Rail expansion supports economic activity in ID
Idahoans living in communities across our large state create quality, innovative products, making access to reliable and affordable transportation options critical for the success of Idaho small businesses and agricultural producers. Short line railroads are proven to be extremely efficient at moving Idaho goods to customers worldwide. I had the opportunity to join executives from Watco Companies, LLC; Burley Mayor Merlin Smedley; and other local officials in Burley to celebrate a major expansion of short line railroad service, a welcome step in bringing jobs and expanded economic activity to Idaho.

Magpie: The chatterbox of the bird world
Black-billed Magpies are familiar, noisy and entertaining birds that are native to Idaho and the western half of North America.

IFRW elects Matheson
Members of the Idaho Federation of Republican Women met in Coeur d’Alene on Sept. 30 - Oct. 1, for their 2016 IFRW Biennial Conference and Fall Board of Directors Meeting.

Black beans with rice and tomato salsa
This is a recipe I have been making for about 25 years. It is probably the first bean recipe I actually enjoyed. You can use canned beans and dried herbs, but I prefer to used dried beans and fresh herbs. I will put the equivalents below. This recipe is also best if made a day ahead and reheated.
Sheriff's Log
Nov. 4
History for November 10th, 2016 100 Year B.E. Gowan, inspector-in-charge of the immigration office at Eastport, was in the city last evening and left this morning for Buffalo, N.Y., where he has been called to serve as a witness in the case of the United States against R.R. Winch. Winch was deported at Eastport about a year ago on the charge of being a white slaver. He re-entered the United States a few weeks ago and was picked up in New York. The penalty for this act is imprisonment from one to five years or a fine of from $1000 to $5000 or both. Mother Anne’s Sandwich. A slice of fresh bread; second a thin slice of boiled ham; third, a hot fried egg; fourth, a hot fried banana, and this sandwich is then covered with potato salad. This dish is not recommended for invalids, but it really tastes good. Tuesday’s election in the county of Boundary was a decided democratic victory which was as great a surprise to the democrats as the republicans. Ed. Covell of Kingsgate celebrated his 55th birthday on Tuesday evening by giving a dance in the International Hotel, to his many friends in the twin cities. A very enjoyable evening was spent and all joined in wishing Ed many returns of the day. There will be a masquerade ball at Settlers’ hall Saturday night, November 11th. Prizes will be given for the best ladies’ and gents’ costume, also most comic ladies’ and gents’ costume. Everybody come and bring all your friends. 50 Year The highly-rated Del Roby movie about Idaho’s beautiful backwoods “Our Wilderness Elk,” will be presented by the Bonners Ferry high school Lettermen’s club, Monday Nov. 14th. A rattlesnake barbecue, a snowshoe cougar hunt, an elk with only one horn in the center of tis head, and a costly boat accident in the churning rapids of the snake river all offer top viewing. The local FFA chapter expressed thanks to the public for supporting the group’s Harvest Sale last Saturday night. It was reported that the proceeds of $180 will go to buy a portable livestock scale and a trophy case for the high school. A wide variety of items were sold, ranging from vegetables and canned goods to chickens, puppies and a weaner pig. The Naples school Mothers club Friday night entertained the school Booster club by staging a silly fashion show. The models were Mrs. Vern McCalmant as Miss Irene Goodnight; Mrs. Gary Doyle as Miss Minnie Ha! Ha!; Mrs. George Atkins, Jr. as Miss Carrie Topper; Mrs. Richard Bruhn as Miss Heddy Hopper; Mrs. Bill Mackey as Miss Belle Jantzen; Mrs. Neal Robinson as Miss Newsy Loosy; Mrs. Roy Anderson as Miss Gertie Shift; Mrs. Jim Owens as Miss Pillie Tillie; Mrs. Earl Anderson as Miss Ducky Waddles; and Hello Hatti was Mrs. Harlan Hylton. 15 Year Idaho Fish and Game is seeking information for the person or persons involved in the unlawful killing a wasting of a bull elk on Nov. 2 along County Road 22 in Paradise Valley. The two-point bull elk was shot from CR-22 and died in Ken Irons’ hayfield. A $500 reward is being offered by Idaho Citizens Against Poaching and the Kootenai Valley Sportsman’s Association for information leading to an arrest in the case. Boundary County Prosecutor Brett Benson resigned last Thursday after consenting to a plea agreement between his attorney and a special prosecutor from the Idaho State Attorney General’s Office. I want to apologize to the court and community,” Benson Said. “This is something my family and I will carry around for the rest of our lives.” Benson had previously vowed not to resign his post. Leonard and Maxine Kucera, who were married in Columbus, Neb. On Nov. 10, 1941, will celebrate 60 years of marriage Nov. 10. Also celebrating 60 years of marriage are Dawrence and Evelyn Holmes on Nov. 18. The Bonners Ferry Badger Cubs consisting of seventh and eighth grade junior high football players coached by Corey Richards went through the 2001 season with a perfect 11-0 record. This is the third unbeaten season for the Jr. High football program. In one of the lowest voter turnouts ever recorded in a city general election, Mick Mellett and Jim Burkholder, Jr. were re-elected to the Bonners Ferry City Council Nov. 6. Both Mellett and Burkholder, Jr. ran uncontested and received 35 votes apiece.

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FFA to host Harvest Sale on Friday
The Bonners Ferry FFA Chapter is proud to announce the 68th annual Harvest Sale. The chapter members are working hard right now to present another spectacular auction on Friday, Nov. 11.

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A concerned visitor
Dear Editor,

Valley View Elementary crosswalk project completed

Health advisory for Black Lake
Water quality monitoring confirmed the presence of cyanobacteria, commonly known as blue-green algae. Blue-green algal blooms have the potential to produce dangerous toxins in areas of the lake. Pets, children, the elderly, and people with compromised immune systems are most at-risk of harmful exposure.
Productive first quarter for the Wolverines and Wildcats
First quarter came to an official end on Nov. 3, and what a productive first quarter it was. Mt Hall Elementary and Naples Elementary started the school year running, and it doesn’t seem like we have slowed down since. Just this week, Mt Hall and Naples will wrap up their second year of Operation Gratitude.
Tuesday's Trouble: week eight
Jeanne Osborn got high scratch game 180 and high scratch series 450.
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Got an event or meeting to add to the Bonners Ferry Herald community calendar? Email reporter Dac Collins at or call 208-267-5521.

Hospital support
The hospital has received a lot of support from the community in the past. Here is a picture of one donation. Can you identify these people, the group making the donation or the machine they are looking at?
Seen 'n' Heard
- Dave the Magic Man and pizza “magically” appearing at the Herald Office on Friday

Peter Gordon Alastair (Al) Brown
Peter Gordon Alastair (AL) Brown, 79, passed away on Oct. 31, at the Providence St. Joseph Hospital Long Term Care in Chewelah, Wash., from a severe stroke. Services will be held at 1 p.m. on Nov. 12, at Springs of Living Water Free Methodist Church in Bonners Ferry with Pastor Alan Hinson officiating and interment will be in the Grandview Cemetery.

Do It Best Corp recognizes Pro X
The locally owned Pro X Home Center was one of seven businesses recognized in Do It Best Corp.’s annual report. The 2016 report, which was released at the end of October, drew attention to Pro X because of the overwhelming success of its newest location at 510374 Hwy. 95 in Bonners Ferry.

A new men's haircutting shop opens its doors in downtown Bonners Ferry
Lou’s is Bonnery Ferry’s newest men’s haircutting shop. The shop, located around the corner from Mi Pueblo mexican restaurant at 6415 Kootenai street, opened its doors on Tuesday. Nov. 1, filling a void that has been left open for a number of years.

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Court Records
Thursday, November 3

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XC runners qualify for state
“Does it ever not rain at cross country meets? Because literally every meet I’ve ever been to it has rained,” said first year runner Brady Bateman to his coaches at the Idaho 3A District I Championshipwmeet. Indeed the rain came down hard all day long as Bonners Ferry, Coeur d’Alene Charter, Kellogg, Priest River, and Timberlake vied for the top team scores to qualify for the 3A State Championships. The meet was hosted by Priest River High School on a course the Badgers ran on in late September. Familiarity with the 5k course, however, was hindered by slick conditions and deep mud puddles. The phrase “true cross country race” was heard around the meet at various points.
Support Heather Scott
Heather Scott continues to take the high road while her opponent takes the low. Lies, innuendo and fabrication have become a part of the McAlister campaign in a vain attempt to overcome her lack of substance or morality. It is a common though divisive political practice that when you have no winning strategy, mudslinging and attacks on your opponent with conjured information becomes the norm. As a part of that strategy, it is hoped that others with little or no firsthand knowledge will pick up the lie or innuendo and either expand upon it or ride its coat tails for their own personal, political or perceived social gain.
A gentle word to voters
Remember, you don’t have to vote a straight ticket. If there is another candidate who is intelligent, capable, skilled, qualified, and endorsed by reasonable people, it is perfectly okay to cross party lines. Vote for people who will be effective leaders, and who will be able to work together with other effective leaders to solve the problems facing our nation, our state, our counties.
Dave Kramer is the best choice
Trish Mayo
Re-elect Representative Heather Scott
In the few years I’ve lived here, I’ve come to really value our State Representative, Heather Scott. She’s a breath of fresh air at a time when clarity is badly needed in the fog of politics.
In support of the hospital levy
I am writing in support of the Boundary Community Hospital levy on Nov. 8. I do this for two basic reasons that I hope will also be the motivation of the members of our county.
Vote Dixon, Scott and Tanner
Upon looking at all the mud slinging that has gone on this election both locally and nationally mostly by one party it leaves one to think, is there any hope for this country? I have to think there is hope and that only hope is to turn to our Creator and pray voters would look beyond the wild claims and smears that are out there. I have done just that and feel we must elect people like Heather Scott and Sage Dixon for State Representatives. We have in Sheriff Darrell Wheeler a man of integrity, honesty and I believe a man that stands between freedom and anarchy. All three of these candidates represent North Idaho values and will do us well. I also feel Steve Tanner Democrat is the better candidate for State Senator.
Scott, Dixon opt out of forum
We need some house cleaning up here in North Idaho. Two candidates for the Idaho House
Political bias in reporting
Betsy Russell, a onetime political “reporter”, has recently displayed her personal political bias and lack of understanding of the judicial process by her inaccurate reporting. She interchanges the words charge for criminal complaint or accusation even after clarification in a personal vendetta against a highly respected State Representative. Just because someone makes an allegation doesn’t make it so. If an allegation of criminal wrongdoing is made to a law enforcement agency, an investigation is conducted and where appropriate, a criminal complaint is sought through the prosecuting attorney and criminal charges are filed.
Paid ads, mailer linked to Soros
Dear Editor,

Dave Kramer
1. My decision to run for Sheriff is based on my commitment and desire to continue to serve the residents of Boundary County. I have been involved with law enforcement in Boundary County for over 40 years and my training and experience will be used to make a positive difference in the direction of the Sheriff’s Office. My goal is to have a proactive, community-involved, professional Sheriff’s Office that serves all of Boundary County.

County firefighters fight flashovers
More than 30 Boundary County firefighters gathered at the old mill site, west of Bonners Ferry, this past weekend to participate in Flashover training.
Soros linked to 6x11 mailer
North Idaho’s State Representative Heather Scott is doing the job she was sent by the voters to handle in Boise and proof of that is how her opponent in this election is attacking her by using the big guys to do her dirty work.
Scott stands up to big government
In fact, Kate faults Scott for “being focused on federal issues.” Well, veterans are pretty happy Scott looks out for us in that direction. For example, last year a veteran in Priest River got a dose of “federal issues” when the V.A. was coming to take his guns after he had had a stroke — the effects of which had never included dementia or being in need of outside help to manage his financial affairs. The V.A. claimed he wasn’t capable of handling his VA benefit paperwork and therefore also incapable of owning guns. Thankfully, a fellow veteran notified Scott and by the next day she had mobilized veterans, supporters, and Sheriff Wheeler to stand with this veteran when the V.A. sent its agent to his home to search for and sieze any firearms in his possession. Wouldn’t you know, shortly thereafter, the VA deemed him capable of handling his paperwork and guns. It was a paperwork error, someone checked the wrong box on a form, they said. (Who oversees the V.A. on their abilities to manage THEIR paperwork? Have their gun rights been reviewed?)
Scott has grassroots support
There was an interesting quote on the Idaho Democratic Party’s website by Kate McAlister, the Democrat running for state representative in our District: “My opponent in this race and others running are failing to listen and no longer understand how hard things are for working people and middle class Idahoans.”
Vote Robyn Brody
We will be voting for the important, non-partisan position of Idaho State Supreme Court Justice on this ballot. Robyn Brody has all the qualifications to best serve the people of Idaho. She is intelligent, passionate and personable. In her twenty-year legal career, she has represented Idaho businesses, dairy farmers and working people from all walks of life. It is impressive that on the Idaho State Bar Survey measuring things like integrity, knowledge of the law, legal ability, judicial temperament and experience, Robyn earned a score of 3.65 out of 4 while her opponent scored a 1.86. She alone has the added experience of arguing cases before this Supreme Court. She is highly qualified, well respected and my vote is for Robyn Brody.
Offensive political propaganda
Today I received an extremely offensive piece of political propaganda in the mail. A flyer paid for by Conservation Voters for Idaho Action Fund promoting Kate McAlister (affiliation not revealed) defaming Representative Heather Scott (R) to be “Too Extreme for Idaho”. A photo of Representative Scott holding a ‘General Lee’ Confederate battle flag implies that she is racist. I was incredulous; I watched Dukes of Hazzard as a kid, I guess that makes me racist too. I’m surprised the flyer didn’t include a photo of her holding a gun and insinuate by one of its claims that she is an “armed radical”. It is full of baseless, false accusations implying that she defends game poaching, supports radical patriot militia groups, anti-business in general and timber specifically. Perhaps if the propaganda sponsor is an actual Conservation block then they also would protest the continued clear cutting of our timber resources leaving whole mountain sides raped barren. This egregious mud-slinging and maligning of an anti-establishment public servant stinks of the same Hillary Clinton rhetoric calling half of the RNC candidate’s supporters “basket of deplorables”, “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic”, and “irredeemable”. She even refers to “their offensive, hateful mean-spirited rhetoric”(Ironic, isn’t it?). That’s exactly what this Kate McAlister promotion is, offensive, hateful, and mean-spirited. Citizens of Idaho, don’t be duped by big fancy resumes and claims of a ‘Conservation’ lobby. Stick with truth; U.S. and Idaho Constitutional conservatives!
Re-elect Heather Scott
I can’t remember the last time I wrote a letter to the editor of any newspaper, but it’s my pleasure to do so in this election to express my support for State Representative Heather Scott.
Vote Heather Scott and Daryl Wheeler
Dear Friends and Colleagues:
McAlister, not the right choice for District A1
Sandpoint’s Kate McAlister wants to be your state representative in Boise. What’s her platform? Boilerplate Chamber of Commerce language, for the most part. As a lifelong businessman, though, I honed in on her claim of being “trusted by businesses and community leaders” and “will work to keep our taxes and government working for all Idahoans by striving for collaborative consensus …” You mean, like the BID? That’s Sandpoint’s Business Improvement District, run for years now by McAlister as Chamber of Commerce CEO. This public/private partnership is financed by quarterly fees charged to certain downtown businesses for such things as seasonal beautification and downtown events. Businesses were supposed to have input into how their money is spent. But there was never transparency, and since many saw no benefit from their monies, they just stopped paying. Particularly when they realized that just since 2013 half a million dollars have been spent by McAlister, with 50-75% going to administrative costs - without much accountability, and with preferable treatment for chosen companies. The program is on its last leg. Business people are angry, distrustful of McAlister and her management style, which certainly doesn’t represent the collaborative consensus she claims. Which is probably why you won’t find any reference to the BID on her website or anywhere in her campaign. She’s running from her failure and now wants to run our District as a Representative. On November 8, re-elect Representative Heather Scott, who has a proven record as a fiscal conservative.
Heather Scott has my vote
In these last few days, I’ve seen a remarkable ratcheting up of nasty attacks against Heather Scott, our state representative in District 1. Here are some things about Heather you won’t see articles about or see full-color ads about, but they sure deserve to be brought forth. Heather truly cares for people. She has a special place in her heart for the elderly. I watched as she would go to the grocery store for an elderly neighbor every few days, take the groceries to her, and then sit and talk for a while. Even when she had a busy schedule, she would help this neighbor get her bills in order and assist her as much as she could. When a young veteran, just returned from combat duty in the Middle East, came to her yard sale looking for a bed, she gave him the one she had for sale – free. Recently, when a friend’s family was in need of firewood, she checked around and found more than a cord of wood – free – that someone was willing to donate. The God’s Provisions Thrift Shop in Priest River is a bigger and nicer-looking place because Heather and her husband made it a project to add on to it and improve it. Heather doesn’t just talk the talk of a true Christian, she walks the walk. She has a Godly heart, and she has my vote.
Support Sage Dixon
What is integrity in government? Integrity is defined as follows: the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. Today, it seems most people go into politics for personal gain: regular politicians.
A Neighbor's Perspective on Scott
Mayor Evans steps down
The city of Moyie Springs hopes to appoint a new mayor next week, after Mayor Doug Evans stepped down from his post.
Hospital seeks levy approval
Boundary Community Hospital opened its doors to the public on Oct. 14, for tours of the facility, the various hospital departments, and to provide information to all who wanted to see and learn for themselves why the hospital is asking Boundary County residents to pass the 2016 levy at the upcoming general election on Nov 8.
Legals November 3, 2016
PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the following locations are designated as polling sites for the Election to be held November 8, 2016 in Bonners Ferry, Idaho, County of Boundary: Precinct Location BF/Kootenai Exhibit Hall at Fairgrounds (6550 KootenaiSt.BonnersFerry) Copeland Mount Hall School (1275 Highway 1 Bonners Ferry) Moyie Springs Moyie City Hall (3331 Roosevelt Rd. Moyie Springs) Naples South Boundary Fire Station #1 (20 Stagecoach Rd. Nples) North Bonners Ferry Exhibit Hall at Fairgrounds (6550 KootenaiSt.BonnersFerry) Valley View Exhibit Hall at Fairgrounds (6550 KootenaiSt.BonnersFerry) The polls will be open from 8:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. Any person requiring a special accommodation due to a disability should contact the Clerk's Office at 267-2242 at least five days prior to the election. For further information or any questions regarding this notice, please call the Boundary County Clerk's Office at 267-2242. Glenda Poston Clerk of the District Court BFH Legal 9554 October 27, 2016 November 3, 2016

Edith May (Beenders) Garten
Edith Garten, 97, passed away peacefully on Oct. 30. Edith was born on May 3, 1919, to Frank and May (Gehrke) Beenders at the family farm, six miles southwest of Nezperce, Idaho. She was the youngest of three children (Dorothy and Roy). Edith attended the Evergreen School for grades 1-7, which was across the road from her family’s farm. She graduated from Nezperce High School on May 29, 1936, and went on to the University of Idaho. Edith graduated from the University of Idaho with a degree in home economics in June of 1940. She went on to teach at Elk River High School, where she also served as the sophomore class advisor.

Lucilia Rebello Emerson
Lucilia Rebello Emerson, age 93, passed away after a brief illness on Oct. 29, in Bonners Ferry, Idaho. Lucy is survived by her grandson, Sean Emerson of Vancouver, Wash.; her granddaughter, Terzah Farley of San Antonio, Texas; her daughter-in-law, Norma Jean Emerson of Pampa, Texas; her great-grandchildren Jasmine and Christopher Emerson, and Elyana Farley. She is preceded in death by her beloved husband, Albert A. Emerson, of Bonners Ferry, Idaho.
Oct. 29

Mike Crapo (R), 66 Incumbent U.S. Senator
1. Our nation is facing very troublesome times on many fronts. The importance that we follow the Constitution and the right principles of governing has never been greater. I am committed more than ever to the values that first prompted me to run for the Senate: limited government, low taxes, less spending and individual freedom. Americans must speak out strongly today to preserve and defend our Constitution and the system of limited government and freedom.

Raul Labrador (R), 48 Incumbent First District Representative to Congress Attorney, small business owner
1. There have been a number of influential people that have helped me succeed. At a young age, my mother taught me that I had an obligation to give back in life. I was inspired to run for office to make sure our children had the same opportunities to succeed that I had. There is a generation of Americans that are losing hope in the American Dream. I’m fortunate to have lived this dream and I fight everyday to make sure others have the same opportunity.

Jerry Sturgill (D), 63 Candidate for U.S. Senator Businessman
1. Like most Americans, I’m angry that career politicians and special interest money have overrun our government. Big money has eclipsed the cause of government—to serve the people. Our politicians aren’t listening to every day Americans; they’re listening to big banks, pharmaceutical companies, and Super PACs, the same organizations that are profiting off the backs of American families. It’s time to get back to basics and work for Idaho families.

Donald Don Washburn
April 23, 1928 – October 26, 2016

John White (IND), 72 Candidate for County Commissioner District Two Retired sawmill worker, carpenter
1. To give voters a non-party candidate that wouldn’t waste time and money campaigning, but would be more concerned with how to be truthful and perform responsibly to the people of Boundary County I will attempt to reduce misuse of power by those elected, appointed, or hired by federal, state and local government agencies.
The Herald would like to clarify that a quote was published in the Oct. 20 story, “Mennonite Church faces new sex abuse suit”, and was made by the Mennonite Church USA: “urging congregations ‘to bring to light all that has been hidden too long in the shadows,’ and calling sexual abuse a ‘cancer within the church that we need to expose.’”
Tuesday's Trouble finishes up week seven of bowling
Melayne Stevens got high scratch game 163, high scratch series 456 and third high handicap series 630.

Walt Kirby (R), 86 Incumbent County Commissioner District Two Retired businessman
1. Civic duty, after 30 years of working on small business ventures in Boundary County.

Stephen F. Howlett (D), 65 Candidate for Idaho State District One Representative position B Self-employed building and remodeling contractor
1. The reason I want to represent Legislative District 1 Seat B is because my opponent has failed to even come close to reflecting the views of his mainstreams voters and representing the views of only a small number of the far-right TEA party Republicans.

Tim Tucker (IND), 71 Candidate for County Commissioner District Two Retired farmer
1. I want my children to be able to have the opportunity to have a job here in the County that pays a living wage. Currently most of the community’s kids have to move away after they graduate from high school in order to find a good paying job. Let’s grow good jobs here and keep our families intact.

Dave Schuman
Dave Schuman, 56
Survival tips for big game hunters
Every fall, hunters get lost in the woods, and while most escape no worse than tired, chilled and hungry, the hazards of being lost in Idaho’s woods shouldn’t be underestimated. For that reason, Idaho Fish and Game reminds hunters of precautions they can take to prepare themselves for an unexpected stay in the woods:

James Piotrowski (D), 49 Candidate for First District Representative to Congress Constitutional lawyer
1. This year I was inspired to run for office by Congressman Labrador’s crusade to transfer large swaths of public lands here in Idaho. Those public lands are a crucial part of what makes Idaho, Idaho. From hunting, fishing, and hiking, to logging, mining, and grazing, Idaho’s approach to multiple use, and public access, has shaped our way of life. As a passionate fly fisherman and hunter, I believe that Idaho deserves leadership that understands the value of our lands, and will fight to protect our heritage. While public lands initially got me into this race, I believe that this fight highlights a broader problem with our current representation. Congressman Labrador has continually gone to Washington, D.C. to serve his own political career and to chase an extreme ideology, at the expense of Idahoans. We deserve leadership that will put people above politics, and I hope to bring that to the 1st District of Idaho.

XC runners honored at state
The rains finally let up on Saturday at the Idaho State Cross Country Championships at the Portneuf Wellness Complex in Pocatello. Here the journey ended for eight members of the Bonners Ferry High School team.
Boundary County Calendar Nov. 3-10
Got an event or meeting to add to the Bonners Ferry Herald community calendar? Email reporter Dac Collins at or call 208-267-5521.

Kate McAlister (D), 57 Candidate for Idaho State District One Representative position A CEO of Greater Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce
1. North Idaho needs a representative focused on the job here in Idaho. Idahoans need to be the priority. I believe we need leadership based on common-sense solutions, not partisan or ideological convictions to bring balance to our political process. We deserve good government and a representative who will take all of us into consideration.

The ring-necked pheasant: a stroll down memory lane
In the fall mornings and evenings in Boundary County, moose, elk, coyotes, mule, and white-tailed deer might be seen. Osprey and shorebirds depart early in the season, while duck migration peaks in early November. Bald eagles arrive at the same time in search of sick or injured ducks that make an easy meal. However, it was a ring-necked pheasant that caught my attention last week as I was traveling the Farm to Market road in northern Boundary County.
Meet the candidates
In order to help voters make up their minds in the 2016 election, the Herald sent each candidate the following 12 questions and asked each of them to respond with 12 succint answers. The questions were:

Shawn Keough (R), 56 Incumbent State Senator for Legislative District One Executive Director of Associated Logging Contractors, Inc.
1. I’m inspired to run for elected office and for re-election because I believe in public service and stepping into the political arena in order to try to resolve issues in our state government that once resolved are helpful to our citizens and to our communities.
BFHS to host Parent Night
Bonners Ferry High School is hosting Parent Night this Wednesday, Nov. 3 from 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Sage Dixon (R), 47 Incumbent Idaho State District One Representative position B Electrical contractor
1. A desire to accurately represent the constituents of Dist. 1, and the opportunity to strengthen the State of Idaho.

The Pearl welcomes Bluestreak to the stage this Saturday, Nov. 5
It’s that time of year again...The Pearl Theater has introduced their fall and winter line-up of incredible music: blues, bluegrass, and indie performers with some of the best local talent. Please join us this Saturday as we welcome Bluestreak to our stage.
Boundary County School District reminds students and parents of emergency closure information
With the winter months at hand, Boundary County School District No. 101 wants to inform patrons that school closures due to weather/road conditions will be announced on the following:

BFHS volleyball recognized by Intermountain League
The Bonners Ferry volleyball team might have lost out at the 3A State Tournament that took place at Madison High School in Rexburg on Oct. 28 and 29, but they certainly did not come home empty-handed.
Steve Tanner (D), 63 Candidate for State Senator for Legislative District One Log home builder and timber products manufacturer
1. Samuel Adams said “If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.” That time has come. The Supreme Court continues to base its opinions upon political correctness, not upon the original intent of the Constitution. Last year’s “gay marriage” decision was another watershed issue in our nation’s clear descent away from truth and right. The State has become the mother that seeks to provide cradle to grave guidance and protection, while freedom and responsibly are outdated and even outlawed.
Peter Gordon Alastair Brown
Peter Gordon Alastair Brown, 79, passed away on Oct. 31, at the Providance St. Joseph Hospital LTC in Chewelah, Wash. Services to be announced in Bonners Ferry, Idaho

Heather Scott (R), 47 Incumbent Idaho State District One Representative postition A Scientist
1. Federal overreach, increasing government regulations and freedom restrictions became increasingly noticeable in everyday life. After reviewing the voting record of the then-District 1 legislators, I realized they were more interested in representing large lobby groups than North Idaho citizens. I decided to run for office. Both of my grandfathers and my father were veterans and I decided it was my time to serve my country and state.