Thursday, October 27
Legals October 27, 2016
Pursuant to Idaho code #55-2306, the contents of unit #28 belonging to Benny Watt, 3246 Deep Creek Loop Naples, Idaho will be auctioned off to satisfy the lien. The action will take place at 3-Mile Storage on October 29, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. The unit contents are as follows: household furniture, toys, etc. BFH Legal 9556 October 20, 27, 2016
Beating a Dead Horse
Despite the official investigation into the allegations of the spokesperson for the Idaho Democratic Party about harassment, the Democrats continue to push this false narrative. The Bonner County Sheriff published the results of his reports, no harassment was found and yet a number of “news” organizations continue to spin this same story in new ways. The Bonner County Prosecutor, Lewis Marshall, stated that there were no charges filed by the Sheriff’s office, no charges were referred to the A.G. by the Prosecutors office, the A.G. was not asked to investigate or look into complaints of voter intimidation as the Idaho Statesman implied. The insinuations and lack of due diligence on the part of those who claim to report the news is beyond the pale. It is a sad state of affairs when media, with a clear political agenda, think nothing of manipulating facts and creating word gymnastics to further their agenda.
Oct. 20

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Boundary County's autumn landscape
As I drove this weekend in the Selkirk Mountains, up the Myrtle Creek road and through the Burton Creek drainage, I felt a slight chill in the air. Shadows are lengthening more each day, which, along with the rustle of leaves underfoot, signifies fall. One week its summer and the next, it seems this world is bathed in hues of red and yellow, a sight that’s even more striking with the sun dancing on the autumn landscape.
Kramer for Sheriff
A write-in candidate for Sheriff claims to be the most qualified choice. In his 17 years as a Deputy Sheriff, this candidate has only obtained an Intermediate Peace Officer Certification. This is just the first step above the Basic Certification. Idaho offers five levels of certification, above basic, which are earned through training and experience. Kramer holds the highest level of certification. Kramer also served over 20 years as Police Chief, managing budgets, personnel, and community issues. Kramer helped implement such programs as School Resource/D.A.R.E. Officer, Drug Task Force, and Reserve Police Officer. Mr. Kramer has been a Criminal Justice Instructor for N.I.C., and the North Idaho Police Academy. He is recognized on State and Local levels as a leader. Kramer’s training, knowledge and service to his community make him the best choice for Sheriff.
No on hospital levy
Our hospital has made out their wish list and wants $800,000+. That kind of money request requires it to be backed up by solid data that shows the benefit out weighing its costs. BCH needs to be transparent and post their financial documents on their website.
Vote Heather Scott for state representative
It is a sad day when protecting the Constitution and the Bill of Rights is called shameful and extreme behavior by some in our community.

Rod Benders car club donates to Explorers
The Bonners Ferry Border Patrol Explorer Post #190 received a check for $300 from the Rod Benders Car Club this month.
As former law enforcement leaders in Boundary County, we know what it takes to lead the Sheriff’s Department and the challenges of that position. We have all worked with Dave Kramer and without a doubt know that he is the most qualified and the best choice for Boundary County Sheriff this election. Kramer has dedicated himself to serving the citizens of Boundary County, both in his professional career as a law enforcement Officer and in his years of dedicated service to the community. But what stands out is his extensive law enforcement leadership, integrity and respect he has earned from other law enforcement agencies locally, and on a State and National level. We encourage you to join us in electing Kramer Sheriff.

Bonners Ferry football team loses final game of the season
The Bonners Ferry football team lost their last game of the season to Priest River at home on Friday, Oct. 21. It was a chilly autumn evening and the stakes were high: winner goes on to play for a shot at the state tournament, loser packs it up for the year.

Caroline Louise Farnsworth
Caroline Louise Farnsworth passed away peacefully at her home in Bonners Ferry, Idaho on Oct. 20, at the age of 94. Services will be held on Oct. 29, at 11 a.m. at the LDS Church in Bonners Ferry. with interment in the Grandview Cemetery, Bonners Ferry, Idaho.
Re-elect Walt Kirby
Tim Tucker is on the ballot for County Commissioner. Do we need a progressive liberal managing ourlocal affairs? Socialism requires a gargantuan government so it can confiscate property, controlbehavior and manage an always growing list of programs to achieve “fairness.” Do you want to handover the mantle of leadership to an ideologue who embraces a socialist agenda? Then vote for Tim.Our other option is Walt Kirby. Some feel that he should retire and step aside. I’m in agreement that he should, but not to a self-proclaimed socialist with a liberal agenda. At least Walt is a known entityand will not support the liberal ideology that has permeated and contributed to the demise of oursociety. Re-elect Walt Kirby.

Valley View promotes literacy events
Literacy events at Valley View Elementary are off to a great start this year.
Leniency denied in Ingraham sentence
District court Judge Barbara Buchanan denied a motion Sept. 29, for reconsideration and reduction of the sentence in the Skyler Ingraham case.

Zucchini Muffin Recipe by Barbara Rexford
I have grated most of my zucchini and frozen

Badgers drop two games in a row at state
TWIN FALLS — The Bonners Ferry boys soccer team lost both of their games last week at the state tournament in Twin Falls. They returned home on Friday, Oct. 21.
Seen 'n' Heard
Justin I. losing his hip pocket moose on Friday … Rex Theatre rumored to be open by winter … Honyocker Luther makes 8 seconds … Send in your Seen “n” Heard to
Update from Bonners Fery High School
We are rounding the corner toward the end of the first quarter of school, and BFHS is moving full speed ahead.
Vote yes on HJR 5
In his recent editorial Attorney General Lawrence Wasden voiced his personal objection to HJR5 saying it “...threatens to permanently invade the executive and judicial Branches of Idaho’sgovernment, disrupting the balance and separation of powers contemplated by Idaho’s founders. ”Nothing could be further from the truth. Government is out of control proposing new regulations at a break-neck pace. Changes to law made in this fashion, without a mechanism for review and action, needs to be remedied. Federal agency bureaucrats changing law has eroded the constitutional powers delegated to the congress and has made the executive branch much too powerful. These bureaucracies are not accountableto voters in any way. In 1969, the Idaho Legislature passed what became Idaho Code 67-5291. Even then it was recognized the executive branch had a tendency to overstep its bounds and change laws known as administrative rules, that have the full force and effect of law. The three branches of government in Idaho each have their own exclusive role to play. The responsibility of the legislature is to make law. The executive branch is to administer the law, not write it. The judicial branch is to make sure the other branches do not exceed their constitutional limits, but also, not to write law. Without the ability of the legislature to approve or reject agency rules, you the voters have no one to hold accountable for agencies not following what the legislature intended. Who do you call when an administrative rule goes beyond what the law says and places an undue burden upon you to run your business or raises the cost of everything you do? The agency head? Do you call the governor? Will you have the ear of the Attorney General? Can you get an audience with the Supreme Court? No! But you can call and meet with your legislators and hold them accountable. Your legislators stand for election every two years and are much more likely to listen and help. The rules review process of the legislature was challenged as mentioned by the Attorney General in the case of Mead vs. Arnell. What he failed to mention was that the decision of the Supreme Court was a 3 to 2 decision. If sometime in the future there were to be another court challenge it is possible that the Supreme Court could reverse itself and remove the ability of the legislature to review rules. If that were to happen, increased power would be placed with the executive branch to change laws, much like federal agencies do. What HJR 5 really does is to make sure that you, the citizens of the state of Idaho, have the ability through your legislators to oversee the rules

Toney Rocks sings the blues at the Pearl Theater
Toney Rocks put on a well-received solo performance at the Pearl on Saturday, Oct. 22. Rocks brought a heaping helping of blues and soul to the venue, playing two sets that lasted from 7 p.m. until around 9 p.m. The songwriter also proved that he doesn’t need a cameraman or a rythym guitarist, since a GoPro camera and a loop pedal allowed him to wear all those hats at once.
Vote Heather Scott
There is a reason Heather Scott has been in the cross hairs of the local liberal mob: She’s doing her job! She has been effective in helping to halt the erosion of personal liberties and constitutional rights here in North Idaho. Throwing good money after bad will not fix any broken system. She understands the necessary changes will be painful for all of us in the short term. She understands the need to resolve issues without continuing to flog the property owners and the small businesses with evermore burdensome regulations, taxes and fees. If you want balanced and reasonable solutions, you must vote for Heather Scott.

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Lady Badgers win two out of three, secure their spot at state tournament
BONNERS FERRY — The Bonners Ferry volleyball team had a great showing at this year’s district tournament, clinching a berth to the state tournament with a win over Priest River at home on Friday, Oct. 21.
Open burning restrictions in effect year-round
The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) reminds northern Idahoans that the state’s outdoor burning restrictions and permitting requirements are in effect year-round.

'Emily' comes to Bonners Ferry
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Democrats seek inquiry by Idaho AG
The Idaho Democratic Party called on Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wasden to investigate the Bonner County Sheriff’s Office and District 1A Representative Heather Scott regarding alleged incidents of stalking and harassment in both Bonner and Boundary counties.
Kramer for BC Sheriff
I am pleased to offer a testimonial in support of Dave Kramer for Sheriff of Boundary County. I have known Dave for more than ten years, as he worked in the law enforcement program for North Idaho College that was under my direct supervision. During this time, he was certified in many areas by the Idaho Police Officers Standards and Training Council. Dave was an excellent manager of time and resources, he was knowledgeable in many areas of law enforcement and enthusiastically offered his time and energy to support community service in many areas. I am confident he would bring these traits to the office of Sheriff of Boundary County. I encourage the citizens of Boundary Country to Support Dave Kramer for Sheriff.

Dinner time
Many of us have had dinner at the Boundary County fairgrounds whether it was during the fair, for a fundraiser, or just for a picnic out-of-doors.

XC runners qualify for state
“Does it ever not rain at cross country meets? Because literally every meet I’ve ever been to it has rained,” said first year runner Brady Bateman to his coaches at the Idaho 3A District I Championshipwmeet. Indeed the rain came down hard all day long as Bonners Ferry, Coeur d’Alene Charter, Kellogg, Priest River, and Timberlake vied for the top team scores to qualify for the 3A State Championships. The meet was hosted by Priest River High School on a course the Badgers ran on in late September. Familiarity with the 5k course, however, was hindered by slick conditions and deep mud puddles. The phrase “true cross country race” was heard around the meet at various points.
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Got an event or meeting to add to the Bonners Ferry Herald community calendar? Email editor Star Silva at or call 208-267-5521.

City wins $250K High 5 grant
The city of Bonners Ferry, announced Tuesday that they were the recipitants of the $250,000 High 5 Community Transformation Grant and will now look into where the funds will be utilized best.
Thursday, October 20

Badgers named district champs, headed to the state tournament
COUR D’ALENE — The boys soccer team won the district championship game in overtime on Thursday, Oct. 13. This exciting win over St Maries means the Badgers are going to the state tournament.

Kootenai tribe releases another batch of burbot
The Kootenai Tribe of Idaho conducted its annual burbot release at the public Search and Rescue boat ramp in Bonners Ferry on Friday, Oct. 14. A number of Boundary County residents, mostly youngsters, came out to assist the tribe members and fisheries experts as they released approximately 2 thousand juvenile burbot into the Kootenai river.
City to revisit utility policy
Bonners Ferry City Council members heard public testimonies on Tuesday regarding the city’s current billing and collection policy on the upgrade requirement of external disconnects upon shutoff for non-payment.

KRBC takes home bronze at GABF
The Kootenai River Brewing Company attributes their recent win at the largest commercial beer competition in the world to using the finest, quality ingredients, not using additives, being more interested in quality than quantity, and then letting their brews bask until perfection.

'Riders On The Storm' filmed in county
Recent storm showers beating down on Boundary County’s pitch-black highways made the ideal backdrop for Portland Film Company director, Jeff Scott Taylor, while he and his 10-man crew filmed the psychological thriller, Riders on the Storm.
Floyd Cheatham
Memorial Service for Floyd Cheatham, 82, of Brownsboro will be held on Friday, Oct. 21, at 4 p.m. at the Hannigan Smith Funeral Home in Athens, Texas with Pastor Dewayne Tedfordofficiating. Mr. Cheatham passed away on Saturday Oct. 15, in Athens. Floyd Newton Cheatham, son of Archie Newton and Minnie Leona Wells Cheatham was born on August 26, 1934 in Lindale, TX. He was the seventh of eight children. He lived with his family until his mother’s death four years later in 1938. At which time he was turned over to the Corsicana State Orphans Home. Floyd was very active in sports, FFA and Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston area fat stockshows. After graduating from Corsicana State Home High School he worked various jobs that led himto Bonners Ferry, Idaho. He worked for the Idaho State Highway department until enlisting in the United States Marine Corp in October 1955. He received an honorable discharge as a Corporal. In 1958, he returned to Bonners Ferry and took work with the U.S. Forest Service in the engineering department. In the spring 1964, he met the love of his life, Jeannette Cenfield; they were married six months later on Oct. 29, 1964, and together they had four children. Floyd worked for Louisiana Pacific lumber company in Moyie Springs, Idaho for 32 years, retiring in 2000. Over the years, Floyd and Jeannette took in extra children and animals. Their doors were always open and meal times were often the best times of day with laughter and good food. Floyd worked very hard around the farm raising cattle, hogs, chickens, sheep, horses and his children, who were his pride and joy. Floyd loved to travel and to go camping where he took his family on many extended vacations. He was an outdoorsman who loved hunting, wood working, horseback riding and collecting rocks. His main joy in life was spending time with his family, especially being involved in his grandchildren’s activities. Floyd was a member of the Damascus Baptist Church, of Lindale, TX. Floyd is preceded in death by his parents, Archie and Minnie Cheatham, sister, Emma Hancock, brothers Ray Cheatham, Lloyd Cheatham, Andy Cheatham. He is survived by his wife, Jeanette Cheatham; four children, Wendy Jean Cheatham of Brownsboro,TX, Stephen Wesley Cheathan and wife Laura of Hayden, Idaho. Deborah Lynn Higgins and husband Joseph of Naples, Idaho, Phillip Jason Cheatham and Michele Thiem of Athens, TX. Two sisters, Marietta McElroy of San Diego, CA and Noma Jean Manning of Birmingham, Al, One brother Wayne “TEX” Cheatham of Post Falls, Idaho. Eleven grandchildren; Jessica Lynn Cheatham, Michael Lee WesleyMurphy, Christopher Matthew Cheatham, Stephanie Nichole Vogel, Jacob Vogel, Kevin DonaldCheatham, Cooper Glen Joseph Higgins, Kelsey Jo McKnight, Samantha Leona Cheatham, Haley TaylorCheatham; six great grandchildren, Jada, Jazi, Landon, Wesley, Nolan, and Wyatt and numerousnieces, nephews and cousins.Visitation will be held from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m., Friday, Oct. 21, at Hannigan Smith Funeral Home in Athens. Arrangements were entrusted to the Hannigan Smith Funeral Home Family. You may light a memorial candle or write condolences to the family at
Legals October 20, 2016
Pursuant to Idaho code #55-2306, the contents of unit #28 belonging to Benny Watt, 3246 Deep Creek Loop Naples, Idaho will be auctioned off to satisfy the lien. The action will take place at 3-Mile Storage on October 29, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. The unit contents are as follows: household furniture, toys, etc. BFH Legal 9556 October 20, 27, 2016
Oct. 14
Mennonite Church faces new sex abuse suit
A second sexual abuse lawsuit has been filed against the Mountain View Mennonite Church, its parent organization, the Kansas-based Church of God in Christ Mennonite; and church members David and Cynthia Peaster.
Don't wait: Check the date on your smoke alarms
Does your home have a smoke alarm? The majority of people answer yes to this question, but most people are not sure how old their smoke alarms are. This lack of awareness is a concern for the Idaho State Fire Marshal’s Office because smoke alarms don’t last forever.
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Got an event or meeting to add to the Bonners Ferry Herald community calendar? Email editor Star Silva at or call 208-267-5521.

Daymond Charles Forell
Daymond Charles Forell, 78, passed away on Oct. 6, 2016, in Hayden, Idaho, surrounded by family members.

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Forage, grazing school set

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XC shows off at Kellogg Invitational
Rain and grass do not usually generate fast cross country times. During the Ben Castro Kellogg Invite, held at Pinehurst Golf Course, a flat course and talented runners managed some of the fastest times of the season. The 5k course navigated the perimeter of the golf course and took place almost entirely on natural surfaces. Competing teams included Bonners Ferry, Kellogg, Priest River, Coeur d’Alene Charter, IC Academy, Lakeland, and others.
Vote Dave Kramer, Sheriff
We are writing this letter to express our support of Dave Kramer for the office of Sheriff of Boundary County.
Make the correct choice for Sheriff
Dave Kramer is the right choice for Sheriff. I have heard and read the rumors and falsehoods circulating about Dave and his lack of qualifications. Let’s make this clear, there has never been a more qualified person running for Sheriff in Boundary County than Dave Kramer. He has been working in Law Enforcement for over 40 years? That alone, certainly doesn’t mean he would be a great sheriff, however, we have seen his leadership skills with the Bonners Ferry Police Department as he worked his way up through the ranks to Chief. The experience he gathered on the way was invaluable. Having worked under his supervision while at the city police, and later side-by-side while I was working as a trooper for ISP, I know few who have the natural leadership and common-sense management skills like Dave. He is a man of integrity and the only choice for Sheriff. The security of Boundary County needs Dave Kramer.
Vote Heather Scott
State Representative Heather Scott has had an uphill battle: Liberal media from Boise to Bonner County, working in tandem with establishment politicians, are targeting her. Her conservative message reminding citizens that government is the servant of the people, NOT the people’s boss, is not compatible with their big government mindset.
Seen 'n' Heard
- Emma W survives Scarywood
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BOUNDARY COUNTY—The U.S. Forest Service would like to remind visitors of Idaho Panhandle National Forests that forest gates in grizzly bear management units will be opening soon. Gates in the Selkirk range are scheduled to open on Nov. 16, while gates in the Purcell and Cabinet Mountains should open Dec. 1. “These dates are dependent on weather conditions and personnel availability,” according to a USFS press release.
Pheasant season opened Oct. 15
Idaho Fish and Game announced the opening of the 2016 pheasant hunting season Oct. 15 in much of Idaho, with the season in northern Idaho already open. It’s a day many hunters have had marked on their calendars for months.
Varsity XC shows off at Kellogg invitational
PINEHURST — The Bonners Ferry boys and girls varsity cross country teams put on a show at this year’s Ben Castro Invitational, taking second and third, respectively. The Invitational took place in the rain and the fog on Thursday, Oct. 13, at the nine-hole Pinehurst golf course near Kellogg.
Re. Democrats pull worker out of Bonner County, charge harassment by Idaho Rep. Heather Scott's supporters
An unnamed campaign worker, from an unnamed place, is whisked away to an unnamed location, because he claims he was being harassed - day and night, everywhere he goes - in two counties!

Anita McNair Emery
She worked in the medical field as an X-ray technician, phlebotomist, and a medical assistant. She was also a care giver for a friend with cancer for over 10 years.
Idaho State Police: Supporting Guard and the reserves
The men and women who serve in the Guard and Reserve and their families give immensely of their time and talents to serving our nation. Their skills and commitment also add great value to the workforce and our communities. I had the opportunity to join fellow Idaho Senator Jim Risch in honoring the Idaho State Police (ISP) of Meridian, Idaho, for being selected as a recipient of the 2016 U.S. Secretary of Defense Employer Support Freedom Award, known as the Freedom Award. This award is a tribute to the high regard Idaho employers have given to valued members of our communities.

Raymond 'Ray' Finley
Raymond “Ray” Finley of Libby, Montana passed away peacefully on October 13, 2016.
Happy 70th, McCalmants!
An open house celebration will be held Oct. 22, for Vern & Marjorie (Hylton) McCalmant on their 70th wedding anniversary.
School board votes on graduation requirements
The Boundary Country School District board of trustees voted to maintain the current graduation requirements for high school seniors during a meeting on Monday, Oct. 10. The decision came after some debate, as the board members first introduced a policy that would lower those requirements.
Jeffrey T. Gamet
Jeffrey T. Gamet, 45, of Bonners Ferry, died Saturday, Oct. 15, at Kootenai Health in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. He was born Feb. 9, 1971 at Clarkston, Wash., to Ron and Mary Gamet. He was raised throughout the northwest and had worked as a commercial long haul truck driver. He had owned and operated S&J Trucking in Boise before he and his wife Stacey came to Bonners Ferry in 2010.

One early morning last week when I looked out at our coy pond beside the house, I was amazed to see a tall gray bird standing over the edge of the pond in total silence. He had a cautious and surreptitious action and movement, the caution and stealth of a hungry cat. It was a blueish gray bird with black eyebrows extended into several long plumes off the back of his head. He took a step closer to the pond and turned his long yellow bill toward me as he looked in my direction. I noticed the feathers at the base of the neck as it dropped down in a kind of necklace. I realized it was a Great Blue Heron and he was at the pond to get some easy fishing. Grabbing my camera I went out the front door to scare him away from the fish pond and caught some close up shots as he glided away with a squawk of discontent and no coy in his yellow beak.

Nationally recognized forests conserved
NAPLES — In an area recognized as one of the region’s most important wildlife linkage zones and one of Idaho’s highest priority areas for benefiting forest-based markets, approximately 5,568 acres of forestland has been permanently conserved to benefit wildlife, local economies, clean water and recreation.

Valley View recognizes respectful students
It is a great time to be in Bonners Ferry with the leaves turning, snow in the mountains, and the smell of wood stoves burning. This little dot on the map we all call home is a special place with so much to offer. I know personally, I really enjoy the various recreational activities, the beauty, and the people. With that said, it really is the people that make our community a great place to live. Here at Valley View it is no different. The individuals that decide to make a career here are amazing in so many ways. They are constantly making personal and professional sacrifices daily for the betterment of our students. The level of support and buy-in for each individual student is rare. The team here is outstanding and there are many reasons for that, but what I credit it to the most is that people here are professional and enjoy children. They have found their calling in life and it shows! It also helps that many of us have our own children, grandchildren, nieces, or nephews in the building. This creates an atmosphere where the entire team continuously strives for safety, personalized education, and an array of positive lifelong memories. VVES is a great place to be and I hope that more individuals in this community will consider volunteering and or visiting us on a regular basis.
Improperly Discarded Big Game Bones and Hides Create Hazards
Big game seasons are open and from all appearances hunters are out in high numbers. Last weekend, I worked the upper Coeur d’Alene drainage and despite the constant rain there were lots of hunters and hunting camps.
BFHS wins crucial game against Kellogg
The Bonners Ferry varsity football team ended their season-long losing streak last Friday, Oct. 14, at Teeters field in Kellogg. The Badgers came up big in the conference game, beating the Wildcats 34-6 and bringing their overall conference record to 1-2.
Famed Fisher collection now on display at J.B. Brody's
100 Year
Thursday, October 13

McCalmants to celebrate 70th anniversary
Surrounded by family and friends, Vern & Marjorie (Hylton) McCalmant were given in marriage on October 24, 1946, at their home in Naples, Idaho.
Legals October 13, 2016
CALL FOR BIDS EQUIPMENT FUEL SUPPLY October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2017 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of County Commissioners of Boundary County, Idaho will receive sealed bids for the supply and dispensing of approximately 10,000 gallons of unleaded gasoline, approximately 40,000 gallons of number 2 diesel, and approximately 1,000 gallons of number 1 diesel to County owned vehicles and equipment at the vendors (bidders) location within a 5 mile radius of the Boundary County Shop. BID FORM, BIDDER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS can be obtained at the Clerk's Office in the Boundary County, Idaho Courthouse located in Bonners Ferry, Idaho. Telephone: (208) 267-2242. SUCH BID FORM, INSTRUCTIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS must be substantially complied with and such documents include special requirements, including bidder's Security. Bid price is to be based on gallons as set out in paragraphs one and two above. BID MUST BE IN THE OFFICE OF the County Clerk on or before: 5:00 p.m. on Friday, October 21, 2016. BIDS WILL BE OPENED ON: Tuesday, October 25, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. in the Boundary County Commissioners' Office, Rm#28, Boundary County Courthouse, 6452 Kootenai Street, Bonners Ferry, Idaho. EQUAL PHYSICAL AND COMMUNICATIONS access for people with disabilities as required by Title II of the ADA will be provided with reasonable advance notice of "3" working days. NOTICE OF NON-DISCRIMINATION IN PROCUREMENT. Boundary County, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination in Federally-assisted programs of the Department of Transportation issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises as defined at 49 CFR Part 23 will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or retaliation in consideration for an award. The Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to cancel any contract stemming from acceptance of a bid, upon written notice 30 days prior to cancellation. Boundary County Commissioners, Bonners Ferry, Idaho Absent Dan R. Dinning, Chairman s/ LeAlan L. Pinkerton, Commissioner s/ Walt Kirby, Commissioner BFH legal 9551 October 6, 13, 2016

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Bells could be heard ringing throughout the city of Bonners Ferry on Sunday, as Boundary County firefighters and EMS personnel gathered at the Bonners Ferry Fire Department Station 1 to pay tribute to 112 firefighters that lost their lives in the line of duty last year.

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Improving veterans' access to care
åIdaho veterans and their family members have made it clear that the Veterans Choice Program (Choice program), created to make it easier for veterans to get health care, does not work for Idahoans. To address concerns raised by Idaho veterans, I introduced the Improving Veterans Care in the Community Act of 2016, S. 3401, to make it easier for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to send veterans into their local communities for health care, to make it easier for veterans to access this community health care and to make it easier for veterans to access the services they need.

Hartley King becomes a centenarian
The Bonners Ferry community was abuzz with excitement last Thursday about Hartley King’s 100 birthday celebration. Manager of the Kootenai River Inn, Tom Turpin, passed around a birthday card for people to sign, friends, family and neighbors contacted the press, and more than 85 people rushed uptown to Chick N Chop restaurant to attend his party. King and his wife Janice, were welcomed with an applause as they entered the banquet room, decorated with photos and memorabilia of his life. He was in good spirits, shaking hands with guests, posing for photos and reminiscing about the old days.
XC runners set personal records in Sandpoint
A cool, wet morning at Travers Park in Sandpoint led to fast times on Saturday in one of the last cross country races of the season. Three mostly flat one-mile loops around the park gave spectators a great opportunity to watch. “It was basically a track meet,” said Coach Tyler Warner.
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Got an event or meeting to add to the Bonners Ferry Herald community calendar? Email editor Star Silva at or call 208-267-5521.
Aphids: 'They're baaaaack'
The smokey-winged ash aphids are back by the thousands and they are driving us to distraction. A friend of mine asked me to report on the bothersome aphids that had shown up in clouds recently and were becoming more than a nuisance. I became more curious about these tiny bugs when I was out at the grill cooking dinner.
Laura LaChance
Laura LaChance’s memorial service is Saturday, Oct. 15, 2016, at 3 p.m., at Bridgeway Assembly of God Church, 66027 Highway 2, Bonners Ferry, Idaho 83805.

Learning the basics
Do you remember being taught basic gun safety in school? I know some of you remember bringing your rifles to school so you could hunt on the way home. Do you know who the instructor is here and who the students are? If you have an answer, please email If you would like to stay anonymous, just let us know.

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Camping limits set on Fish and Game property
With the busy fall hunting and fishing seasons upon us, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game would like to remind the recreating public of camping restrictions on Fish and Game lands such as the Craig Mountain Wildlife Management Area and at fishing access sites along the Clearwater and Salmon rivers.

William Robert Thompson
William Robert Thompson, known to his family and friends as Bob, passed away in Goldendale, WA on Sunday, Oct. 2, 2016 at the age of 80. Bob was born to John Thompson and Mildred Marguerite Baker on Jan. 16, 1936 in Moorcroft, WY. He was raised on a cattle ranch until the age of 11 when the family moved to northern Idaho in 1947 living in Sandpoint and Bonners Ferry where he attended school. In his youth he worked at a filling station downtown and at the Smith Family farm just west of Bonners. In 1957 he enlisted in the US Army serving in Germany and was honorably discharged in 1959. He married Darlene Dawn Jensen on January 3, 1960 in Bonners Ferry, ID. Bob worked for a short time at the Thompson Lumber Company and Kelson Lumber Company before moving his family to Hood River, OR. He eventually settled in Underwood, WA in 1968. He worked for Broughton Lumber Company from 1962 until the mill’s close in 1986. He started work there as a general laborer until he got a position on the flume crew, eventually becoming the flume boss. In 1975, he was promoted to planerman. He continued working in the lumber industry as a plainer-man in different companies until his retirement in 1996. He was a talented carpenter who remodeled and built-on to the family home in Underwood with the help of family and friends. He also had many varied interests at different times in his life which included: hunting, fishing, camping, and beekeeping. He was preceded in death by his parents, John & Mildred Thompson, and his sister, Betty Josephine Thompson. Bob is survived by his children, Jay Baker (Sherry), Athol, ID; Marilyn Lilly (Curt), White Salmon, WA; Roberta Wood (Scott) Underwood, WA; Robert L. Thompson (Joni), Goldendale, WA; Rachel L. Simpson, Kennewick, WA; brother, John W. Thompson, White Salmon, WA; ten grandchildren and thirteen great-grandchildren. A Memorial Service and Reception will be held on Monday, October 17 at 10:00 a.m. at Gardner Funeral Home in White Salmon, WA. He will be interred at the Chris-Zada Cemetery in Underwood, WA. Condolences may be sent to: The Thompson Family, 402 School House Road, Underwood, WA 98651, or e-mailed to:
Forestry shortcourse offered this Nov. and Dec.
The University of Idaho Extension, in conjunction with the Idaho Department of Lands, will host a shortcourse in forestry specifically for forest landownders seeking a better understanding of how forests grow and how to manage them successfully.

Kelsi Lynn Scarlett
Our world was made brighter on August 10, 2000 when Kelsi Lynn Scarlett was born in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. She loved everyone she met and was known for her big hugs.

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Ladies' golf club wraps up season
MIRROR LAKE — The ladies of the Mirror Lake golf club wrapped up a great season of golfing with three days of competition and celebration on Sept. 20, 21 and 29.
Bonners Ferry girls soccer team drops playoff opener
The Bonners Ferry Girls’ Soccer team dropped their District I-II playoff opener 3 – 2 to the Kellogg Wildcats Saturday at Lakeland’s Rotary Field in Rathdrum. The fourth-seeded Badgers finished their IML season with a 2-6-2 record and an overall record of 3-10-2.

Library to launch MIT Fab Lab
Boundary County Library Director, Craig Anderson, has the vision, and a mission, to create a state-of-the-art learning center, geared toward further education, economic basics and technology for the residents of Boundary County.
Badgers continue to struggle this season
SPIRIT LAKE — The Bonners Ferry football team has struggled to win a game all season and their struggle continued against Timberlake on Friday, October 7.
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Bonners Ferry’s City is forcing property owners to upgrade their electric service if they are disconnected or shut off for any reason. This policy costs property owners upwards of $1,000 or more for a disconnect switch that is not required in any other cities or counties. This policy is unfair because it only affects a few. The city itself has no plan to up grade their own disconnects, but forces others to do so. If you have been affected by this, or feel it is unfair, call or come to the City Council meeting and make your voice heard. Thanks Robert Hanover, Bonners Ferry

Boundary Co. School District by the numbers
10. Participation in extracurricular activities is again at an all-time high; our students are active! Athletics are just one avenue. Our FFA, Choir, Band, Drama and Robotics are in full swing!
Kate for Idaho House
Kate McAlister knows how to create new jobs, improve education, and help bring in vitally needed internet infrastructure that supports our needs. Kate has extensive experience collaborating with business, education and local government leaders.
Benefit planned
The Bonners Ferry Auxiliary will host a benefit breakfast to support the Mendenhall family on Oct. 16, from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Soccer teams give Hawks a run for their money
The girls and boys had a doubleheader against Lakeland on Thursday night, Oct. 7, and both scoreboards read the same when the final whistle blew: 0-1, Lakeland.
Commissioners sending letter
The Boundary County Board of Commissioners submitted a comment letter to the U.S. Forest Service on Tuesday, pertaining to the proposed Grouse, Bear Management Unit Compliance Project.
Forest thinning field day
The Universidy of Idaho Extension will host a forest thinning and pruning field day on Saturday, Oct. 22. Co-sponsored by the University and the Idaho Department of Lands, the program will teach how to properly thin a forest, and how doing so can promote growth while helping combat disease and fire.
Happy birthday, Quintin
Oct. 13

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EMS, fire personnel participate in training
Over the course of the past few weekends, members of Bonners Ferry Fire, Boundary Amblulance, Hall Mountain Fire, North Bench Fire, South Boundary Fire and Northside Fire from Bonner County participated in Extrication Operations training, hosted by South Boundary Fire and put on by the State of Idaho. Two separate classes consisting of over 20 students in each were held on Sept. 9 to 11, and Sept. 23 to 25. Volunteer Emergency personnel sat through eight hours of lecture and 12 hours of practical in the field of automobile extrication. The class discusses safety of responders and patients, how to work in unison with Emergency Medical personnel, techniques for cutting and spreading metal and glass to get people involved in serious accidents out of their vehicles and to medical care. They learn advanced methods of stabilizing vehicles and lessening the risk of further damage to responders and patients.

4-H Friday Friends back in action
Another school year is underway and 4-H Friday Friends is back in action, too.
Friday, October 7

Patricia Ann Cook Ramsay, 73
Patricia Ann Cook Ramsay, 73, passed away in Sandpoint, Idaho, on August 30, 2016. Memorial services will be held at 2 p.m. on Friday, September 9, 2016 at the First Lutheran Church, with Pastor Lori Morton and Pastor Steve Neuder officiating.
Thursday, October 6

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Jean Marsolie Johnson, 93
God saw her getting tired, her pain not meant to be, so he put his arms around her and whispered, “Please, come to me.”

Shotgun and drugs lead to arrests
BONNERS FERRY — Two individuals were arrested after a shotgun and drugs were found following an alleged incident at Bonners Ferry High School.

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Bonners Ferry Herald names Star Silva managing editor
Star Silva, an award-winning reporter, was named managing editor of the Bonners Ferry Herald.
City to hire firefighters
The Bonners Ferry City Council gave Bonners Ferry Fire Chief Pat Warkentin five thumbs up on Tuesday, approving the hiring of four, full-time firefighters.
St. Maries Lumberjacks cut down Bonners Ferry
ST. MARIES — Senior Issac Lavala hauled in a seven yard touchdown pass from Kaleb Stockton during a strong first half of play, but the Badgers ran out of gas in the second half of a 60-8 loss to St. Maries in nonleague football last Friday night.
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What about a debate between Dave Kramer and write-in candidate, Dave Schuman, for the office of Boundary County sheriff? Let’s hear who really has a plan and is best qualified for the position. How about it, guys?
Boundary County School District by the numbers
The Top 10 in Boundary County School District:

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IFG develops new way to control fish populations
Hatcheries have long been used to replenish and restore fish populations, but can they also be used to reduce or eradicate them? Idaho Fish and Game researchers are studying whether using traditional hatchery technology in a nontraditional way can eliminate unwanted fish populations in the wild.

What is being built?
The Valley Studio, once again, brings us this week’s picture. Can you tell what building is being built in this picture? Do you know the year it was built? Do you know who worked on the construction? If you have an answer, email If you would like to stay anonymous, just let us know. Last week’s picture was of the Crouch Mortuary. It was across from Joe Vernon’s yard on Kootenai Street and would later become the Ace of Clubs bar and slots.
We cannot lose more veterans to suicide
The newest data from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs shows that 20 veterans a day commit suicide.

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Lulu Stone victim of lucky accident
100 Years Ago

BF Badgers take down Wildcats
The Lady Badgers beat the Kellogg Wildcats in an exciting four-set match at home on Tuesday, Oct. 4. Wenk led the charge offensively with 13 kills.

Road storage compliance project eyed
The Idaho Panhandle National Forests is proposing the Grouse Bear Management Unit Compliance Project in order to comply with the Grizzly Bear Access Amendment adopted in 2011. The compliance project would affect an area near McArthur Lake east of Highway 95 and northwest of Lunch Peak known as the Grouse Bear Management Unit.
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A pheasant rooster hanging out with a flock of turkeys … Colorful leaves falling instead of rain drops … Two new faces arrived at the Herald office this week. Welcome, Star and Dac!

Anna (Annie) Marie Rosco Koon, 77
Anna (Annie) Marie Rosco Koon, 77, passed away on Sept. 28, 2016, at her home in Bonners Ferry, Idaho.
Sheriff's Log

Community Choir starts rehearsals on Tuesday
A 40-year Bonners Ferry tradition continues when the Bonners Ferry Community Choir starts rehearsals Tuesday, Oct. 11, at 6:30 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church in Bonners Ferry.

Radical Reels celebrate outdoor action, adventure
The best high adrenaline films from the Banff Mountain Film Festival are coming to Sandpoint’s Panida Theater on Friday, Oct. 7.

Ronald Lloyd Larson
Ronald Lloyd Larson passed away unexpectedly from an extended illness on Sept. 30, 2016.
PHD hosting vaccine safety symposium
Panhandle Health District is inviting the public to attend a vaccine safety symposium on Thursday, Oct. 6. The two-hour event will provide an opportunity to learn about and discuss vaccine safety, risks and benefits for school-aged children.
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Kate McAlister is a fine choice for our District 1A representative to the Idaho Legislature.
Mountain West volunteers help Shriners
Mountain West Bank chose to volunteer for the Shriners this year on the group’s annual Day of Caring. Though this year’s figures aren’t in yet, Shriner Richard Hollenbeck, said the organization raised upward of $9,000 last year from sales earned by the food booth, which is located at the Boundary County Fairgrounds.
Introducing novices to hunting easier than ever
It’s easier than ever to introduce someone new to hunting in Idaho.

Helen Marie Clark, 83
Helen Marie (Johns) Clark, 83, passed away lovingly in Bonners Ferry, Idaho, on Sept. 28, 2016.

Bonners Ferry Herald names Dac Collins reporter
Dac Collins is a newcomer to Boundary County and a new addition to the Bonners Ferry Herald team.
Quilt show taking place on Saturday
Don’t miss out on the quilt show this Saturday.

BCMS learning, activities in full swing
With one month of the 2016-2017 school year already done, Boundary County Middle School is in full active mode.