Thursday, June 30

Flory brings home big fish, cash prize from Koocanusa
A Bonners Ferry man, using a fly tied by his son, landed an 11- pound rainbow trout in the opening minutes of the ninth annual Trout and Salmon Derby on Saturday at Lake Koocanusa.

Medical service dog keeps woman alert
Ganeva is a lovely black German Shepherd who works like a dog to care for her owner, Michelle Lech of Bonners Ferry.
Elma Lee Williams, 75
Elma Lee Williams, 75, passed away on Tuesday, June 21, 2011, at her home in Moyie Springs, Idaho.
Summer Youth Theater goes on
Dave Carpenter director of the Summer Youth Theater program said the show must go on.
Gladys June Thompson, 92
Gladys June Thompson, 92, passed away on June 24, 2011, at the Boundary County Nursing home in Bonners Ferry.
Ellis Dean Merrifield
Ellis Dean Merrifield of Bonners Ferry, Idaho, passed away at the age of 71 years in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, on April 5, 2011.
J.T. Oz Osborn, 70
J.T. “Oz” Osborn, 70, passed away peacefully at his home in Bonners Ferry, Idaho, on June 23, 2011.
Lois Marie Tillotson, 62
Lois Marie Tillotson, 62, passed away at her Bonners Ferry home on June 23, 2011.
Maurice (Morris) Lee Brakeman
Maurice (Morris) Lee Brakeman, who was born Aug. 16, 1942 in Antioch, California to Everett Oliver and Leigh Shirley Petty Brakeman, died June 28, 2011, at 68 years old in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.
Things to do on the Fourth of July
People in Bonners Ferry looking for something to do on the Fourth of July can make a short trip to Eastport, Troy or Sandpoint.
Tuesday, June 28
Salmonella scare hurting local business
Owner of Evergreen Produce in Moyie Springs, Nadine Scharf is distraught over reports of salmonella in the sprouts they produce.
Monday, June 27

U.S. Customs to build facility at 3 Mile
A $15 million project for the Spokane Sector of US Customs and Border Patrol will begin on July 13 in Bonners Ferry.
Friday, June 24
J.T. Ozzie Osborn
J.T. “Ozzie” Osborn of Bonners Ferry passed away on June 23.
Thursday, June 23

Author creates her own fairy tale with a nod to Bonners Ferry
She used day dream of fairies and imagined them all around her as a child.
Gov. Otter visits area to survey flooding damage
Gov. “Butch” Otter, was in Bonners Ferry June 10 with his staff to survey the damage caused by flooding in the Boundary County area.
New football coach to come aboard at BFHS

School district hires new athletic director
Boundary County School District has hired Kris Knowles from Lake City High School as Bonners Ferry High School’s new athletic director.
Commissioners declare ag disaster here
Boundary County Commissioners on Monday declared an agricultural disaster here.
Janet Susan Rate, 75
Janet Susan Rate, 75, passed away on June 14, 2011, with her loving family surrounding her.
Mary Jane (Chappell) Irwin
Mary Jane (Chappell) Irwin passed away on June 8, 2011, at her home in Kirkland, Wash.

Zip through the trees with Canopy Tours
See the forest from the trees in a green zip line adventure at Idaho Canopy Tours Inc., currently being constructed in Boundary County.

Fans don their favorite pirate garb for movie
The Rex Theater in downtown Bonners Ferry hosted a showing of “Pirates of the Caribbean, On Stranger Tides.”
Landowners can get usda funds for River Restoration work
Agricultural landowners along 55 miles of the Kootenai River in Boundary County can help the Kootenai Tribe with a restoration project along the river corridor.
No 4th fireworks in Bonners this year
Bonners Ferry will not host fireworks or a Fourth of July event this year.
Kootenai River tamer this week; floods still possible
The Kootenai River water level is lower this week, however there is still a possibility of flooding.
Wednesday, June 22

$2,000 reward for conviction of graffiti artists
Boundary County Commissioners are offering a $2,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of people responsible for the recent vandalism and damage to property around the county.
Thursday, June 16
Rock slide covers BNSF railroad tracks
BONNERS FERRY — A rockslide about 15 miles east of Bonners Ferry has shut down rail traffic on the Burlington Northern Sante Fe line since Sunday afternoon.
Jack Miller
Jack Miller was born on June 6, 1953, in Sandpoint, Idaho, to Robert D. and Bonnie N. Miller.

Mt Hall student: Keep recycling
A little girl with a big idea, 9-year-old Morgan Lewis would like Mount Hall Elementary students to keep up a recycling program she started called the Drink Pouch Brigade.

Kayakers rescued from Moyie
The roaring rivers have made for dangerous kayaking, just ask Joshua Bean, 30, of Montana.

Boundary County School District workers plan retirement
The end of the Boundary County School District No. 101 school year also brought the closing of several long careers in education.
Pawsitive Works needs 'Second Chance'
Pawsitive Works does work.
Auditions for new theater event set
Boundary Community Theater is announcing tryouts for actors, band members, singers and dancers.
Second half property taxes due by June 20
Boundary County TreasurerJennifer Fessler reminds Boundary County taxpayers that the deadline for paying the second half of 2010 property taxes without late charge is Monday, June 20.

Cooler temps help keep pool in dam low
Anyone driving over the Kootenai bridge can see that the river looks dramatically high.
Thursday, June 9
Geraldine Jerri Fay Gwin
Geraldine “Jerri” Fay Gwin went home to be with her Lord on Sunday, May 29, 2011.
Reynolds leaves BCSD prompted by March levy failure
After 21 years of serving Boundary County School District No. 101, Ted Reynolds is moving on to another high school.
Grafitti: The many can be judged by the few
It is so heartwarming to see that the multi-million dollar graduates of 2011 learned how to paint and use colors.
Get your Farm Tour duds ready
The Farm Bureau and the Boundary Soil Conservation District have joined together to offer the free farm tour Tuesday, June 21.
Fry golf tournament July 17
Fry Healthcare Foundation Golf tournament is being held at 1 p.m. Friday, June 17 at Mirror Lake Golf Course.

Hats off 2011 BFHS graduates
The class of 2011 couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful day to hold graduation ceremonies.

Supt. Bartling rings final bell on a long career in eduction
Supt. Don Bartling’s final day with Boundary County School District No. 101 is officially Thursday, June 16.
Food program begins June 13
Boundary County School District No. 101 is participating in the summer food service program.
Leslie W. Barber
Leslie W. Barber passed away at home on May 18, 2011. He was born in Santa Barbara, Calif., on Nov. 24, 1941.
Patricia A. Madden, 75
Patricia A. Madden, 75, passed away on Tuesday, June 7, 2011, at her daughter’s home near Bonners Ferry, Idaho.
Wilma Louise Owen
Wilma Louise Owen of Paradise Valley in Bonners Ferry, Idaho, passed away peacefully in her home on June 4, 2011, at 89.

Have a musical, 'Suesical' good time this weekend
It is Dr. Seuss set to some amazing music performed by some of the strongest young performers in our area, at what will become Bonners Ferry's own Pearl Theatre.