Friday, March 29

A look back
This week the Boundary County Museum honor the Lions Club and the 50-plus years they have sponsored the annual Easter egg hunt.
County to seek bids for ambulance service
BONNERS FERRY — After the initial contract renegotiations with the Boundary Volunteer Ambulance Board in mid-March, Boundary County Commissioners have decided to seek bids for the county’s ambulance service.
All-School Reunion set for Aug. 3
BONNERS FERRY — Does it make you feel good to see the streets full of people laughing and hugging?
Emond lacks understanding
I take exception to Mr. Edmond’s letter of March 14, casting judgment on the Idaho Conservation League and other so called “radical environmental hippie organizations.”
Youths identified in threats
BONNERS FERRY — Suspects in four of the 10 bomb threats have been identified by authorities.
Erwin M. Voegele, 90
Erwin M. Voegele, 90, passed away on March 25, 2013, at Ace Elder Care in Bonners Ferry, Idaho.
$11,000 reward offered for information on bomb threats
Boundary County School District has been contacted by two individuals that have donated a total sum of $11,000 leading to the arrest and conviction of the individual(s) responsible for the bomb threats at the schools. If more than one person comes forward with the information, the reward will be divided among those that have come forward to assist in the investigation.
Thursday, March 28
Performers Circle Friday at the Pearl
Grab that guitar, drums, or fiddle, warm up that voice, find that poem, story, or act and head to the Pearl Theater on Friday, March 29 at 7 p.m. for the Performer’s Circle. An informal group of performers gather to share their talents and favorites. You can bring along your small amp if needed.

Receive Two 1 month Memberships at Soul Town Woman's Fitness Center for $25
Tuesday, March 26

$20 in store shopping certificate at Sandpoint Super Drug for $10!
Saturday, March 23

Receive a $15 Gift Certificate for $7.50 @ Zero Point!
Friday, March 22
Reward now $11,000 related to threats
Boundary County School District has been contacted by two individuals whohave donated a total sum of $11,000 leading to the arrest and conviction of the individual(s) responsible for the bomb threats at the schools.

Irene Clark, 90
On Tuesday March 12, Irene Clark, 90, beloved wife, mother, grandmother, great grandmother, aunt and friend went to her eternal home. Funeral services were held on Saturday, March 16 at 2 p.m. at the Free Methodist Church in Bonners Ferry with internment following in the Grandview Cemetery.
Dean L. Hiatt
Dean L. Hiatt passed away March 14, 2013, from a massive stroke. As per his request no services will be held.

Carolyn James, 88
Carolyn James, just shy of her 89th birthday, completed her earthly journey on Saturday, March 9, 2013, peacefully at home in the loving embrace of her second family, the Skrivseth’s of Bonners Ferry.

Marian J Karnes Halverson Melior, 99
Marian J Karnes Halverson Melior passed away on March 14, 2013, at the Boundary County Nursing Home in Bonners Ferry, Idaho.

Donna J. McGuin Winkler, 79
Donna J. McGuin Winkler, 79, of Elma, Wash., passed away on Feb. 22, 2013, at Evergreen Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Olympia, Wash.
Egg hunt March 30
The annual Lions Club Easter Egg Hunt will be at the Boundary County Fairgrounds on Saturday, March 30 at 11 a.m.
Bonners wins 'best water' honors
It is easy to take water for granted, but clean, fresh water is essential to our survival.
Bomb threats embarrass BFHS students
District must notify parents of problems
Regarding the school bomb threats, I have a message to the school board and one to law enforcement:

Softball season begins with loss to Moscow
The girls varsity team went down to Lewiston Saturday and played their first two games of the season.

Van opens doors for Life Skills class
BONNERS FERRY — Field trips will be easier for students in the Life Skills class at Valley View Elementary with their new seven-passenger van.
Thursday, March 21

$30 Gift Certificate at Merwins only $15!
Wednesday, March 20

$30 Body Wrap for Only $15!
Sunday, March 17

$10 Dining Voucher at Bangkok Cuisine Thai Restaurant.
Friday, March 15

Russell Dean Allan, 76
In the year of our Lord 2013 on the Feb. 23 while visiting in Seattle, Wash., Russell Dean Allan went unexpectedly and peacefully to be with the Lord his God.
Western women March 19 show topic
To celebrate Women’s History Month, Boundary County Library presents “Western Women: Pioneers and Prostitutes,” a one-woman show performed by Melinda Strobel on Tuesday, March 19 at 7 p.m. at The Pearl Theatre.
Caribou issue rears its head again
Just when everyone thought the mountain caribou habitat controversy was solved and done with, here come the usual suspects muddling up the issue again.
Submit your Super Hunt entries
t’s not too early to enter the first Super Hunt drawing in June.

Badger Shipping under new ownership
BONNERS FERRY — The name and location hasn’t changed, but the inside of Badger Shipping has changed under new ownership.
PSB funds Naples School playground
NAPLES — Thanks to Panhandle State Bank Community match fund, the Naples School PTSA received $1,000 towards their new playground equipment.

Wilson Delta Kappa Student of Month
What an amazing young woman this month’s Delta Kappa Gamma Women Educators’ student of the month is Brook Wilson.

12 BFHS juniors prepare for DYW program
As the season changes from winter to spring, 12 of Bonners Ferry’s best and brightest are busy preparing to compete in this year’s local Distinguished Young Women program, “Seasons of Change,” on April 27.

Bernadette (Bernie) Olivia Denevan, 82
Bernadette (Bernie) Olivia Denevan, 82, , passed away peacefully at her home in Lewiston, Idaho, March 3, 2013.

$20 Value for $10 at Carousel Emporium! Limited Supply.
Thursday, March 14
Will the Gonzaga Bulldogs have a No. 1 seeding in the NCAA tournament?

$25 Value for ONLY $12.50 for Trinity at City Beach! Waterfront Dining.
Monday, March 11

$20 Entertainment Family Center Gaming Certificate for $10
Friday, March 8

Doggy Doo grooming business works with pets big and small
BONNERS FERRY — From three pounds to 203 pounds, pets are pampered at Doggy Doo dog and cat grooming.

Clifford Ray Utter, 72
Clifford Ray Utter, 72, passed into the arms of his Lord and Savior on Feb. 25, 2013, after a long battle with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease). He died at his home near Bonners Ferry, Idaho, surrounded by his family.
M&O Levy replaces one already in existence
The Boundary County Board of Trustees wishes to take this opportunity to inform the public of the replacement maintenance and operations levy that will come before the voters March 12.

Badger C team ends season with win
The Bonners Ferry boys C-team won its third straight game to wrap up the season, ousting the Priest River Spartans 55 – 49 on Feb. 14.

Seventh grade Badger girls place third at Districts
The Badger girls seventh grade A basketball team placed third in their division at districts on Feb. 23.

Conoco to open car wash on Monday
BONNERS FERRY — Keeping you vehicle clean of mud and road grime will be easier next week when Conoco opens its car wash on Monday, March 11.
Seventh bomb threat made in school district
Students were evacuated from Bonners Ferry High School on Monday, March 4 after a bomb threat was found.
Levy needs support to pay for education
Once again it is time to authorize funds just to keep basic services for the school district. My kids did well in this system and have moved away.
Funds sought for NIC science lab in Sandpoint
SANDPOINT — A science lab could be the key to unlocking higher education in Bonner County.
Get ready ...Set your clocks ahead
Don’t forget to turn your clocks ahead one hour Saturday night or Sunday morning for daylight saving time.
Naples, Mt. Hall named top schools
BONNERS FERRY — Mount Hall and Naples Elementary were recently recognized as top schools in Idaho. Both earned Four-Star Ratings for the 2012-2013 school year.

$30 Gift Certificate At Six Star Automotive for $15!
Friday, March 1
State to celebrate 150th
BONNERS FERRY — One hundred and 50 years ago, President Abraham Lincoln signed an act creating the Idaho Territory on March 4, 1863.
Bog Creek comments sought
Access isn’t easy in the northwest corner of Boundary County, especially for U.S. Border Patrol agents protecting the border. Road access is limited due to grizzly bear management and certain roads are impassible, such as the Bog Creek Road.
Wildcats beat Badgers by two
The Badgers were two points shy of a win at Districts, making it their last game of the season. The Kellogg Wildcats defeated the Badgers 55-53 at Lakeland.

Invernon owns 3 state titles
BONNERS FERRY — Blaine Invernon achieved what only one other Badger wrestler has — three 3A Idaho state champion titles.
Change needed with school district
Tuesday March 12 will be an election for another $1.4 million property tax levy for two years, that totals $2.8 million. Currently the state public schools get about half of the total state budget, the local schools get their portion of that, as well as about half of the total property taxes.
City to hold proposed fee hearing
The city of Bonners Ferry will meet on March 5 at 7 p.m. at City Hall to take public testimony regarding the new/increased fees and to explain the reasons for such fees or increases.

Frank Todd Plew, 78
Frank Todd Plew, 78, passed away at his home near Moyie Springs, Idaho, on Feb. 24, 2013.
Clifford Utter
Clifford Ray Utter, 72, passed away on Feb. 25, 2013, a his home near Bonners Ferry, Idaho.