Saturday, November 30
State personal income up
BOISE (AP) — A report by the Idaho Department of Labor shows total personal income in Idaho was up 3.9 percent in 2012 compared to the previous year and strong gains in many of the state’s rural counties.
Friday, November 29
When do you open Christmas gifts?

School resource officer has cancer
More wilderness in IPNF a contentious issue

Tink Ladely, 67
Tink Ladely, 67, of Garland, Neb., passed away on Nov. 23, 2013.
Commission intervening in caribou habitat suit
BONNERS FERRY —Dissent about adequate critical habitat designation for woodland caribou spurred six environmental groups to file a lawsuit against the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on Sept. 30, 2013.
Ongoing events

Eileen Dam reminder of early mining days
Ninety years ago construction began on a monumental project that never came to fruition — the Eileen Dam.

Shannon Bosch, 51
Shannon Bosch, age 51, of Kendrick, Idaho, passed away Saturday, Nov. 16, 2013, at home.

Verla Jean Rodriguez, 70
Verla Jean Rodriguez, 70, passed away on Thursday, Nov. 21, 2013, at Kootenai Heath in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.
Practice your shooting this winter
The Kootenai Valley Rifle and Pistol Club is now open on Fridays for practice shooting between 1 and 7 p.m. for members. To become a member requires a $35 annual fee. For more information, call Bob Young at 208-920-1182.
Tuesday, November 26
Winter sports have started
Support the Badgers at these upcoming home games:
Friday, November 22
Terry Crisman, 61
Terry Crisman, 61, formerly of Porthill, Idaho, died Saturday, Oct. 12, 2013 in Quartzsite, Ariz.
'Turkey Trot' your way to dinner
Earn a second helping of Thanksgiving dinner before you even begin eating by participating in the 5th annual Turkey Trot.
Dig Pink raises more than $2,100
During their fourth annual Dig Pink event, Bonners Ferry High School volleyball players raised $2,186.50.
What's the best part of a turkey?
Glenda Doreen McCalmant, 73
Glenda Doreen McCalmant passed away on Nov. 15, 2013, at Boundary Community Hospital after a short battle with cancer.
Board addresses school safety planning

Shirley Louise Marcy, 60
Shirley Louise Marcy, 60, a Bonners Ferry native and lifelong resident, passed away at home Wednesday evening, Nov. 13, 2013.

Project aim: Restore native fish

Myrtle A. Burnett, 95
Myrtle A. Burnett, 95, went to be with her Lord on Friday, Nov. 15.

Carpets of moss similar to mini forests
From five feet above cushions of moss look alike but down on my hands and knees I can see the intricacies of the inch- tall moss.
Wednesday, November 20
Dodge Peak Road to close
Beginning Dec. 1, Dodge Peak Road at the junction of McArthur Lake Road will be closed.
Lego Challenge Saturday
Let your imagination go wild as you build your dream castle during the Lego Party on Saturday, Nov. 23 at the Boundary County Library.
IFG: Dogs, deer don't mix
Last week brought the first snowfall of the season to much of the Panhandle. Relatively early snows are exciting news to skiers and snowmobilers who love to be enjoying their pursuits by Thanksgiving. With the holiday coming late in the month this year and snow already falling, many are optimistic they will be on the slopes and groomed trails on turkey day.
Tuesday, November 19
Free HIV tests available in December
HAYDEN - In recognition of World AIDS Day on Dec. 1, Panhandle Health District will provide free Rapid HIV testing for two days during the month at all its offices in the five northern counties.
Monday, November 18

Staben named U of I president
MOSCOW — The Idaho State Board of Education voted today to appoint Dr. Chuck Staben as President of the University of Idaho.
Friday, November 15
Herald sets holiday deadlines
Herald sets early
Flight scholar money available
The huckleberry pancake breakfasts at the airport this summer were a huge success and the proceeds are ready to be distributed towards the EAA Youth Flight Scholarships.

Resiliency defines Badger football
Although it was not the way any Badger player or fan would have liked, the 2013 football season came to an end in Homedale Saturday with a 67-0 loss to a very strong Homedale team.

Ongoing events
Wolf trapping seasons open this month
The wolf trapping season opens Friday, Nov. 15 in the wolf management zones in northern and eastern parts of the state.

Warm up for 5th Turkey Trot
This year marks the fifth annual Turkey Trot 5k/10k run on Thanksgiving morning at 9 a.m.

Sharon Grace Bennett, 71
Sharon Grace Bennett died on Saturday, Nov. 9, 2013, at Boundary Community Hospital at 71.

Animals prepare for winter by caching nature's bounty
As gardeners were harvesting the bounty of their summer’s garden before the first frost, animals were harvesting nature’s bounty.

Winnie Louise Stanley, 94
Winnie Louise Stanley, loving wife, mother, and grandmother went to be in the presence of her heavenly father on Nov. 8, 2013.
Linda Lee Charpied, 71
Linda Lee Charpied passed away September 30, 2013, at Kootenai Medical Center in Coeur Alene.
Reading events this week
Dept. of Labor requires weekly job filings
The Idaho Department of Labor is implementing a new online weekly continued claim reporting system that requires unemployment benefit claimants to provide specific information about weekly job contacts.
Indoor soccer starts soon
The Boundary County Soccer Association’s indoor soccer season will start Nov. 24 and continue until March.

Robert Aaron Lee, 87
The Lord has chosen to take another member of the Greatest Generation. Robert Aaron Lee, 87, passed away on Nov. 7, 2013.

Kootenai Tribe earns KRI design award
BONNERS FERRY – The Best Western Plus Kootenai River Inn Casino and Spa has received the coveted Best Western Champion Design Award for 2013.

Lawrence Wayne Pleasant, 91
Lawrence Wayne Pleasant, often called either L.W. or Larry, passed away peacefully in his sleep on Nov. 2, 2013.

Thursday, November 14
Holiday basket deadline Nov. 15
The Ministerial Association is preparing for distribution of Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets for those in need in the community.
Wednesday, November 13
U.s. economy shows growth
WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. economy showed surprising growth from July through September just before the government’s partial shutdown.
Tuesday, November 12
Sky's the limit for Idaho, NIC aerospace program
HAYDEN — There were 20,300 commercial airplanes in service worldwide in 2012.
Breakfast Out Benefits Head Start
COEUR d'ALENE — Friends of Head Start is inviting the public to breakfast to help children in the five northern counties benefit from early education.
Monday, November 11
A new era of bipartisanship: The way forward
There’s so much partisanship in Washington, D.C. these days, it’s always good news when both parties can come together for the common good.
Honoring our veterans
Today, on Veterans Day, we pay tribute to those brave men and women who have served our nation in uniform. We also honor the enduring service of our soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen. Whether during peacetime or war, at home or abroad, their service has been characterized by selflessness and a sense of greater purpose.
Sunday, November 10
Wolverine comment extended
USFWS reopens comment period for wolverine listing
Saturday, November 9
UI receives grant to convert beetle-killed trees into biofuel
MOSCOW, Idaho – The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced today that it has awarded nearly $10 million to an academic, industry, and government consortium – including researchers at the University of Idaho – to study the major challenges limiting the use of insect-killed trees in the Rockies as a sustainable resource for bioenergy. The award was made by USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture, or NIFA.
Friday, November 8

X country ends season on high note
The season finale for the Badger Cross Country team ended on a high note. After strong performances at districts, the Badgers carried their enthusiasm into Idaho Falls.
Business workshop set
The Idaho Department of Labor Bonners Ferry Office is offering a job search workshop entitled “Your Personal Tool Box for the Journey” on Nov. 12-14.

Football team ready for state!
BONNERS FERRY — The Bonners Ferry High School football team will play Homedale in the 3A State Football Tournament Saturday.
Thank you BCSO deputies
BCSO deputies deserve
Holiday basket deadline Nov. 15
The Ministerial Association is preparing for distribution of Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets for those in need in the community.
Veterans Day events, closures
The annual Veteran’s Day program will be held at 11 a.m. on Monday, Nov. 11 at the flag pole by the Boundary County Library.
Copeland arsonist sentenced

Canada geese can be migratory or residents
As the temperatures cool and the leaves fall, the familiar “a honk, a honk, a honk” can be heard overhead as Canada geese fly in their signature “V” formations. Many birds migrate in the fall but the loud call of Canada geese makes them highly noticeable.
Yoga a life-long passion
BONNERS FERRY — Age is not a limiting factor when pursuing a passion, especially for Alicia Braden.
Thank you to those who serve!
The members of American Legion Auxiliary Bonners Ferry Post 0055 would like to express sincere appreciation for the men and women who served in the United States Armed Forces.
Care-N-Share gears up
Thirty-one years ago Care-N-Share started to help the children of Boundary County at Christmas time. The program gives clothing and toys to local children.
Thursday, November 7

$25 Value at Vanderford's Books & Office Products FOR ONLY $15!
Wednesday, November 6

$20 Vapor Depot Juice Certificate only $10
Tuesday, November 5

$30.00 Voucher at Merwin's Home & Garden for only $15.00!
Saturday, November 2
Family loses everything in house fire
BONNERS FERRY — A family lost everything they owned in a house fire Sunday night.
Gain an hour of sleep
Gain an extra hour of sleep Saturday night with Daylight Saving Time ending early Sunday morning. Daylight Saving Time officially ends at 2 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 3, so set your clocks back one hour before you go to sleep Saturday night.
Friday, November 1
40 years of senior friendship celebrated
A few months ago, the Bonners Ferry Chapter of AARP celebrated its 40th anniversary.
Initiative to raise Idaho minimum wage circulating
BONNERS FERRY — A grass roots initiative to raise the minimum wage in Idaho is spreading across the state. More than 84,000 signatures are needed by April 30, 2014, for the initiative to go before voters next November.
Badger boys 2 out at state
The Bonners Ferry Boys Soccer Team competed well last week at the Idaho 3A State Soccer Tournament in Caldwell, but came home empty-handed dropping their two contests by a goal each.
Time to apply for, gather goods for holiday baskets
It’s been said that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Here’s your chance to be blessed this Thanksgiving and Christmas by joining the Boundary County Ministerial Association in providing Thanksgiving and Christmas food baskets for those living in our community who are in need.

Johnny Robinson, 55
Johnny Arnold Robinson, 55, passed away on Oct. 24, 2013, at Kootenai Health in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.
Changes coming to Main Street
BONNERS FERRY — Several businesses are moving into empty buildings on Main Street but none have opened their doors yet.The LaMar’s building has undergone renovation throughout the summer in preparation for Attorney Brian Woods. Woods is moving his office around the corner from near the American Legion.

Football team earns state berth
Badger defense Kyler Rice (1), Wyatt Snider (85) and Connor Bennett (3) kept Kellogg from making progress down the field and kept Kellogg’s final score to 13.
Boys, girls x-country earn state berth
Runners crossed beneath a golden arch of fall color before crossing the finish line for districts at the Mirror Lake Golf Course. Badgers took advantage of the only home meet on Thursday, Oct. 24 to send their teams to districts.
Franklin L. Spalding
Frank Spalding, 76, passed away peacefully at home in Bonners Ferry, Idaho on Oct. 24, 2013, with his wife and daughters at his side.
Govt shutdown pushes back forestry projects
BONNERS FERRY — The 16-day federal government shutdown pushed back deadlines on local U.S. Forest Service projects by several weeks.Bonners Ferry District Ranger Kevin Knauth provided an update on USFS projects at the Kootenai Valley Resource Initiative meeting on Oct. 21.
South end of Deep Creek Loop open
Deep Creek Loop Bridge project number two is complete and the new bridge is open to travel.