Thursday, October 31

Food and fun for Ducks Unlimited
BONNERS FERRY — Ducks Unlimited held its annual fundraising event, a catered dinner and auction, at the Boundary County Fairgrounds Memorial Hall on Friday, Oct. 25. In addition to the auction, there were raffles, door prizes, games, and the ever popular Duck Drop.

Blue Lake RV Resort has new owners, new plans
NAPLES — Liz Waitinas and her son, Nick Larsen, recently purchased the Blue Lake RV Park Resort — located right off U.S. 95 just five miles south of Bonners Ferry, in Naples.
Seen 'n Heard
Dave K. could have sworn that it was a pumpkin pie eating contest.

Valley View Newsletter: October
Valley View Elementary School (VVES) is off to a great start this year with a healthy amount of energy in our hallways, cafeteria, and of course at recess. The students are enjoying the fall learning activities, field trips, and visitors to VVES. The staff is doing an amazing job at personalizing education and creating positive lifelong memories for our students. It has been a wonderful beginning to another great year at VVES.
Court Reports
Thomas Tschetter, born 1967, charged with infraction exceeding maximum posted speed limit (16 MPH or over) by BFPD on Oct. 9.

Irley Lane Oxford
Irley Lane Oxford
The Tuesday's Troubles are off and rolling
The computers were down at the bowling alley — a casualty of the construction. We have been bowling all along, but the scores were lost.
Trunk or Treat
There will be an open trunk or treat for anyone who would like to participate in passing candy out on Halloween to the kids. It will be held at the Shelman Realty parking lot from 6 to 8 p.m. on Halloween, Oct. 31. Decorate your trunk and dress up if you like. Make it fun for the kids. Open to everyone in the community who would like to participate in Halloween festivities but perhaps doesn’t get any kids at their house.

There are easier ways to carve pumpkins ...
BONNERS FERRY — What a better way to get into the spirit of Halloween, than carving a pumpkin? That is exactly what members of the Boundary County rescue dive team decided to do — underwater.
This Week In Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago

Marinated steak tacos
Marinated steak tacos

Larry Earl Eby
Larry Earl Eby

Boundary County's beautiful fall landscape
“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower” — Albert Camus
FAFSA night is Monday at BFHS
On Monday, Nov. 4, from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m., financial aid professionals will be at Bonners Ferry High School to help seniors and parents with Free Application for Federal Student Aid.
Dental Days services to be offered on Nov. 12 in Bonners Ferry
Panhandle Health District is expanding their monthly dental day to all north Idaho counties for the month of November.

Friends of KNWR honor Seger
BONNERS FERRY — On Oct. 24, the Friends of Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge (KNWR) held a “Meet and Greet” at Mugsy’s Tavern and Grill. The Meet and Greet was intended as a way to bring together current members and to generate new membership.
Coming Events:

BFHS soccer loses two at state
CALDWELL — After compiling a long winning streak to reach the 3A state soccer tournament, the Bonners Ferry boys ran into some tough luck and tough opponents in southern Idaho.

Nannette Schrader (Satterlund)
Nannette Schrader (Satterlund)

BFHS cross country teams qualify for state
ATHOL — The Bonners Ferry Cross Country team returned to Farragut State Park for the District I 3A Championships to determine qualifiers for state. The familiar 5K course had been packed down by rains and earlier runs by 4A and 5A races held at the same venue.
Dennis Larry Shelton
Dennis Larry Shelton

Robert 'Bob' Louis Fitch
Robert ‘Bob’ Louis Fitch

Wilma Vetter Kirkendall
Wilma “Vetter” Kirkendall passed away on Oct. 10, 2019 at Luther Park in Sandpoint, ID. A Celebration of Life gathering will be held on Nov. 2, 2019 from 1 – 3 p.m., at the Great Northwest Territories Event Center, 990 Mountain Meadows Rd., Naples, Idaho 83805. We will be gathering to share some of our favorite memories, our stories, to laugh, to cry and to remember a wonderful person who is greatly missed.

Tim Foust
Tim Foust

Suicide never ends complexity
After all the winters which have passed, I don’t remember the boy’s face as we pulled him from the ambulance — frozen forever in his high school years. I don’t remember the content of his note, or even if he chose to document his final tormented thoughts. Nor do I remember the time of day.
Fall Festival & Fashion Show
Boundary County Victim Services will hold its annual Fall Festival & Fashion Show auction and fundraiser Saturday, Nov. 2, doors open at 6 p.m., event starts at 7 p.m. The event will be held at the Valley Event Center at the Fairgrounds. Appetizers will be provided at no cost. Beer and wine will be available for purchase on-site.

CAP presents local family with $500 gift card
BONNERS FERRY — Having a pantry stocked with food is a wonderful way to begin the holiday season, and that is exactly what Flora Wolf will have, thanks to Community Action Partnership (CAP) and their sponsors.
Sheriff's Logs
Boundary County Sheriff’s Office

'Battle buddies' help Vietnam-era soldier
In the Army, the “battle buddy” system teaches soldiers to work together and look out for others – and that’s what happened recently in Priest River and Bonners Ferry.

Coldwell Banker North Woods Realty wins award
BONNERS FERRY — Coldwell Banker North Woods Realty received an award naming them a “Top Power Brokerage” from Real Estate Magazine 2019.
Clean Up Week begins Monday
The Bonners Ferry city clean-up week will be Nov. 4-12. Please make sure limbs and sticks are bundled and the leaf bags are light and easily moved by our crew.

State treasurer provides 'mini vaults' for students
BONNERS FERRY — On Tuesday, Oct. 22, Boundary County was visited by the State of Idaho Treasurer, Julie Ellsworth. She presented almost 200 mini-vaults to the students and explained the importance of saving for the future.

Badgers block for Bateman, win final game
PRIEST RIVER — Running behind great blocking from his offensive line and fullback, Senior Ty Bateman ran for 159 yards on 24 carries including two touchdowns as the Badgers defeated the Spartans at Priest River. The Badgers ran for a total of 244 yards on 48 carries including three touchdowns on their way to a 31-0 victory.
Thursday, October 24
Legals October 24, 2019
PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the following locations are designated as polling sites for the Election to be held November 5, 2019 in Bonners Ferry ldaho, County of Boundary: Precinct Location BF/Kootenai Exhibit Hall at Fairgrounds 6550 Kootenai St. Bonners Ferry) Moyie Springs Moyie City Hall (3331 Roosevelt Rd.) North Bonners Ferry Exhibit Hall at Fairgrounds (6550 Kootenai St. Bonners Ferry) Valley View Exhibit Hall at the Fairgrounds (6550 Kootenai St. Bonners Ferry) The polls will be open from 8:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. Any person requiring a special accommodation due to a disability should contact the ClerKs Office at267-2242 at least five days prior to the election. For further information or any questions regarding this notice, please call the Boundary County Clerk's Office at 267-2242. /S/ GIenda Poston Clerk of the District Court 10-24-2079 Publish Notice BFH LEGAL 10292 OCTOBER 24,2019

Have we forgotten how to cook?
In today’s fast-paced world of cell phones that are more like computers than phones, instant everything and two-income households (if you are lucky), cooking has kind of taken a back seat. Frozen boxed dinners, take out, and canned goods have become the “go-to foods” of many people’s everyday lives.

Salvadorian-American restaurant opening soon
BONNERS FERRY — There is a new restaurant opening in what used to be the Kootenai River Kitchen. The location will now house, Bonners Ferry Pupuseria.
Coming Events:
Seen 'n Heard
Justin I. very excited that a pedestrian was walking on the new sidewalk in front of his office on the South Hill.

BFHS volleyball loses five-set playoff opener
COEUR d’ALENE — The Badger varsity volleyball team saw its 2019 season end in a hard-fought, five-set playoff opener at Coeur d’Alene Charter.
Drug take back event is Saturday
On Saturday, Oct. 26, the Boundary County Sheriff’s Office, in conjunction with other local law enforcement agencies and the Drug Enforcement Agency will host the annual DEA Drug Take Back event at the local Super 1 Foods front entrance between 10 a.m. and noon.

Boundary Ambulance has slow year
BONNERS FERRY — Due to the low revenue this year, Boundary Ambulance has been forced to cut back. In what they hope is a temporary situation. Boundary Ambulance is dropping the part-time EMT position to an on-call position, meaning there will only be two full-time EMS personnel at the station at a time.
Underwater pumpkin carving contest
Members of the Boundary County Sheriff’s Office and Boundary Search and Dive Rescue will be competing against one another in an underwater pumpkin carving contest at noon on Friday, Oct. 25 at the city boat launch. The public is welcome to attend and hot drinks will be provided by the Boundary County Chaplain Corps.
IDL burn permit season over; safety still important
Fire safety burn permits from the Idaho Department of Lands (IDL) are no longer required for burning activities outside of city limits beginning Oct. 21.

Wilma 'Vetter' Kirkendall
Wilma ‘Vetter’ Kirkendall

Panel opposed to subdivision plan
BONNERS FERRY — A public hearing originally scheduled at the Extension Office regarding an application for an urban subdivision in Paradise Valley, had to be moved to the upstairs courtroom in the Boundary County Courthouse on Thursday night.
Letter to the Editor
HATE CRIMES: It’s time to speak against them

Snowshoe hare: It's time to change coats!
This past weekend I had the opportunity to travel on the south face of Harvey Mountain to explore one of my favorite mountain areas. The location is north of Bonners Ferry on Highway 95 going toward Eastport; turn left at Forest Service Road 272 and travel several miles until you arrive at FSR 2481 and turn right onto Harvey Mountain. It is a comfortable ride and scenic excursion.
Court Reports
Ali A. Abduletif, born 1984, charged with infraction exceeding maximum posted speed limit (1-15 MPH) by BFPD on Sept. 28.
Larry Earl Eby
Larry Earl Eby

BFHS seniors explore post-secondary options at NIC
COEUR d’ALENE — While underclassmen took the Practice Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) and Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) at Bonners Ferry High School last Wednesday, Oct. 16, 71 seniors visited North Idaho College to learn about post-secondary education and training options.

BCMS Cross Country competes at districts
The Boundary County Middle School Lady Badgers closed out the season with an individual district champion and a team title last Tuesday, Oct. 15, at Highland Golf Course in Post Falls. They competed against athletes from Timberlake, Genesis Prep, Priest River, and Kellogg, and exhibited the sort of race-day competitiveness that they have shown since the season opener at BCMS in September.

Daryl Albert Thiel
Daryl Albert Thiel

Elizabeth Anne Hight
Elizabeth Anne Hight

Spooky Halloween planned at Booville
BONNERS FERRY — Armed with a team of enthusiastic volunteers, the spooky town of Booville is coming together at Second Chance Animal Adoption for their seventh annual haunted house event.

Artists Choice Exhibit on display at Mountain West Bank
The Boundary County Artists Association debuted the new display wall in Mountain West Bank with a group exhibit by six local artists. Debbie Aaron, Vicki Bleile, Randee Foster, Steve Jamsa, Wendy McClintock, and Darrelyn Rose, all displaying original work featuring a wide variety of subjects and mediums. While their style and method may vary, all share the drive to create art.
Sheriff's Logs
Boundary County Sheriff’s Office

No headline
Legume-Bean Soup 3

Candidates discuss budget, sewer issue
BONNERS FERRY — The candidate forum that took place on Wednesday, Oct. 16 — moderated by Bonners Ferry Chamber of Commerce President Jennifer Van Etten — was informative despite the low turnout by both voters and candidates.
Employee pleads guilty to embezzlement, filing false tax return
COEUR d’ALENE — Jamie Gillette, 53, of Bonners Ferry, pleaded guilty to wire fraud and making and subscribing a false tax return, U.S. Attorney Bart Davis said Thursday.
Bart Allen Klaus
Bart Allen Klaus

Miscues cost Badgers in loss to Kellogg
BONNERS FERRY — The Badgers had their chances to win last Friday night, but miscues added up and the visiting Wildcats of Kellogg came away with the Intermountain League football win.
This Week In Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago

Historic bed and breakfast hosts open house
BONNERS FERRY — The Northside School Bed and Breakfast celebrated a ribbon cutting ceremony on Saturday, Oct. 19, hosted by Bonners Ferry Chamber of Commerce President Jennifer Van Etten.
Department of Labor issues new service plan
The Idaho Department of Labor has implemented its new service model in the Bonners Ferry area, providing direct mobile services to Bonners Ferry, Moyie Springs and Naples.
Riverside Road project delayed
Minimizing impacts to residents and the traveling public has been a top priority of all partners on the Riverside Road Improvement Project. In order to complete the project in one season (April to October), Western Federal Lands and Boundary County believe it is in the best interest of the public to delay construction until spring of 2021.
Fire Service Honor Guard hosts annual Chili Feed Competition
On Saturday, Nov. 2, the Boundary County Fire Rescue Honor Guard is hosting its annual Chili Feed Competition to raise funds for its work to honor those who have sacrificially served our community in the emergency services. The competition is open to any person or business who wants to contribute chili for our neighbors to sample!

Badgers win IML district title
POST FALLS — The Badger boys faced St. Maries for a semifinals game on Oct. 18, then played at Coeur d’Alene Charter on Oct. 19 at Real Life Ministries fields for the first Intermountain League district title game.
Gun Club News
Saturday Oct. 12
Thursday, October 17
Win a Chromebook at BFHS
On Thursday, Oct. 10, at Bonners Ferry High School, Rose Owens became the winner of a brand new Chromebook. How did this happen? Will it happen again?

Timberlake too much for BFHS football team
BONNERS FERRY — Joey Follini threw for 191 yards and five touchdowns to power the Timberlake Tigers past the Bonners Ferry Badgers 62-13 in the Intermountain League opener for both schools on Friday.

Badgers continue winning streak in districts
The Badger boys had their last home game, Senior Night, on Oct. 8, then played at Coeur d’Alene Charter on Oct. 11, before moving on to the 3A district playoff tournament at The Fields at Real Life Ministries in Post Falls on Oct. 14.

Cross country eyes strong run at district meet
A mild summer has given way to a chilly autumn and the Badger cross country teams wrapped up their final regular season meet this past Saturday at the William Johnson Sandpoint Invitational. Frosty grass covered Travers Park, but the teams would be racing mainly on pavement for three 1-mile loops.
Gun Club News
Bonners Ferry High School Trap Team, “Dukes Claybusters” practice: We had 30 miles per hour winds two Saturdays ago. I called off practice due to the strong winds and cold weather. The school trapshooting team has a tournament at Troy-Deary Trap Club on Oct. 19, so we need to practice.

No headline
Coming Events:

Community helps the Moyie Shrine Club
BONNERS FERRY — The community stepped up again this year to support to the Moyie Shrine Club in its endeavors to raise money for the Spokane Shrine Hospital for Children. People supported the club by buying raffle tickets and purchasing food, popcorn, and ice cream at the Boundary County Fair.
Cummings has season-best time for BFHS
MOSCOW — Bonners Ferry High School swimmer Julia Cummings competed last Saturday, Oct. 12, in a swim meet in Moscow.
Kirk to speak at Pink Ribbon Luncheon
BONNERS FERRY — All are invited to attend the 16th annual Pink Ribbon Luncheon to be held at the Chic ‘n Chop Restaurant on Saturday, Oct. 19, this year. Check in is at 12:30 p.m. and the program will run from 1-3 p.m.

Past, current Badgers celebrate at parade, tailgate party, game
The 2019 Bonners Ferry High School Homecoming took place last Friday, Oct. 11. It was kicked off by a parade through town at noon and Mountain West Bank hosted the annual tailgate party, which people flocked to after the parade finished.
Pearl Theater annual meeting coming Oct. 24
The annual meeting of the Pearl Theater is 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 24, at the Pearl Theater, 7160 Ash Street, and all members and those who’d like to be members are encouraged to attend.
Grins on the Go: Free dental sealants for Naples Elementary students
Helping to prevent cavities for Idaho children:

Awards created in the Fab Lab used for state conference
BONNERS FERRY — When the time came for the ILA Annual Conference 2019, put on by the Idaho Library Association, they needed customized plaques to hand out for awards. For the first time, Boundary County Library was asked to create those awards in their Fab Lab, and they stepped up to the plate in a big way.

Volley for the Cure a success
On Oct. 15, the Lady Badgers triumphed over Clark Fork High School in the “Volley for the Cure” game in five sets, 19-25, 25-20, 25-27, 25-18, 15-7.

Marilyn M. Boyenger
Marilyn M. Boyenger
Seen 'n Heard
Tonia B. helps lady become “unlost.”

St. Maries ends Bonners Ferry's season
POST FALLS — St. Maries’ Bianney Ventura scored just before intermission to break a scoreless tie, then assisted on Kassidy Suchoski’s second-half goal to lead the fourth-seeded Lumberjacks past the fifth-seeded Badgers 2-0 on Monday in the opening game of the 3A Intermountain League district tournament.

Social media: Pros and cons
Social media has changed many things about how people receive information and stay in contact with family and friends by expressing their opinions with a larger audience.

Last swings of the season
The “Impossible Open” and the “Reverse 9/Cross Country” tournaments were held at the Mirror Lake Golf Course last weekend. The “Impossible” was played Saturday and featured difficult tee and pin locations. Many picked up their ball, when they could find it, after the maximum 10 shots. The “Impossible” was won by Mr. Joe Bopp with a respectable 81.

Cowcreek Blueberry Farm celebrates fall harvest with pumpkin patch
BONNERS FERRY — The cooler temperatures did not deter folks from visiting the Cowcreek Blueberry Farm’s celebration of the harvest this past Saturday and Sunday.
This Week In Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month
October is the month which has been recognized as the National Domestic Violence Awareness Month since 1981.It was conceived by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence as a Day of Unity to connect victims and survivors with battered women’s advocates across the country. Domestic Violence affects millions; both women and men, of every race, religion, culture and status.

Schleif hired as sheriff's deputy
BONNERS FERRY — Boundary County Sheriff’s Deputy Alan Schleif joined the Sheriff’s Office on Aug. 26. Schleif came on board having 20 years previous law enforcement experience, with 10 years prior to that working in private security.

Asparagus & Fish in cheese sauce
Asparagus and fish in cheese sauce
Court Reports
Simranjit Singh Barring, born 1997, charged with infraction exceeding maximum posted speed limit (16 MPH or over) by ISP on Sept. 16.

Patricia (Patti) Bable Rogers
Patricia (Patti) Bable Rogers
Free Concert
Novinger Music Center will present a concert of piano music by Frederic Chopin — Romantic Era composer from Poland — this Sunday, Oct. 20, at 3 p.m. at The Pearl Theater. The concert is FREE to the public. Any donations will benefit the Bonners Ferry Community Orchestra. The following students will perform, along with their instructor, Glenda Novinger: Lois LaPointe, lan Wallace, Noah Varelman, Johanna and Jonas Snyder, Josiah and Lydia Martin, and Ethan Cowell. Students range in age from 10 to mid-60s. Invite a friend and come enjoy an inspiring afternoon of beautiful music!
Sheriff's Logs
Boundary County Sheriff’s Office

Jacob M. 'Jay' Epstein
Jacob M. ‘Jay’ Epstein

Randy Lee Olson Pennock
Randy Lee Olson Pennock

The blue jay: beauty, brains and spirit with a perky little crest!
I was alerted one morning by a blue flash in my backyard and heard a piercing jay, jay, jay, sound. I wondered to myself if it could be a blue jay! I couldn’t believe it until I looked out the window to see a blue jay perched on a Ponderosa pine branch; it was the first one I have seen in Idaho.

Boundary County Sheriff's winter driving class is Oct. 26
Whether you are new to winter driving or just need a refresher on what to do when the roads turn icy, this class is for you. We will talk about driving in the snow, avoiding crashes, staying safe in the event of a crash, and what to do if you become stranded.
Thursday, October 10

No headline
Seen 'n Heard
n Mother Nature playing dirty tricks on us. It is too early!
Sheriff's Logs
Boundary County Sheriff’s Office

Plenty of cheer to go around
The track in front of the grandstand was filled with many excited, young cheerleaders during last Friday’s football game. For the youngsters, this was the culmination of a fun-packed day at Cheer Camp. Eighty-one children participated in the program, and 68 of them performed at the halftime show.

Badger runners riding a hot streak
Cross country season is entering its final weeks and the busiest weekend for the Badgers occurred last weekend. They started Thursday with the speedy, flat course at Pinehurst Golf Course hosted by Kellogg. The natural surfaces with minimal hills made for great times and many PRs (Personal Records) and SRs (Season Records).
Bonners Ferry Lions Club closes ... with a silver lining
“The Silver Lining” makes this sad news a little less sad. After over 50 years of Community Service, the Bonners Ferry Lions Club has closed its doors.

Fallen firefighters honored
BONNERS FERRY — “On the behalf of the firefighters standing here today — and to those who have lost their lives — I want to thank you for coming here today and never letting them be forgotten,” said Boundary County Chaplain Corps Chaplain Dave Lotze to the people who gathered at the Bonners Ferry Fire Department on Sunday, Oct. 6, for the 2019 National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend Observance.
Local agencies plan ahead for winter emergencies
BONNERS FERRY — The October Boundary County Local Emergency Planning Committee Meeting was held this past Wednesday, Oct. 2 at the Armory with a large turnout of agencies.

Homemade spaghetti sauce
Homemade spaghetti sauce
This Week In Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago

Stroganoff fundraiser benefits cancer education, support group
BONNERS FERRY — On Thursday, Oct. 3, Chic-N-Chop hosted the Bonners Ferry Women’s Cancer Education and Support Group’s fifth annual spaghetti feed fundraiser, but this year there was a twist — instead of spaghetti, they served stroganoff.

Mirror Lake Ladies' Golf Report
For closing day, Oct. 2, the Mirror Lake Ladies game of the day was the “Impossible Open.” In this game, players follow a special road map of challenging tee boxes and pin placements devilishly devised by Manager and Chief Pro Ralph Lotspeich and his grounds crew to set up, ensnare and defeat the most icy veined competitor.

Fire station addition, breakfast attract crowd
NAPLES — People gathered at the South Boundary Fire Station #1 to enjoy a free breakfast and a tour of the new construction on Saturday, Oct. 5. The South Boundary Firefighters cooked and served the breakfast from 7 to 11 a.m.
Boundary County Victim Services receives grant
With sincere gratitude, Boundary County Victim Services (BCVS) would like to thank the North Idaho Action Fund of the Idaho Community Foundation for awarding our program, for the second year in a row, with a generous grant in December 2018. This grant has afforded survivors of domestic violence and/or sexual assault who were in crisis, the opportunity to receive mental health counseling.

Lady Badgers defeat Wildcats
The Lady Badgers played against Kellogg High School on Oct. 1 and took the win with a final score of 1-0. Eika Willis scored the goal.

9B Pho Noodle Joint under new management
BONNERS FERRY — New restaurant managers Lee and Tanna Yeoumans are ready to provide the community with interesting culinary delights.

Saving energy at the city
The City of Bonners Ferry generates about 30 percent of its energy needs at its hydroelectric dam on the Moyie River, and purchases the remainder from the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA).

Badgers score early, fall to St. Maries
The Bonners Ferry Badgers came out ready to play in Friday’s nonconference matchup with visiting St. Maries, scoring on their first drive when freshman quarterback, Teigan Banning, made an acrobatic jumping pass and connected with junior Evan Barajas for a 38 yard touchdown. Sophomore kicker Sky Reinhardt’s kick after touchdown was successful and Badgers led the Jacks 7-0 two minutes into the first quarter.

Flannel Shirt Open golf event generates donations for food bank
This weekend the Mirror Lake Golf Course hosted the 30th annual Flannel Shirt open. The event collected food and donations to support the local food bank.
Coming Events:

BFHS boys soccer shuts out Grangeville, Orofino
The Badger boys soccer team is on a roll. On Tuesday, Oct. 1, they hosted Immaculate Conception, winning 2-1, then had back-to-back shutout games last Friday and Saturday, with a 6-0 against Grangeville High School, followed by a 4-0 against Orofino High School.
Court Reports
Ronald W. Allen, born 1948, charged with infraction exceeding maximum posted speed limit (1-15 MPH) by BFPD on Sept. 16.
High school tests scheduled for Oct. 16
On Oct. 16, all sophomores will be taking the practice SAT (PSAT) during the school day. Juniors will be taking the ASVAB during this time. Any juniors who are interested in taking the PSAT instead, which may qualify them for scholarship opportunities, must sign up in the office.

Meet the small, but lethal, sharp-shinned hawk
I was watching my bird feeders last week when suddenly a small hawk landed on a branch above the feeders and set quietly blending into the branches of the ponderosa pine. It was a sharp-shinned hawk (accipiter striatus) — they are about the size of a blue jay, but considerably more lethal. He is an excellent hunter and birds make up most of his diet.
VFW Raffle Winner
VFW Post 3622 would like to congratulate Loni Hooper on winning the handgun raffle. We would also like to thank everyone who participated: Your support means so much!

Badgerettes dance team performs, has new coach
The Badgerettes took to the football field during the halftime show last Friday and performed a pom routine. This was their first performance as a team and with new coach, Dawn Facha. They will take to the field again, this Friday, to perform a hip hop routine for the homecoming game.

Improved technology highlighted as county jail earns certification
BONNERS FERRY — The Boundary County Jail has continued to improve over the years, resulting in it being recommended for certification for the third year in a row. Recent new improvements to modernize the operations at the jail have led to better efficiency as well as better safety for the inmates.

BFHS ready to Volley for a Cure
As part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the Badger volleyball team will host a Volley for the Cure game on Tuesday, Oct. 15, starting at 5:30 p.m.

Community Bands Together to Bring Lost Pets Home
BONNERS FERRY — A very well-loved and dearly missed cat was found more than 10 miles away from its home last Monday evening, and no one knows how this pet ended up there.
Thursday, October 3
Legals October 3, 2019
Notice of Open House Meeting The Cabinet Mountains Water District will conduct two open house meetings regarding the upcoming bond election. At these meetings the public is free to ask questions about the upcoming bond election and regarding the needed water system improvements. Keller Associates, Inc. the District's engineers, will also be at the meetings to answer questions. Please plan to attend one of the meetings to be held: October 9th, 2019 from 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. at the Bonners Ferry Visitor Center, or October 29th, 2019 from 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. at the South Boundary Fire Station. All registered voters in the District are eligible to vote at the election on Tuesday, November 5th, 2019. BFH LEGAL 10276 OCTOBER 3, 2019
Refuse to be a Victim Class
The Boundary County Sheriff’s Office will be hosting the first “Refuse To Be A Victim” class on Saturday, Oct. 19 from 8 a.m. until noon. There is no cost for the training, but the class size is limited to 20 people. The training will be held in the classroom at the old Armory building located across from the Middle school.
James Raymond Flory
James Raymond Flory

James 'Wimpy' Price
James ‘Wimpy’ Price

No headline

BFHS's Cummings honored at only home swim meet
SANDPOINT — Bonners Ferry High School swimmer Julia Cummings competed on Saturday, Sept. 28 in her only home meet this year in Sandpoint.

Fallen firefighters to be honored in Sunday ceremony
The U.S. Fire Service will pay tribute to the lives of 119 firefighters who died in the line of duty in 2018 and in previous years during the 38th National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Service on Sunday, Oct. 6. A local memorial ceremony will also be held on that day at 3 p.m. at the main City Fire Station in downtown Bonners Ferry.

Norman Lee Aldridge
Norman Lee Aldridge

Thompson's 'Ancient Voices' performance coming to Pearl Theater
“Ancient Voices: Songs of Earth and Ancestors” is a multimedia choral theater work conceived, created, and directed by Vicki Blake Thompson and presented by The Pearl Theater. It features the BOUNDLESS vocal ensemble and SPIRITSONG women’s choir.

New road segment and bridge created
A new segment of Sand Mountain Road has been created near Naples. A new bridge was installed approximately 2.4 miles southeast of Highway 95 on Trail Creek Road and a new segment of Sand Mountain Road was constructed. The new bridge is the new beginning of the Sand Mountain Road system. Access to roads and the Beaver Lake trail remain unchanged.
Coming Events:

American red squirrel: 'Chatter box' of the forest!
I remember it was the first encounter with our terrier/Shih Tzu and the neighborhood American red squirrel. Our dog was wanting out on the deck so we opened the door and the squirrel was on the deck. She tried to corner the squirrel underneath the barbecue grill, but failed. The little squirrel was too fast and jumped off the deck and ran up a tree — and when it was safe, let out a scolding chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp that was familiar to all forest visitors. She definitely gave our dog a piece of her mind; even when we went inside the squirrel was still chattering away and flapping its tail until we were out of sight.

Boundary County Human Rights Task Force: Disability History & Awareness Month
Since October is both National Disability Employment Awareness Month and Idaho Disability History Month, here is a brief note on the Disabilities Rights Movement:

Accident blocks U.S. 95 for 3 hours
BONNERS FERRY — A two-vehicle accident on U.S. 95, by Deer Park Road, blocked traffic for several hours on Tuesday evening, Oct. 1, resulting in one woman being transported by Life Flight.

No headline
Gary Thurman
Gary Thurman

Mirror Lake Ladies' Golf Report
The main feature of Sept. 25-26, the last days of the Mirror Lake Ladies’ 2019 season was “Ace of Aces,” in which the 5 players who won “Ace of the Month” during the 2019 season compete for the ultimate title of “Ace of Aces.” The five competitors this year were Blanche Studer, Carrie Figgins, Therese Helmer, Karen English, and Gerry Ann Howlett. After some terrific golf from these fine competitors, Gerry Ann Howlett emerged the winner of the title of “Ace of Aces,” 2019. Congratulations Gerry Ann!

Bees to Bears, and a new slug
BONNERS FERRY — The Boundary-Smith Creek Wildlife Management Area has been under construction in an effort to restore 250 acres of lowland habitat.

Badger cross country competes at Priest River
PRIEST RIVER — Bonners Ferry cross country was back in action at Priest River Lamanna High School for the Ivan Benson Invitational. The meet, named after the longtime Priest River cross country coach, was a full 5K course that featured two large loops, was relatively flat with the exception of a couple of hills, and was mostly on natural surfaces. The race also had only two races, one for each gender.
Badger boys soccer loses to Timberlake
SPIRIT LAKE — The Badger boys suffered a tough 3-1 loss in a key Intermountain League match at Timberlake High School last Thursday, Sept. 26.
Annual Mayor's Walking Challenge attracts 77 Idaho mayors
The Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation for Health, through its High Five Initiative, is turning to Idaho mayors to help shine a spotlight on the importance of children being physically active.

This Week In Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago

Hospital seeks donations for 3D mammography equipment
One in eight women will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime.

Coworkers and community congratulate Joe Farrell
BONNERS FERRY — A fond farewell via a retirement party complete with cake, balloons, and refreshments was happening all day Friday, Sept. 27, inside the Pace-Kerby & Co., Inc. Real Estate office.
Free breakfast on Saturday at South Boundary Fire
Come on down to the South Boundary Fire Station #1 in Naples this Saturday for a free breakfast. From 7-11 a.m., the Firefighters will be cooking pancakes, sausage, ham, and eggs for free to the public. This is an opportunity to come and meet your neighbors and Fire Department. We will also have our Fire Station bounce house out for the kids.

Quilts a warm reminder of community's support
PORTHILL — “So ... how does one thank our Hall Mountain Volunteer Firefighters/First Responders?” said Justine Williams, president of the HMVFA Ladies Auxiliary. “These men and women donate their time to serve and protect us when emergency needs arise.”
Court Reports
Ronald W. Allen, born 1948, charged with infraction exceeding maximum posted speed limit (1-15 MPH) by BFPD on Sept. 16.
Sheriff's Log
Boundary County Sheriff’s Office