Thursday, January 25

Missing something?
Missing something? (Keep reading for a chance at a pretty sweet reward.)
Legals January 25, 2018
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Boundary County Planning and Zoning Commission will hold public hearing at 5:30 PM Tuesday, February 15, 2018 in the Courtroom, County Courthouse, to accept public comment on a Conditional Use Application, 18-042 by Levi Falck DBA FALCKCO LLC. Application 18-042 involves establishing a Commercial Junk Yard on parcels # RP62N01E142861A, RP62N01E142876A, RP62N01E142870A (totaling 2.92 acres) for the purpose of providing a location for the disposal and/or storage of derelict vehicles.This request is made in conjunction with Ordinance 9B18LOV1: 15.14. Commercial/Light Industrial zone 15.14.5. Conditional Uses Commercial junkyards The deadline for written comment and material for 18-042 is 12 PM Tuesday February 8, 2018. Written comment may be mailed to: Boundary County Commissioners, PO Box 419, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805, faxed to (208) 267-1205 or emailed to Written comment will be accepted at public hearing provided the material is read into the record. There may be a five (5) minute limit per person on verbal testimony. Further information is available on this application at the Planning & Zoning Office, room 18 located in the Extension Office behind the Courthouse, and the application is available for public review. Information is also available by calling (208) 267-7212 or by visiting the county website at Anyone requiring special accommodation due to handicap or disability should contact the planning office at least two (2) days prior to the hearing. BFH Legal 9838 January 25, 2018

Capt. Leonard LeSchack
Capt. Leonard LeSchack

Rock band Incredible Flying Dookie Brothers to play at the Pearl
The Incredible Flying Dookie Brothers will perform for the first time ever at The Pearl Theater on Saturday, Jan. 27 at 7 p.m. Tickets are on sale now at Mountain Mike’s, Bonners Books, online, or call 208-610-2846.

VVES back from Christmas break
At Valley View Elementary School (VVES) we are excited to be back in school after a well-rested Christmas break. Our teachers are doing a great job at challenging students and making the educational process fun. Our students are enjoying art, library, computer lab, music, and physical education throughout the week. VVES is a great place to be with outstanding staff and hard-working, kind, and friendly students. We are lucky to be a Badger!

Keep the homestead safe this winter
BONNERS FERRY — As winter progresses, and the snow continues to fall in Boundary County, staying safe and warm during the cold months is imperative to living without incidents.

Veggie Hash with Eggs
Veggie Hash with Eggs

Norman L. Ferber
Norman L. Ferber
Wedding Announcement: Mr. & Mrs. Galen Ensz
Community Calendar
Coming Events:

Badger boys pick up home victory
BONNERS FERRY — Bonners Ferry boys basketball started slowly, but used a big second quarter to earn a 61-49 win over the visiting Post Falls JV team on Jan. 18.

Community raises money for girl
BONNERS FERRY — On Jan. 20, about 300 members of the Boundary County community gathered at the middle school to support Abigail Blockhan, daughter of Don and Nikki Blokhan in her fight against Dysautonomia.
Judy James
Judy James

Fine dining with a great blue heron
It is Herman Melville who said, “We become sad in the first place because we have nothing stirring to do!”
Duke's Clay Busters
Duke’s Clay Busters
Jane (Stemmene) Riefsteck
Jane (Stemmene) Riefsteck

Beating the winter blues
BONNERS FERRY — As winter plods along, the days have gotten short and cold, which affects plants, animals and humans. With the cold season, many people around the world get the winter blues, some more than others.
Court Reports
Jacob H. Hecker, born 1987, charged with infraction failure to provide vehicle proof of insurance by BFPD on Dec. 18, 2017.

Jiu-Jitsu places high
BONNERS FERRY — On Saturday, Jan. 6, Spokane hosted the Northwest Open, Gi and no-Gi Jiu-Jitsu Championship.
UI Extension offers mentoring workshop series for farmers
MOSCOW, Idaho — Helping experienced farmers become mentors to other farmers is the goal of a University of Idaho Extension workshop series.
This Week In History
100 Years Ago
Gladys Edith Burton
Gladys Edith Burton

Chamber all cheers over meeting
BONNERS FERRY — Members of the Chamber of Commerce gathered together at Heart Rock Wines to discuss, over wine and dinner, local businesses and items of interest that may affect local business owners.
REALTORS® accepting grant applications
Selkirk REALTORS® is now accepting grant applications for grant awards to be given in June. Applications for funding this year must be received at the Association office no later than April 16, 2017.

Lady Badgers top Post Falls JV, Wallace
BONNERS FERRY — Miranda Wenk continued her strong play, leading the Lady Badgers with 18 points and 18 rebounds in their win over Post Falls JV. After a 15-15 first quarter tie, the Badgers outscored the Trojans 15-6 in the second quarter for a 9-point halftime lead, and they finished with a 20-12 fourth quarter en route to a 69-51 victory.
The Tuesdays Trouble have finished 18 weeks of bowling
Alice VanGundy got high scratch game 188, high scratch series 459 and third high handicap game 245. Melayne Stevens got second high scratch game 182, third high scratch series and second high handicap game 249. Helen Heritage got third high scratch game 177. Jeanne Osborn got second high scratch series 445 and second high handicap series 646. Donna Kent got high handicap game 255 and high handicap series 718. Nina Saunders got third high handicap series 644.
Seen and Heard
n It’s official... Christmas is over. The tree in the park is gone.
Letter To The Editor
Mourning 45 years of abortion
Sheriff's Logs
Jan. 15
Monday, January 22

Landslide possible on Black Mountain
BONNERS FERRY — On Jan. 20, Boundary County Emergency Management received a call from the Boundary County Sheriff’s Office Dispatch regarding a possible slide on Black Mountain.
Thursday, January 18
Legals January 18, 2018
NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. CV-2018-9 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BOUNDARY In the Matter of the Estate of: JANE MARIE REIFSTECK, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named decedent. All persons having claims against the decedent or the estate are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or within sixty days after the mailing or delivery of this Notice, whichever is later, or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to the undersigned at the address indicated, and filed with the Clerk of the Court. Dated this 9th day of January, 2018. /s/ James Stemmene 2820 Grandview Drive Clarkston, WA 99403 (509) 758-7654 BFH Legal 9836 January 18, 25, 2018 February 1, 2018

Green River Tattoo makes its mark on Boundary County
BONNERS FERRY — In June of 2017, Zachary Richards opened his tattoo shop, Green River Tattoo, located in the shop adjacent to the city parking lot and behind the Rusty Moose Tavern and Grill, bringing to Boundary County a service that was not present at the time.
Learn Driving Safety Tips
Class offers driving safety tips: A driver safety class will be offered on Thursday, Jan. 25 at the Seniors Hospitality Center, 6635 Lincoln on the South Hill in Bonners Ferry. The class is open to anyone, but emphasizes safety issues related to people 50 years and older. No written or driving test is required.
Pancakes to Pilot Scholarships awarded
Eight flight training scholarships have been awarded by the local Experimental Aircraft Association, EAA Chapter 757. The Chapter received eight applications and was able to fund all applicants to some degree.
Boundary County celebrates, honors King
Boundary County residents young and old joined together Saturday, Jan. 13, at The Pearl Theater to celebrate and honor the life and dreams of Dr. Martin Luther King.

Wildlife's adaptation to winter
It’s cold outside! When it gets cold what do you do? I put on a warm sweater, stay inside and have a hot cup of coffee! Animals can’t put on a sweater, so what do they do in winter? Winter is cold and there is less food around.

Christopher Haworth
Christopher Haworth
Sheriff's Logs
Jan. 8

Birth Announcement: William Joseph Price
William Joseph Price
Court Reports
Adam H. Hall, born 1988, charged with misdemeanor hunting, trapping, or fishing while possessing the wrong type of license by IDFG on Dec. 23, 2017.

Winter comes to Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge
BONNERS FERRY — Snow changes the landscape of the Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge, smoothing lines and softening the sounds. Winter is peaceful, stark, quiet — yet for those who look closer, it is still bustling with life.

Healthy homemade Nutella
Healthy homemade Nutella
The Tuesday's Trouble have finished 17 weeks of bowling
The Tuesday’s Trouble have finished 17 weeks of bowling
North Bench Volunteer Fire District annual meeting notification
The Board of the North Bench Volunteer Fire District cordially invites all residents of the district to attend its annual business meeting, scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 27, 10 a.m., at Station 1 on Hwy 2, across from the 3 Mile Junction truck stop.
Seen and Heard
Tanna Y. — When taking pictures of vehicles that have driven through buildings, make sure you watch for ice.
Scout changes
Cub Scout Pack 114 welcomes female Cub Scouts this month as they launch a new era of Family Scouting in Bonners Ferry. Thanks to its current den leader training and its longstanding charter partnership with Trinity Lutheran Church, Pack 114 is ready to begin before Boy Scouts of America’s official roll-out in September!

Lady Badgers fall to Timberlake
SPIRIT LAKE — A spirited comeback effort wasn’t enough as the Bonners Ferry girls’ basketball team traveled to Spirit Lake Tuesday, Jan. 9, to face Timberlake, the two-time defending 3A state champions.

Cereal 'school' features speakers from grain commissions, industry and researchers
The North Idaho Cereal School in Bonners Ferry will be held Wednesday, Jan. 24, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Boundary County Extension Office, 6447 Kootenai Street. Industry leaders and university researchers will bring you the latest information on weed and disease control, pest issues, and variety trial results. Presentations will include updates on blackleg in canola, results of Boundary County wheat and barley variety trials, the latest information on weed control strategies, and a market update. In addition, an ADM representative will speak about grain quality issues. Pesticide recertification credits will be available for participants.

Accident damages building
BONNERS FERRY — On Monday, Jan. 15, a vehicle from Riverside Auto Center was being test driven and accelerated through the back corner of Callie’s Niche before crashing into a tree.
Jane (Stemmene) Riefsteck
Jane (Stemmene) Riefsteck

No headline

Boundary County Middle School gearing up for second semester!
I would first like to thank our citizens of the month. For November (Citizenship) BCMS selected: Kaelynn Baisden (sixth), Blake Rice (seventh), Leah Webster (eighth), and Jessica Hanna (staff). For December (Generosity) BCMS selected: Markynn Pluid (sixth), Evelyn Chaney (seventh), Brena Gould (eighth), and Rita Vannoy (staff). These folks showed tremendous citizenship and generosity. We are getting ready to announce our January winners so stay tuned.
Bonners Ferry High School 'Dukes Clay Busters'
Bonners Ferry Gun Club had five shooters this weekend in the Sub Jr. and Junior divisions. Weather was 35 degrees, cloudy and at certain times, hard to see targets. High scores were shot by Wade Rice and Nick White followed by Connor Black Jrs. and Falen Eberhardt and Blake Copeland Sub Jrs. I should have results next week on their standings in the Spokesman and I - Net Shoots.
Community Calendar
Coming Events
This Week In Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago

New year, healthy habits
BONNERS FERRY — The students at Bonners Ferry High School came back from winter break and participated in an event that the Idaho Drug Free Youth (IDFY) and i2i program brought to the school. Each class participated as a whole in a three-hour session of what was not only team building exercises, but exercises that encouraged the classmates to communicate.
Thursday, January 11

Russell O. Vernon
Russell “Russy” O. Vernon, passed away of natural causes on January 5, 2018, while at Life Care Center of Sandpoint. Russy was born on June 18, 1945 to Melvin and Annie Vernon, and was a lifelong resident of Bonners Ferry. Russy is survived by his son Owen Vernon (Val), daughters Carrie Beuster (Kirk) and Linda Belhoussine (Youness), sisters Lois Flory (Bill) and Carolyn Warner (Larry), five grandchildren and two great grandchildren, along with countless friends whom he considered family. Russy led a full and colorful life, his happiest times were spent being with family and friends, hunting, fishing, and picking huckleberries. Russy was a Jack of All Trades; logging in Alaska and the Northwest, working in the mines in Nevada, owning Vernon’s Construction and Painting and being honored multiple years as a Rainbow Vacuum Top Dealer and Top Scouting for the Cascade Region. Russy had been a member of AA for 20+ years and was a member of the Bonners Ferry Seventh Day Adventist Church. Russy loved hosting Bible studies at his home. Special thanks to the wonderful care he received from the Life Care Center of Sandpoint. If desired, donations can be made to the local charity of your choice or to the Life Care Center of Sandpoint
Legals January 11, 2018
City of Moyie Springs Annual Road & Street Finance Report FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2017 BEGINNING BALANCE AS OF OCTOBER 1, 2016 $ 36821 RECEIPTS: Total Local Funding $ 152 Total State Funding 133326 TOTAL RECEIPTS $ 133478 DISBURSEMENTS: Total New Construction $ 0 Total Reconstruction 108915 Total Routine Maintenance 10261 Total Equipment 9933 Administration 4355 Total Other 2589 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS $ 136053 Closing Balance as of September 30, 2017 $ 34246 Funds Obligated for Specific Future Projects 24000 Funds Retained for General Funds & Operations 10246 ENDING BALANCE $ 0 A certified report of dedicated funds was submitted to the State Auditor as required by Idaho Code 40-708. A copy of the original report is on file in the City Clerk's office for public viewing, upon request. Donna Wilson-Funkhouser, City Clerk BFH Legal 9832 January 11, 2018
Blood Drive
Donors sought for blood drive

Introducing the Herald team
BONNERS FERRY — Mandi Bateman, the editor for the Bonners Ferry Herald, joined the Hagadone team in March of 2017. Originally from Northwest Washington, Bateman has lived in Oregon, Alaska, Hawaii, Colorado, Kentucky, and Montana. She and her husband moved from Kentucky to be closer to her father who lives in Troy, Mont.

Dante pleads guilty to murder charge
BONNERS FERRY — Eric Dante pleaded guilty Dec. 21 to second-degree murder in the shooting death of Jessika Musson.

Allen's Property Management opens
BONNERS FERRY — Owning property is beneficial in so many ways, but can also be difficult to manage — especially to those who own multiple properties in multiple places. An owner’s option to rent their property out is an opportunity that many property owners utilize to supplement income and help pay the costs of upkeep.

Spaghetti feed, auction to benefit Abigail Blockhan and her family
A benefit spaghetti feed and auction will be held at the Boundary County Middle School for Abigail Blockhan, the daughter of Don and Nikki Blockhan, Bonners Ferry, at 6 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 20.

Vietnam vet helps other veterans in need
BONNERS FERRY — One Vietnam veteran, despite having already served his country, still feels his work is not done. Ron McIlnay of Boundary County has dedicated his time to helping veterans in need.

Alsy Brinkmeyer
SANDPOINT — Alsy Brinkmeyer is settling in as advertising director and general manager for the Bonner County Daily Bee, Bonners Ferry Herald and Priest River Times.

Introducing the BFH Team: Tanna Yeoumans
BONNERS FERRY — Tanna Yeoumans began her career with the Bonners Ferry Herald as Tanna Larsen in June of 2017. She was the long awaited arrival to the team, as Mandi Bateman, still a reporter at the time, was handling all of the editorial herself.

Mountain Chickadee: The Masked Bandit of the bird feeder!
As I was watching our bird feeder on the west side of the house I noticed an unusual increase in activity at the feeder. I thought it was a chickadee, but on closer inspection I observed it had a mask.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. program scheduled Saturday
A celebration of art, music and film to commemorate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his message of equality, respect, hope and non-violence will be held at The Pearl Theater on Saturday, Jan. 13, at 3 p.m.

Introducing the BFH Team: Linda Johnson
BONNERS FERRY — Linda Johnson has been the Office Manager of the Bonners Ferry Herald for seven years, greeting people as they walk in the door or call, making them feel welcome. She runs a tidy office, bringing it to life with her personal plants that can often be seen flowering on the window sill.

Badger wrestling team third at St. Maries tourney
BONNERS FERRY — Bonners Ferry wrestlers participated in the Riverside Classic in St. Maries on Jan. 6.
Community Calendar
Coming Events

Fennel, Pear, and Cauliflower Soup
Fennel, Pear and Cauliflower Soup
Boundary ambulance begins 2018 with new operations
BONNERS FERRY — Boundary Ambulance Service (BAS) begins 2018 with two new additions to its normal operations. Chief Jeff Lindsey says both are vitally important to the community we serve.

Robotics team gears up for regional competition
BONNERS FERRY — This past Saturday, Jan. 6, marked the annual FIRST Robotics season kick-off. At 7:30 a.m., our local FIRST team, 2130 Alpha Plus from Bonners Ferry High School met at the robotics club house and excitedly awaited this year’s game reveal along with other FIRST teams all over the world.

Robert Menard Langley
Robert Menard Langley
Seniors invited to exercise
Beginning Monday, Jan. 15, the Senior Hospitality Center will begin the winter session of the “Fit and Fall Proof Class.” This free class will run, from Jan. 15 until Friday, March 30. The hour-long class is every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and begins at 10:45 a.m.
Sheriff's Logs
Jan. 1
Court Reports
Thomas R. Bennett III, born 1998, charged with felony possession of a controlled substance by BCSO on Aug. 11, 2017.

Classic cars lost in fire
BONNERS FERRY — Hall Mountain Fire responded to a shop fire on Jan. 5, at 11:30 a.m. at the Koubek residence at 5202 Moyie River Road.

Badgers beat Priest River to open IML play
BONNERS FERRY — Saturday, Jan. 6, the Badger boys basketball team played a home game against Priest River. The boys came out on top 66-41, with Chris Sabin leading the team, scoring 21 points.

Introducing the Bonners Ferry Herald team
BONNERS FERRY — Ida Trower came to the Bonners Ferry Herald in June of 2017, after working for an elementary school for 17 years followed by work as a travel agent and Data Entry Specialist when she needed to stay home and care for her mother.
This Week In Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago
Seen and Heard
n Ray H. and Tom E., isn’t it about time for your next float trip on the Kootenai River?

Lady Badgers win three games in busy week
BONNERS FERRY — On Wednesday, Jan. 3, the Lady Badgers braved the snowy roads and traveled to Eureka, Mont., to play the Lions of Lincoln County High School. The Badgers overcame one of their lowest shooting-percentage games (29 percent) and pulled out a 52-44 win.

Eddie Dwayne Leach
Eddie Dwayne Leach
No headline
The Tuesday’s Trouble have finished 16 weeks of bowling after taking a week off for Christmas.
Bonners Ferry High School: 'Dukes Claybusters'
Had a very small turnout for the first week of the Spokesman Review shoot. Bonners Ferry Gun Club had only three shooters. Sub Jr. Falen, Blake, and Junior shooter Wade Rice. Hope to get more youth shooters next week.
Thursday, January 4
Legals January 4, 2018
Boundary County Annual Road and Street Financial Report FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2017 BEGINNING BALANCE AS OF OCTOBER 1 PREVIOUS YEAR ........................ 1,238,198 LOCAL FUNDING SOURCES All other LOCAL receipts or transfers in ............................................................... 45,772 Total Local Funding............................................................................................ 45,772 STATE FUNDING SOURCES Highway user revenue...(Highway Users and HB312) ......................................... 1,400,519 Total State Funding............................................................................................. 1,400,519 FEDERAL FUNDING SOURCES Secure Rural Schools............................................................................................ 158,847 Federal-aid Bridge...(Trout Cr $88,601 and Ruby Cr Br #2 $3,329) .................... 91,930 Federal Lands Access Funds and All other FEDERAL receipts or transfers ........ 14,551 Total Federal Funding......................................................................................... 265,328 TOTAL RECEIPTS................................................................................................ 1,711,619 RECONSTRUCTION/REPLACEMENT/REHABILITATION Roads (rebuild, realign, or overlay upgrade)......................................................... 218,342 Bridges, culverts and storm drainage.................................................................... 42,367 Total Reconstruction/Replacement................................................................... 260,709 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Patching................................................................................................................ 41,570 Winter Maintenance.............................................................................................. 256,626 Grading/blading..................................................................................................... 226,958 Other (signs, signals or traffic control) .................................................................. 390,335 Total Routine Maintenance................................................................................. 915,489 EQUIPMENT Equipment lease/purchase.................................................................................... 100,739 Equipment maintenance........................................................................................ 224,413 Total Equipment.................................................................................................. 325,152 ADMINISTRATION Administrative salaries and expenses ............................................................. 232,009 OTHER EXPENDITURES Right-of-way and property purchases .................................................................. 136,175 Professional services - engineering ..................................................................... 127,687 Total Other .......................................................................................................... 263,862 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS .................................................................................. 1,997,221 RECEIPTS OVER DISBURSEMENTS ................................................................ (285,602) CLOSING BALANCE .......................................................................................... 952,596 Funds obligated for specific future projects & reserves ................................ 638,000 Funds retained for general funds and operations ........................................... 314,596 ENDING BALANCE ............................................................................................. - Total lane miles rebuilt, realigned, or overlay........................................................ 0.27 Total lane miles graded or bladed ........................................................................ 442 FUTURE PROJECTS & RESERVE DESCRIPTIONS Available Funds .................................................................................................... 638,000 Project List Start Year Projected Cost Cross port Guardrail- Match Cross port Guardrail- Match 2018 17,000 Riverside Rd Improvement - Match 2020 320,000 Ruby Cr Br #2 Ph 2 - Match Ruby Cr Br #2 Ph 2 - Match 2018 18,000 Ruby Cr Br #2 Const - Match Ruby Cr Br #2 Const - Match 2020 45,000 Trout Cr Br Ph 2 Trout Cr Br Ph 2 Trout Cr Br Ph 2 2018 16,000 Deep Cr Loop Overlay/ER Slide MP1.1 2018-2019 80,000 Trout Cr Br Const - Match Trout Cr Br Const - Match 2019 52,000 Schoolhouse Road Improvement - Match 2020 90,000 Available for Other Projects .................................................... 638,000 Total amount of Highway User Revenue from HB312 ..................................... 334,292 Maintenance performed Amount spent X Rehabilitation of road $ 218,342 X Rehabilitation and maintenance of bridge $ 42,367 X Grading/Blading $ 34,685 X All other maintenance $ 38,898 $ 334,292 Deferred maintenance costs over the last 5 years (in dollars). 1,838,100 BFH Legal 9822 January 4, 2018

Feeding birds makes a difference in winter
Mammals have begun to hunker down in warm dens. Many birds have left the area to spend the season basking in the southern climates of Mexico, Central America, South America and the Caribbean.

Brewery receives awards of thanks
BONNERS FERRY — The Vietnam Veterans of America held a Renaissance Fair fundraiser in 2017 which helped raise money to support the financial needs of veterans of all branches of the military.

Douglas Allen Flory
Douglas Allen Flory

Everett Michael Anderson
Everett Michael Anderson was born Nov. 26, 2017, at Bonner General Hospital in Sandpoint, Idaho. He is the son of Eric and Jennifer Anderson of Bonners Ferry, Idaho.

No headline

No headline
Seen and Heard
BFHS Clay Target Youth Club
“Dukes Claybusters” had one more chance at breaking a good score for 2017, as the last practice rounds for the year were Saturday, Dec 30.

Mary Kopas
Mary Kopas
Sheriff's Logs
Dec. 25

Jessica Noel (Barton) Soule
Jessica Noel (Barton) Soule

Readers share their reflections, photos from the past year
BONNERS FERRY — As we say hello to the new year, it is fun to look back.
Community Calendar
Coming Events:

Donna Marjorie Robinson Bakman
Donna Marjorie Robinson Bakman

Sausage Soup
This is an interesting soup. If you like a bit of spice in your soup use hot Italian sausage or chorizo instead if the sweet Italian.

BFHS girls split at holiday tourney
BONNERS FERRY — The Lady Badgers played the host West Valley Eagles on Wednesday, Dec. 27, at the 84-team West Valley Holiday Tournament. And while the Badgers battled to an impressive 33-30 halftime lead, they seemed to run out of gas, and lost with 63-55.

Yoder's Market is moving
BONNERS FERRY — With the turning of the year from 2017 to 2018, Boundary County will see changes throughout the new year. One of the first changes residents will see is Yoder’s Market moving from Main Street, up to their new building at the top of the North Hill, near 3 Mile. They plan to close the store Jan. 12-15, and reopen in the new location on Jan. 16.
This Week In Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago

Bonners Ferry Herald: 2017 year in review
The following is a quick look back at the top stories in each issue of the Bonners Ferry Herald during the year 2017.

P.E.O. grant helps another local woman with school
BONNERS FERRY — There is another recipient of the P.C.E. grant, which is a grant aimed toward women that helps them with their higher education.

Barton Lee (Bart) Dinning
Barton Lee (Bart) Dinning
Court Reports
Michael J. Still, born 1975, charged with infraction unlawful driving on laned highways or traffic by BFPD on Nov. 24.

Russell 'Doc' Murrell Docherty
Russell ‘Doc’ Murrell Docherty