Saturday, May 18, 2024

Introducing the BFH Team: Linda Johnson

by Mandi Bateman Editor
| January 11, 2018 12:00 AM

BONNERS FERRY — Linda Johnson has been the Office Manager of the Bonners Ferry Herald for seven years, greeting people as they walk in the door or call, making them feel welcome. She runs a tidy office, bringing it to life with her personal plants that can often be seen flowering on the window sill.

Johnson has lived in Boundary County since she was three of four years old, and her knowledge of the area’s rich history and its people is a wealth of information for both the editorial and advertising staff.

“I enjoy helping people and being involved with an awesome team who publishes an outstanding community based paper each week,” said Johnson.

Johnson loves Boundary County for its well defined seasons, with fall being her favorite. She spends her off time enjoying outdoor activities, or the company of her “two spoiled cats and one stinky dog.”

“I can’t say enough about Linda’s passion and enthusiasm,” said Northern Idaho Regional Publisher Larry Riley. “She’s not only very knowledgeable about the business of running a newspaper office, but she’s extremely passionate about the job she does and the important role this newspaper plays in our Bonners Ferry community.”

Johnson has a self admitted wicked sense of humor, and she keeps the office environment laughing, especially on tense deadline days.

Alsy Brinkmeyer, the advertising director and general manager for the Bonner County Daily Bee, Bonners Ferry Herald and Priest River Times, said, “Linda is an integral part of the Herald’s team. Her attention to detail and her overall commitment to maintaining a functional work-follow is superb.”

“For Linda, this is more than just a job,” said Riley. “It’s a responsibility and something I know she really enjoys doing. I’m always glad to hear her voice on the line.”

With a new team in place, Johnson has been the rock and the encyclopedia the group turns to as they learn the ins and outs of the Herald’s history as it pertains to the future moving forward.