Thursday, March 28
Legals March 28, 2019
NOTICE TO CREDITORS Case No. CV 11-19-0017 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BOUNDARY MAGISTRATE DIVISION IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: JUSTINE SANDRA YALEY, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Steve Masterson has been appointed Personal Representative of the Estate of Justine Sandra Yaley, deceased. All persons having claims against the decedent or the estate are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be filed with the Clerk of the Court and presented to the undersigned attorney for the Personal Representative at the following address: 312 S. First Ave., Ste A, Sandpoint ID 83864 . DATED this 25 th day of February, 20 19. BERG, McLAUGHLIN & NELSON, CHTD By: /s/ William Berg William M. Berg Attorneys for Personal Representative BFH Legal 10123 March 14, 21, 28, 2019
Seen 'n Heard
n The spring plants are just as anxious for this winter stuff to go away as we are... the pussy willows are out!

Jan Scott
Jan Scott

Carolyn (Carol) L. McCoy
Carolyn (Carol) L. McCoy

Fugitives sought on sex offense, drug charges
Two fugitives are being sought by the Boundary County Sheriff’s Office.

BCMS braces for spring break, fourth quarter
It has been a very busy but positive last few weeks to end the third quarter! Spring has sprung and we are all facing some cabin fever and can’t wait to get to spring break! In that spirit BCMS has welcomed March Madness and taken it head on with lots of experiences and activities for our students and involving our community.

March Madness hits Boundary County Middle School
BONNERS FERRY — At the Boundary County Middle School, students competed in their annual door competition. They decorate the classroom doors around the themes of colleges around the United States in various unique ways.

Young gymnast wins in competition
BONNERS FERRY — Several Bonners Ferry girls attended the State Gymnastics Championship in Hailey, Idaho.

Much-needed tropical fever hits Bonners Ferry for 'Week Tropique'
BONNERS FERRY — Three years ago, as North Idaho slowly shook off the long winter, and hints of spring began to show through the snow, Boundary County Library Director Craig Anderson had the idea to bring a tropical vacation to Boundary County. And he did.
Dixie (Richards) Fulgham
Dixie (Richards) Fulgham
Mercedes Ashton Durham
Mercedes Ashton Durham
This Week In Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago

Pho real: Vietnamese food reaches Boundary County
BONNERS FERRY — After hosting a busy soft opening, The Pho 9B Noodle Joint ironed out a few kinks before their grand opening on March 25. The newly remodeled building was steadily busy throughout the day as Boundary County residents stopped in to try the new restaurant.

Man in critical condition after accident at mill
BONNERS FERRY — A 42-year-old Bonners Ferry resident and Marine, Martin Riebe, was severely injured in an accident at the Fodge Pulp Mill where he was working in Boundary County at 1:20 p.m. on March 21.

Miako Hosterman – DYW Participant #8
Beta Sigma Phi is happy to sponsor Miako Hosterman. Miako is the daughter of Kathleen Hosterman and Christopher Currie She has one brother, Gary-Dean, and three sisters, Bella, Joy, and Annie. After graduation, Miako plans to attend college to study architecture. Extracurricular activities she enjoys include symphonic band, honor choir, jazz band, singing, drawing, and playing her trombone.

Emily Holman – DYW Participant #5
Emily Holman is sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars. She is the daughter of Cindy and Alan Sumpter and Josh Holman and Genny McGee. She five sisters: Amy, Larissa, Kaylee, Taylor, and Kyra. Emily plans to attend college to study music, photography, and veterinary medicine. Emily finds modern personalities Jessica Hanna and David Carpenter interesting.

Arrest made in burglary spree
BONNERS FERRY — After a rash of burglaries that occurred just south of the city limits during the overnight hours of Feb. 22, the Boundary County Sheriff’s Office and the Bonners Ferry Police Department worked together and launched an investigation.
The Tuesday's Trouble have finished twenty-five weeks of bowling
Lil Jimenez got high scratch game 168, second high scratch series 441 and high handicap game 235. Jeanne Osborn got second high scratch game 166 and second high handicap game 229. Carolyn McNeill got third high scratch game 158 and high scratch series 450. Donna Kent got third high scratch series 439 and tied for third high handicap series 643. Evelyn Smith got third high handicap game 228 and high handicap series 652. Michelle Sweet got second high handicap series 650. Dolores Sweet tied for third high handicap series 643.

Naples man sentenced for burglary, battery
COEUR d’ALENE — An 18-year-old Naples man who zip-tied the hands of a Coeur d’Alene couple and beat them is going to prison.
Community Chili Feed
Community chili feed is Saturday

Reianna Brooks – DYW Participant #6
Reianna Brooks, sponsored by Knights of Pythias, is the daughter of Kevin and Roxanne Brooks. She has two brothers, Michael and Eric, and one sister, Hailey. Reianna plans on attending Northern Arizona University to pursue a career in law enforcement. In her spare time, Reianna participates in First Lego League Robotics. She enjoys writing poems and stories, hiking, swimming, fishing, and reading.
Community Calendar
Coming Events
Sheriff's Logs
Boundary County Sheriff’s Office

Alpha+ team shows how to train a robot
BONNERS FERRY — FIRST Team 2130 Alpha+ will be attending the Idaho Regional competition in Nampa, Idaho, March 27-31, where the team will be competing against other teams from California, Illinois, Arizona, Washington, Florida, Idaho, and Mexico.

Bailey Owens – DYW Participant #7
Bailey Owens, the daughter of Jacob and Amy Owens, is sponsored by Masonic Organization Lodge #43. She has one sister, Jenny, and two brothers, Joshua and Zane. Bailey plans to attend Brigham Young University and pursue a career as a Speech Language Pathologist.
Court Reports
John Martin Boswell, born 1959, charged with infraction exceeding maximum posted speed limit (1-15 MPH) by ISP on March 14.

Springtime brings baseball season
BONNERS FERRY — After winning their very first Idaho 3A State Championship in their 25 year history, the 2019 Badger Baseball team will start out with a new team but with the same dream: another shot at winning the State Championship.
Restorium Ramblings
I’m rambling again. Last time I forgot some very important news! The Friends of the Restorium, who are always doing wonderful things for us, made it possible for each resident to be given a lovely Christmas gift, as they do every year! We are so grateful.

Creamy Tomato Bisque
Creamy Tomato Bisque

Pondering the ponderosa pine
“The ponderosa is one of the most widely distributed trees in the interior West, extending from southern British Columbia southward in two main branches: down the Cascades and Sierras into Southern California, and through the Rockies into Arizona and New Mexico. It is at home at high elevations.”
Thursday, March 21
Legals March 21, 2019
NOTICE TO CREDITORS Case No. CV 11-19-0017 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BOUNDARY MAGISTRATE DIVISION IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: JUSTINE SANDRA YALEY, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Steve Masterson has been appointed Personal Representative of the Estate of Justine Sandra Yaley, deceased. All persons having claims against the decedent or the estate are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be filed with the Clerk of the Court and presented to the undersigned attorney for the Personal Representative at the following address: 312 S. First Ave., Ste A, Sandpoint ID 83864 . DATED this 25 th day of February, 20 19. BERG, McLAUGHLIN & NELSON, CHTD By: /s/ William Berg William M. Berg Attorneys for Personal Representative BFH Legal 10123 March 14, 21, 28, 2019
The Tuesday's Trouble have finished twenty-four weeks of bowling
Jeanne Osborn got high scratch game 172, second high scratch series 421, and third high handicap game 235. Lil Jimenez got second high scratch game 165 and high scratch series 430. Regina Colby got third high scratch game 163 and high handicap game 242. Evelyn Smith got third high scratch series 399, second high handicap game 238, and second high handicap series 666. Tamie Patzer got high handicap series 671. DaVonna Cada got third high handicap series 638.

Dina Cook-Petty – DYW Participant #3
Moyie Shrine Club is happy to sponsor Dina Cook-Petty. Dina is the daughter of Dean and Sharlene Petty. She has one sister, Hailey, and three brothers, Skyler, Thomas, and Bailey. Dina plans to attend the College of Idaho. She participates in Volleyball and enjoys reading, working, and eating.
Court Reports
Craig B. Amaral, born 1979, charged with misdemeanor trespass with property damage of $0 to $1,000 by the county on Aug. 7, 2018.
This Week In Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago
Letter to the Editor
SCHOOL LEVY: Vote should be in a regular election

Four local Coldwell Banker agents honored
BONNERS FERRY — Bonners Ferry’s locally owned Realtors office, Coldwell Banker North Woods Realty, wishes to congratulate four of its agents for achieving the level of International Sterling Society with Coldwell Banker for the 2018 production.

Signs of spring emerge in Boundary County
“The first day of spring is one thing, and the first spring day is another. The difference between them is sometimes a month.”

Beta Sigma Phi organization helps local children
The Xi Beta Omicron Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi in Bonners Ferry recently donated several items to help children in crisis.

Valley View kids raise $2,184 for American Heart Association
Valley View Elementary, once again, participated in the American Heart Association’s annual fundraiser, Jump Rope for Heart.

Nadia Fleck – DYW Participant #4
Nadia Fleck is sponsored by the Bonners Ferry Eagles Aerie #3522. She is the daughter of Tony and Pamela Fleck. She has one brother, Anthony, and five sisters, Dalaila, Karla, Serena, Chloe, and Tiana. Nadia plans to attend Washington State University in order to study Education. Nadia’s favorite actor is Channing Tatum and her favorite movie is “The Princess Bride.”

Katie Summerfield – DYW Participant #2
American Legion is proud to sponsor Katie Summerfield. Katie is the daughter of Matthew and Nati Summerfield, and has two brothers, Jacob and Ethan. Katie aspires to attend college and pursue a career where she can work with youth. Historical figure that interest Katie are Anne Frank and Rosa Parks. She is also intrigued by modern personality Jessica Cox.

Ruth J. Mudd
Ruth J. Mudd
Carolyn L. McCoy
Carolyn L. McCoy

Badgers take third at state AAU tournament
The Bonners Ferry 4th-6th grade AAU boys’ basketball team competed in an AAU qualifying tournament on March 2 in Lewiston, Idaho, and made it to the championship game of the tournament. This qualified them for their first-ever Washington State Championship on March 15-17 in Spokane, Wash.
Social media rumors cause nearly 200 students to miss a day of school
BONNERS FERRY — Rumors on social media can spread like wildfire, and cause catastrophic results in a short period of time.
School district chooses new leader
The Boundary County School District Board of Trustees selected Janette Bayer as the next Superintendent to lead the District. Bayer will replace retiring Superintendent Gary Pflueger.

Angel Hair & 3 Onion Soup
Angel Hair and Three Onion Soup

Legacy Project brightens school and community
NAPLES — Moving on to middle school and leaving your elementary school behind can be an exciting and emotional transition, but for the fifth grade students at Naples Elementary School, they have the opportunity to leave a piece of themselves behind, thanks to the Legacy Project.

Sheriff warns of black ice after rollover crash
BONNERS FERRY — A single vehicle rollover accident occurred on Cow Creek Road on Monday after hitting black ice. Boundary County Sheriff’s Office, Bonners Ferry Police Department, Paradise Valley Fire, and Boundary Ambulance all responded to the scene. There were no injuries.

Serenity Fahey – DYW Participant #1
Bonners Ferry Rotary Club is happy to sponsor Serenity Fahey. Serenity is the daughter of Lucas Fahey and Jessica Vickers. She has three brother, Sabastian, Kolten, and Collin, and two sisters, Stormy and Bella. After graduation, Serenity plans to attend college at University of Idaho to become an Attorney. Extracurricular activities she enjoys include cross country, track, National Honor Society, youth group, basketball, and traveling.

The Cat in the Hat visits Bonners Ferry
BONNERS FERRY — Bonners Ferry was graced with the presence of the Cat in the Hat at Super 1 Foods on March 16.

Valenzuela hired as sheriff's deputy
BONNERS FERRY — Boundary County Sheriff’s Deputy Michael Valenzuela joined the Sheriff’s Office in October 2018. Valenzuela previously spent almost 10 years with the Sandpoint Police Department where he wore many hats, including being a K-9 handler.
Sheriff's Logs
Boundary County Sheriff’s Office
Seen 'n Heard
n The ship has sailed ...

Certified Nursing Assistant winter graduates announced
Boundary Community Hospital and North Idaho College announced the graduation of the winter semester Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) class.

Robotics team plans open house as regional contest approaches
Bonners Ferry High School FIRST Robotics Team 2130 Alpha+ invites our wonderful community to attend our annual open house from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Saturday, March 23. We will be showcasing our 13th season robot, built in just six weeks! Our workshop is located on the east side of Boundary County Middle School. Please follow signs at the front of the school.
Naylor to compete in statewide GeoBee
Roger Naylor, an eighth-grader at Boundary County Middle School, is one of the semifinalists eligible to compete in the 2019 National Geographic GeoBee Idaho State Competition. The contest will be held at BYU Idaho in Rexburg on Friday, March 29.
Community Calendar
Coming Events
Thursday, March 14

Enjoying nature ... even on spring break
Spring break found me in Puerto Vallarta enjoying fishing, sightseeing, photography and discovering iguana. Walking around Los Penas marina in Puerto Vallarta one morning last week I couldn’t help but notice a group of people eying something on the pavement and grass between the boardwalk and the water. They were watching someone hand-feed hibiscus flowers to an iguana.

The path of a Black Belt
BONNERS FERRY — When a person enters a martial arts studio for the first time, regardless of the brand or style of the art, it causes an array of emotions.

Gale J. Plato
Gale J. Plato
Gun Club News
March 9
Letter to the Editor
BEAUTY: Comes from the heart

Alternative to suet
An alternative to suet
Cat in the Hat
Cat in the Hat to visit

No headline

Massage can help humans ... and eventually horses
BONNERS FERRY — Getting a massage has a wide variety of health benefits, from relieving pain to lowering blood pressure, and many things in between. The health benefits also apply to animals such as horses and dogs.
The Tuesdays Trouble have finished 23 weeks of bowling
Michelle Sweet got high scratch game 181, third high scratch series 432, high handicap game 286, and high handicap series 747. Helen Heritage got second high scratch game 168, second high scratch series 448 and second high handicap game 230. Lil Jimenez and Fran Musak tied for third high scratch game 155. Carolyn McNeill got high scratch series 455. Donna Nystrom got third high handicap game 229. Lila Finley got second high handicap series 654. DaVonna Cada got third high handicap series 653.
This Week In Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago
Seen 'n Heard
n Get ready to switch from snow shovels to waterproof boots ... it’s going to warm up!
Birthday Celebration
Birthday celebration

Jose (Joe) Jesus Caballero Jr.
Jose (Joe) Jesus Caballero Jr.
Sheriff's Logs
Boundary County Sheriff’s Office

From linemen to veterinarians
BONNERS FERRY — There are moments in a person’s life, a turning point perhaps, a junction in the road — and the choice that follows can define the rest of a life. For some Bonners Ferry High School students, one of those points in their life may have happened on March 7 — Career Day.
Community Calendar
Coming Events:

The community steps up to help Kana
NAPLES — Boundary County residents have a sense of community that far surpasses many other areas. People wave at friends and strangers alike as they drive down the road; motorists are not often left stranded on the side of a road for long before someone stops to help; people help their neighbors shovel snow or chop firewood.
Voters OK school levy
BONNERS FERRY — The voting results are in and the Boundary County School District 101 current Maintenance and Operation (M&O) Levy, that will expire on June 30, has passed with approximately two-thirds of the voters voting ‘yes.’
Court Reports
Kelly Calvin Beasley, born 1954, charged with infraction failure to provide vehicle proof of insurance by ISP on Feb. 26.

Students travel back 100 years
BONNERS FERRY — The Boundary County Museum paired up with local schools to bring a unique experience to the students in celebration of Idaho Day, which commemorates March 4, 1863 when Abraham Lincoln signed the paper to make Idaho a territory.

Say 'arrr' and 'brrr' at Penguin Plunge
BONNERS FERRY — Ice crusted the Kootenai River as the day drew closer — the day that people gather together, summoning all their courage, in order to benefit the Special Olympics, and plunge into icy water.
Thursday, March 7

Phillip Lee Lowman
Phillip Lee Lowman

Confetti Lentil Salad
Confetti Lentil Salad

Louis Ray Lefebvre
Louis Ray Lefebvre
Gun Club News
March 2
High School and Middle School honor rolls listed
Bonners Ferry High School recently announced its honor roll for the first semester of the 2018-19 school year.
Sheriff's Logs
Boundary County Sheriff’s Office

Fox squirrel: A red-coated, bird feeder bandit!
“Advice from a squirrel: Plan ahead, stay active, spend time in the woods, go out on a limb and its OK to be a little nuts!!”
This Week In Bonners Ferry History
100 Years Ago
Letter to the Editor: Facts about the School M&O levy
SCHOOL LEVY: Support our community, vote yes

Massage is good for your health
BONNERS FERRY — Getting a massage can not only be a relaxing treat to oneself, but can also boast many different health benefits. A few of those are decreasing blood pressure, stimulating the immune system, pain relief, increased circulation, reduced stress and anxiety, it promotes bodily relaxation, and assists with sleep.

Solving problems, building robots
BONNERS FERRY — Twelve years ago, in our small, rural community that has a heavy emphasis on logging and agriculture, a dream was formed to bring robotics to the students of Boundary County. Ed Katz was a high school science teacher and saw a niche to be filled.
Letter to the Editor: School Superintendent
SUPERINTENDENT: Meet the four finalists

Irma Artis Merrifield
Irma Artis Merrifield

Cancer: A silent killer of firefighters
BONNERS FERRY — They answer a calling, donning equipment and charging in when others run away. They face fire, accidents, and emergencies. They are our firefighters.
Legal Aid Lawyer in Town
Legal Aid lawyer to visit

High Five! Bonners Ferry gets synthetic ice rink
BONNERS FERRY — Over the years, Bonners Ferry has seen the weather patterns change. Some years, there is heavy snowfall and colder temperatures, and other years, the winter season was more mild.

Curtis Wayne Stewart
Curtis ‘Wayne’ Stewart

Festival of Hearts gala raises $37,000
With grateful hearts, the Fry Healthcare Foundation Board of Directors is ecstatic to announce that this year’s Festival of Hearts gala raised over $37,000! This will allow them to purchase four Spacelabs QUB Heart Monitors for Boundary Community Hospital Emergency/Acute Care as well as the Fund-an-Item Blood Bank Refrigerator designated for use by the Hospital’s Laboratory.
Community Calendar
Coming Events:
Final reminder: It's time to plunge
BONNERS FERRY — Just because it has been colder than you wish, and just because getting wet during that cold spell does not sound like fun ... Surprise!

Dorothy R. Billingsley (Eby) Firebaugh
Dorothy R. Billingsley (Eby) Firebaugh

Eagle meets Badger in finished snow sculpture
BONNERS FERRY — Anna Lee Harris finished her snow sculpture over the weekend with the help of Ms. Dawn Wagner’s Beginning Art class in the Boundary County Middle School.
Court Reports
Brian L. Brown, born 1969, charged with infraction exceeding maximum posted speed limit (16 MPH or over) by BFPD on Feb. 27.
Class to present, discuss AWR-118 awareness, biological weapons
Course Description: This course provides a brief overview of biological incidents that have occurred; biological agents that are naturally occurring, could be accidentally released, or could be used deliberately; the typical course of disease and how that may vary in a deliberate incident; an overview of biological agents as terrorist weapons; and methods of protection from biological agents (with an emphasis on protection using methods and equipment readily available to emergency responders and the general public). This course can be considered an introductory course to Emergency Response to Domestic Biological Incidents (PER-220).
Letter to the Editor
SCHOOL LEVY: Time to vote no

Leroy William Monson, Jr.
Leroy William Monson, Jr.
The Tuesdays Trouble have finished twenty-two weeks of bowling
Jeanne Osborn really shined. She got high game 193, second high series 471, high handicap game 257, and third high handicap series 663. Carolyn McNeill got second high game 176, high scratch series 493, and second high handicap series 673. Donna Kent got third high game 168 and third high handicap game 237. Alice VanGundy got third high scratch series 444. Evelyn Smith got second high handicap game 245. Nancy Clatworthy got high handicap series 676.
Seen 'n Heard
n Gaggle of students gathered pickles as they stepped back in time.
Suspect in custody after multiple burglaries
BONNERS FERRY — A rash of burglaries occurred recently in Bonners Ferry and the area just south of the city limits. The Bonners Ferry Police Department and the Boundary County Sheriff’s Office have been working closely together on these investigations.

Spaghetti feed to benefit Kana is Saturday at South Boundary Fire
Makana Zito Hashimoto (Kana) moved to Bonners Ferry, Idaho, in 2013 with his grandmother. Kana was diagnosed with autism at an early age and has been raised by his grandmother since then. In late summer 2018, Kana’s aunt Dawn moved to Bonners Ferry due to a divorce and came to live with her mother and nephew.

Gertrude H. Trudy Dinsmore
Gertrude H. ‘Trudy’ Dinsmore
Disabled veterans could earn tax benefit
The Veterans Property Tax Reduction benefit reduces property taxes for qualified 100 service-connected disabled veterans.

Anthony David Tritt
Anthony ‘David’ Tritt