Monday, September 30

BFPD locating 'Harris' sign thief
General rule of thumb, if it is not yours, leave it alone, especially political signs.

Korn named to Bonner Commissioner seat
Ron Korn was appointed by Gov. Brad Little on Friday to fill the remaining three months of Luke Omodt's term after the former county commissioner stepped down Sept. 7.

KVRC seeks more members
The Kootenai Valley Rifle & Pistol Club invites community members to learn the Olympic sport of smallbore rifle, air rifle, and pistol.
Sunday, September 29

Candidate forum set for Wednesday
The community is invited to get to know local and state candidates in contested races at a community candidate forum Wednesday, Oct. 2. Sponsored by the Bonners Ferry Herald, KRFY and the Selkirk Association of Realtors, the forum will be held at Sandpoint High School's auditorium, starting at 5:30 p.m.
Saturday, September 28
Sunday high winds push red flag warning in Panhandle
The National Weather Service in Spokane has issued a Fire Weather Watch for wind and low relative humidity, which is in effect from Sunday morning through Sunday evening.

Rasor appointed to open LD1 seat
Cornel Rasor has been appointed to fill the open District 1B seat in the Idaho House of Representatives.
Friday, September 27
Idaho State Bar issues ethics opinion on attorneys dropping cases amid public defense change
Public defenders can’t walk away from cases without a judge’s permission, even if their new state contracts mean they will get paid less.

How to request an absentee ballot for Idaho’s November election website from Secretary of State’s Office offers several election 2024 resources for Gem State voters

Storm batters Boundary, Bonner counties
Much of the damage to power infrastructure occurred around 5 p.m. Wednesday, when bursts of strong wind felled trees and brought down power lines across North Idaho. According to Northern Lights Inc., crews worked to replace 15 broken power poles overnight and restrung downed wires.
Thursday, September 26

Kohberger makes first appearance in Boise court
It was the first hearing for Bryan Kohberger since the case was moved to a new venue about 300 miles from Moscow, where the killings occurred.

LPOHS teen dies after being struck by falling tree
A 17-year-old high school senior died Wednesday evening when he was struck by a falling tree during the fast windstorm that swept through the area.

Storm knocks out power for much of county
Due to a widespread power outage in Boundary County, all county administrative services are unavailable and the Courthouse will be closed, Boundary County officials said.
Community car seat safety check set for Sept 28
The community is invited to come to a Safe Start mobile safety lab on Saturday, Sept. 28, to learn about child passenger safety and get their car seat checked. The event is being held at the Boundary County Annex, 6566 S. Main, Bonner Ferry, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Kimball to compete at state DYW competition
Rylie Kimball, Bonners Ferry’s 2024 Distinguished Young Woman, is set to compete for $42,500 in scholarships and the opportunity to represent the state as the Distinguished Young Woman of Idaho for 2025.
Heirston named September “We Care” Award at Restorium
Night supervisor Tabitha Heirston has been named the August 2024 recipient of the Ray Olson Employee of the Month “We Care” Award by the Boundary County Restorium Residents Council.

XC: Cowell leads Badgers at Thompson Falls, 7 Badger PRs
Ethan Cowell led the Badgers and shaved off 36 seconds off his personal record, with a time of 18:40.06 at the Thompson Falls Invite on Saturday, Sept. 21.

Pertussis outbreak continues in region
Antibiotics, treatment available
With the region in the middle of a pertussis outbreak, there is help available, Panhandle Health District officials said. And, the earlier you seek treatment to either confirm or rule out pertussis, the less severe your symptoms and length of illness might be.

Tuesday’s Trouble: Week Two, Graye takes high scratch
Jaene Graye got high scratch game 171 and third high scratch series 408 for Tuesday's Trouble bowling league on Sept. 17.

North Idaho Bear Fair on Saturday
North Idaho is bear country, living and recreating safely in their midst requires intentionality and specific training and skills.
United Women of Faith fall fundraiser, Oct. 4-5
The annual United Women in Faith fall rummage, bake and book sale will be held Friday October 4 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday October 5 from 9 a.m. to noon at the United Methodist Church corner of Lincoln and Denver Streets.

BCC welcomes new clinical social worker
Boundary Community Clinics welcomes Jeanne Racer, a licensed clinical social worker, to its behavioral health services.

BCH September Spark: Messick
Mindy Messick has been made the Spark of the Month at Boundary Community Hospital.
Help celebrate John Alt’s Birthday
Come out and help celebrate John Alt’s 90th birthday. The celebration will be held at p.m. on Oct 5, at Rotary Park on Snow Creek, 2043 Lions Den Rd, Bonners Ferry.

Badger Sports Schedule: Sept. 26- Oct. 4
BFHS sports schedule from Sept. 26 to Oct. 4.

Athlete of the Week: Hart and Hubbard, soccer
Maddie Hart and Malachi Hubbard are named Athlete of Week for Badger soccer.

ROUND UP: Hiatt scores 3 TD in tight football victory, Blackmore sinks five goals over Tigers
Conrad Hiatt scores three touchdowns in Badger 35-34 victory

IPPLI sets Oct. 2 open house
The newly formed Idaho Panhandle Public Lands Initiative is hosting an open house at 6 p.m. on Oct. 2 at the National Guard Annex, 6566 Main St., Bonners Ferry.

BFPD seeks eighth officer
The Bonners Ferry Police Department is seeking an eighth officer.

BFHS Athletic Hall of Fame 2024 inductees announced
Bonners Ferry High School now has an Athletic Hall of Fame and has announced its 2024 inaugural inductees.

Boundary County Court Records - Sept. 26, 2024
Court records for the period of Sept. 14-20 2024.

Boundary County Calendar - Sept. 26-Oct. 6, 2024
Upcoming events, activities, and meetings taking place in Boundary County.

From the Archives - Sept. 26, 2024
A war bond from the war between the Kootenai Tribe and the United States.

This Week in History - Sept. 26, 2024
Local history in Boundary County, from Naples to Porthill, and from Bonners Ferry to Moyie Springs.

Investing in Idaho through opportunity zones
As Congress begins to consider extending Republicans’ 2017 tax law, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), we must prioritize incentives with a track record of encouraging growth and investment. As the lead Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, I am committed to continuing fiscally responsible, pro-growth tax policy that delivers meaningful results for low-income Americans, including the significant “Opportunity Zone” investments in Idaho.
Matthee is a person of real integrity
The political climate in our country is such that I marvel at the fearless people who possess the courage and commitment to run for office, motivated to represent us fairly and work to make our lives better.
Matthee is a voice for all Idahoans
I am voting for Karen Matthee for Idaho Legislative Seat 1A. Karen is more than qualified with her education and broad work experience.
Larson is a candidate for the people
Some candidates run for government office because they feel called to improve the lives of the citizens they serve. Such is the case with Kathryn Larson who “never thought she would be involved in politics.”
Vote no or grab a fiddle
Let’s take Prop 1 on this November's ballot. The proponents of this proposition claim it is about returning to open primaries as was the case in Idaho prior to 2012. The blatant deception here however is two-fold.
Larson dedicated to helping all residents
I hear Boundary County residents complain that we get left out of important events. Not so when it comes to Idaho House of Representatives candidate Kathryn Larson.

Evelyn Stallings, 97
Evelyn Stallings has passed away peacefully at 97.
Legals for September, 26 2024
Wednesday, September 25

House passes temporary bill to avoid shutdown as lawmakers punt spending decisions to December
The House has passed a temporary measure that would keep federal agencies funded when the new fiscal year begins next Tuesday while punting final spending decisions for the next budget year until after the Nov. 5 election.

Fluoride in drinking water poses enough risk to merit new EPA action, judge says
NEW YORK (AP) — Fluoride in drinking water poses a risk to the intellectual development of children, and U.S. environmental regulators need to address it, a federal judge in California has ruled.

Idaho Panhandle Public Lands Initiative to host open house
The newly formed Idaho Panhandle Public Lands Initiative is hosting an open house at 6 p.m. on October 2 at the Boundary County Annex, located at 6566 Main Street.
Tuesday, September 24

Bonner County man arrested for threatening to kill former President Trump
According to court documents, Warren Jones Crazybull called Mar-a-Lago on July 31, 2024, and threatened to kill former President Trump.

OCT NIBJ: Staying on top pf plumbing issues protects home's value
When it comes to home improvement or preparing your house for sale, the last thing on your mind is probably the condition of the plumbing, until there is an immediate issue.
Monday, September 23

Welcome to Scare School: As Silverwood becomes Scarywood, actors hone their spooky skills
From pop scares to creative costuming, Scarywood delivers harrowing Halloween experiences
A spooktastic Halloween experience calls for an eerie, bone-chilling atmosphere, ghastly ghouls lurking in dark corners, haunted attractions that turn the blood cold and well-timed, well-planned jump scares that send the unwitting running for their lives.
Sunday, September 22

Dual enrollment surges at North Idaho College
Overall enrollment up 15% this fall
Thursday, September 19

BFPD: ‘Fentanyl incidents increase in community’
Over the past few months, incidents with fentanyl have increased in the community.

September events at the Pearl Theater
The Pearl Theater is known for hosting performances and concerts, but the theater is also a venue for groups, workshops, classes and events. A number of events are on the theater’s calendar for the remainder of September.

Second “North Idaho Bear Fair” at Fairgrounds
Come learn the basics of how to live and recreate safely in bear country on Sept. 28 at the Boundary County Fairgrounds.

Tuesday’s Trouble starts back up
A new bowling season has started for the Tuesday’s Trouble women’s bowling league.

Since pandemic, Montana, Idaho have surpassed California as most unaffordable states for homebuyers
Before COVID, there were 20 states that were considered affordable by National Association of Realtors. Now there are none.
Since the pandemic, two states, Montana and Idaho, have surpassed California as the most unaffordable states for local homebuyers, according to the analysis.

The Artist Studio Tour
“I always thought that was just a storage shed—who knew all the incredible things she was creating inside!” This astonished reaction from a tour-goer perfectly captured the sentiment shared by many during the 2024 Boundary County Artist Studio Tour, held last weekend.

COLLEGE NOTEBOOK: Thompson, McLain record collegiate firsts
Thompson recorded her first collegiate soccer assist while McLain recorded his first collegiate tackle.

Club wrestling is starting up, parent night Sept. 23
Bonners Ferry Wrestling Club is hosting a parent and registration meeting for the North Idaho Wrestling League’s fall season on Monday, Sept. 23, at 6 p.m. The event is being held in the Bonners Ferry High School Library.

ATHLETE OF THE WEEK: Hiatt and Rice, football
Bonners Ferry football players Conrad Hiatt and Brody Rice have been named athlete of the week.
Mable Marion Lutz, 100
Mable Marion Lutz, 100, passed away Thursday, September 12, 2024.

DeAnna Bitton Spurgeon, 77
DeAnna Bitton Spurgeon, 77, recently passed away.
It's time for Proposition 1
Isn’t it about time Idahoans have a more equitable, more transparent way to vote?
Matthee puts her values into action
Karen Matthee puts her values into action. One example is the July 1, 2024, library rally that she organized to call attention to HB 710. This law states that school and library staff members who provide youths with materials deemed “harmful” to minors can be fined $250. Plaintiffs could receive uncapped damages resulting in wasted tax dollars on lawsuits and threaten to bankrupt or shut down some libraries.
Uncle seeks to contact nieces
I am their uncle from Canada and would like to connect with them.
Don't try and fix what isn't broken
Prop 1 is on the ballot in November. It proposes a complete overhaul of Idaho’s election system, eliminating party primaries and using a complicated and expensive ranked choice voting system for the general election.
Matthee committed to finding permanent solutions
I worked side by side with Karen Matthee, candidate for state representative against Mark Sauter, for the past 10 months. She inspires me every day because of her commitment to help make lives better for all Idahoans. Karen has knocked on 1,500-plus doors and through those conversations, she has learned what our community cares about.

A step closer to a third federal judge for Idaho
Idaho has needed a third federal judge for decades, and has been in a judicial emergency since 2003. I have fought for passage of legislation like S. 4199, the Judicial Understaffing Delays Getting Emergencies Solved (JUDGES) Act of 2024. The Senate’s unanimous passage of the JUDGES Act brings us one step closer to meeting this need.

This Week in History - Sept. 19, 2024
Local history in Boundary County, from Naples to Porthill, and from Bonners Ferry to Moyie Springs.

From the Archives - Sept. 19, 2024
In a late development just before the Herald went to press, Tribal Chairwoman Amy Trice revealed that she received word from Washington this morning that the bill turning over the 12 1/2 acre site at the Mission over to the Kootenai Tribe will be signed in two weeks.

Boundary County Calendar - Sept. 19-29, 2024
Upcoming events, activities, and meetings taking place in Boundary County.
Idaho Community Foundation announces community grants
More than $17,000 is coming to Boundary County organizations through Idaho Community Foundation grants.

VOLLEYBALL: Badgers 3-2 after Lakeside victory
Badger volleyball is 3-2 after going 3-0 against Lakeside (3-1) on Tuesday in nonleague play.

Paul and Ieva Cataldo perform at KRBC
If you are in the mood for live music, head over to the Kootenai River Brewing Company on Friday, Sept. 20 to watch Paul and Ieva Cataldo perform. The duo is scheduled to play from 6-9 p.m.
Announcing bi-weekly entertainment page
From outdoor life to music and art to books and movies, there is always something happening in Boundary County.

BCSD hosts presentation on bond, levy tonight
Boundary County School District will run a school bond to replace Valley View Elementary and a maintenance and operations level to replace the current M&O at the Nov. 5 general election.

DMV and auto license office moves
The Boundary County Department of Motor Vehicles and Auto License office has moved locations just south of the Courthouse at 6647 Railroad St. Suite B.

Paint n’ Sip with Surely You Can Paint
Those in the mood for an artistic evening are in luck. Surely You Can Paint is hosting a paint-and-sip event at Mugsy’s Tavern & Grill on Saturday, Sept. 21. The event begins at 5 p.m.

New traditions started at BFHS Homecoming
Another Bonners Ferry High School Homecoming is in the books, as the Badger pride extended beyond the school halls and into the community.

Boundary County remembers 9/11 23 years later
On Wednesday, Sept. 11, Boundary County residents gathered to remember and honor those that died in the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.

XC: Badger girls lead pack and take first
Badger girls cross country took first at their home meet on Saturday, Sept. 14, with Sydney Beckle, Matisyn Stiern and Kylie Calderone taking top honors in the race.

PREP SOCCER: Boys lead league, Girls 2-1 in week
Badger boys remain first in league, girls fall to Lakeland by score double digits against Priest River in two games.

HOMECOMING: Badgers fall to Crusaders
Badger Homecoming saw a great spectator turnout, as the visiting Northwest Christian Crusaders (2-0) won 48-8.

Badger Sports Calendar: Sept. 20-26
BFHS varsity sports schedule from Sept. 20-26.

Schuman certification revoked after alleged misconduct
A former Boundary County sheriff’s candidate has had his law enforcement certification revoked, due to alleged ethics violations, and allegations of criminal conduct, lying and falsifying official communications and failure to respond and failing to truthfully respond to questions related to an investigation or legal proceeding.
Legals for September, 19 2024
Wednesday, September 18

Republican to host Prop. 1 information night, Thursday
Local Republican organizations are hosting a presentation on Proposition 1, also known as ranked choice voting or open primaries initiative on Thursday, Sept. 19 at 6 p.m.
Tuesday, September 17

Music conservatory hosts annual flute festival
The second annual festival, hosted by the Music Conservatory of Sandpoint, will be held Sept. 27-28 at the conservatory, 110 Main St., Sandpoint.

Kohberger booked in Boise jail after secret transport
Once in Boise, Kohberger was put in a jail cell alone, without extra security, according to Ryan
Monday, September 16

Trump was the subject of an apparent assassination attempt at his Florida golf club, the FBI says
WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump was the target Sunday of “what appears to be an attempted assassination” at his golf club in West Palm Beach, Fla., the FBI said, just nine weeks after the Republican presidential nominee survived another attempt on his life. The former president said he was safe and well, and authorities held a man in custody.
Friday, September 13

Bryan Kohberger murder trial to be held in Ada County
The Idaho Supreme Court issued its decision Thursday on where the trial of Bryan Kohberger will be held, and also assigned a new judge to the case.
Badger Homecoming tonight
Badger Homecoming is tonight at 7 p.m. against Northwest Christian.

Coeur d'Alene panel discusses fentanyl use in North Idaho
A panel of medical professionals addressed community concerns about the rise of fentanyl use in North Idaho on Thursday.

Teen honored for heroism, valor
Fisher DePriest helps two following crash at Hayden Lake
The quick actions of 14-year-old Fisher DePriest using rudimentary tools saved the lives of two people on Aug. 4 on Hayden Lake.

Dixon steps down from 1B House seat
Joins H&W as regional director
Sage Dixon has stepped down from the Idaho House of Representatives early to accept a role as regional director for the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare. Dixon, who served in the District 1B seat, began his role with the department on Sept. 3, two days after he resigned his post in a letter to Gov. Brad Little.

Damaged water pump temporarily affecting waterfowl hunt at refuge
Limited water availability, the result of a damaged water pump, will impact the fall youth, veteran, and general waterfowl hunts at Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge.
Thursday, September 12
From the Archives – Sept. 12, 2024
Information has been received that glass show cases may be obtained from Expo ’74 at an expected price of $200 each. This will be checked on. Mrs. Plato moved 15 cases be purchased.

From the mailbag: Protecting women and girls in sports
As participants in the decisions made in Congress, Idahoans contact me regularly with valuable input about the issues our country faces.
Prop 1 is the wrong move for Idaho
Backed with lots of outside money, a small group of people want to change Idaho’s voting system.
Together we can make a difference
Never in my lifetime have we had a clearer picture of our choices for November. On one side, we have hope and progress. The other side has fear and regression. From the top down, federal to local, we are given the choice of going backward in fear of "others" or going forward with hope for everyone.

Beverly Ann Plato
Beverly Ann Plato passed away on June 8, 2023.
Donald Maurice Wallach, 67
Donald Maurice Wallach, 67, passed away on September 19, 2023.
Phyllis Juanita Jansen, 78
Phyllis Juanita Jansen, 78, passed away on Sept. 7, 2024.

Youth receive the gift of flight
THREE MILE — Saturday morning, the youth of Boundary County took to the sky, thanks to the Young Eagles program.

BCSD sees increase in enrollment first week
1,492 students started the 2024-25 school year at the Boundary County School District, with 1,392 being in brick-and-mortar schools.
Goncalves family 'incredibly disappointed' in judge's decision
The family has always felt that Judge Judge favored the defense and it was a common theme that whatever the defense wanted or needed they got.

PREPS: Football earns season first win, volleyball at Eureka
Badger football (1-2) led 24-0 going into half-time then had to pull out all the defensive stops in the second half to win their first victory of the season over the 3A St. Maries Lumberjacks (0-2) of the Central Idaho League.
Boundary County Court Records - Sept 12, 2024
Boundary County Court Records - Aug 31, 2024 - Sept 6, 2024.

Badger Sports Calendar: Sept. 12- 17
Bonners Ferry High School sports calendar for Sept. 12-17.

Valley View teachers get their 'Wish'
Two Valley View third-grade teachers got their wish for STEM activities and supplies, thanks to an Idaho State Lottery "Classroom Wishlist" grant. The two teachers — Shelly Hoisington and Kelsey Rice — decided to apply for the grant after attending a summer STEM conference sponsored by Boise State University.
Vitalant blood drive returns, enter to win $5,000 gift card
BONNERS FERRY — If you donate blood this month, you will be entered to win one of five $5,000 gift cards.

BF FFA named 3-star chapter National FFA Organization
The Bonners Ferry FFA chapter of Bonners Ferry has been recognized by the National FFA Organization for the 2024 National Chapter Award Program.
Boundary County Calendar - Sept. 12-22, 2024
Upcoming events, activities, and meetings taking place in Boundary County.

This Week in History - Sept. 12, 2024
Local history in Boundary County, from Naples to Porthill, and from Bonners Ferry to Moyie Springs.

Democrat candidates win hearts and minds at fundraiser
“It was a great evening at the Pearl Theater in Bonners Ferry. We had lively conversations, a good time community-building, feasting on a variety of chilis, and fundraising for three amazing Democrat candidates this past Friday, September 6,” said its local host Nancy Wycoff with the Boundary County Democratic Central Committee.
COLLEGE NOTEBOOK: Longanecker records first collegiate assist
The Yotes return to action Sept. 20 when they host Northwest University.

PREP SOCCER: Badgers steamroll Lumberjacks, boys undefeated
Badger girls soccer (3-2, 2-1) was on fire scoring seven goals in the first half, with Maddie Hart and Alexys Mierke scoring two each in a league victory over St. Maries (1-3) on Saturday Sept. 7. Hat tricks abounded for the Badgers on Saturday, who remain undefeated (5-0) and ranked first in league after defeating league opponent St. Maries (0-3) 13-0.

Cowell and Beckle lead Badgers at Farragut Invite
Ethan Cowell and Sydney Beckle top Badger runners at the Timberlake Farragut Invite on Saturday, Sept. 7.

ATHLETE OF THE WEEK: Helene Rae, volleyball
Helene Rae, a senior outside hitter for Bonners Ferry High School volleyball, has been made Athlete of the Week.
Woman pleads not guilty in threats case
Local woman pleads not guilty to alleged threats against Bonners Ferry prosecutor, release denied twice.
Legals for September, 12 2024
Wednesday, September 11

Spacepoint to host rocket engineer Saturday
An engineer from Stoke Space, a Kent, Wash.-based space launch company, will present at a 5 p.m. event in Sandpoint on Saturday.
Tuesday, September 10

The Harris-Trump debate becomes the 2024 election's latest landmark event
The event, at 9 p.m. Eastern in Philadelphia, will offer Americans their most detailed look at a campaign that’s dramatically changed since the last debate in June
Monday, September 9

Judge agrees to move Kohberger trial
He did not specify where the trial would be moved. It's set for June 2025 and is expected to last three months.

Idaho bowhunter survives grizzly attack
During the surprise encounter, one of the hunters was knocked down and bitten by the bear.
1% Sandpoint city sales tax headed to November ballot
In two months, Sandpoint residents will decide whether to adopt the tax, which aims to create a long-term funding source for repairing and maintaining streets, alleyways, sidewalks, and paths.
Friday, September 6

Open primaries initiative will be on November ballot, judge rules
An initiative that would open Idaho’s primary elections to all voters and implement ranked choice voting for general elections will appear on the November ballot, a judge ruled Thursday.
Thursday, September 5

Duke's Claybusters team tryouts Sept. 14
Bonners Ferry Duke's Claybusters are hosting team tryouts for youths ages 12 and up on Saturday, Sept. 14 from 9 a.m. to noon.
Lewd case dismissed as victim has died
A lewd conduct case has been dismissed due to the death of the alleged victim.

EAA chapter offering free youth flights
Local Experimental Aircraft Association, Chapter 757, is inviting youth from 8 to 17 years old to experience the gift of flight — for free.

BCSD receives $1.5 million grant for shop expansion
The Boundary County School District has received a $1.5 million grant from the Idaho Career Ready Students Council for career technical education, which will be used to build a shop expansion at Bonners Ferry High School.
Tee off for better health care at the FHF annual golf tournament
Swing into action for a healthier community at the annual Fry Healthcare Foundation Golf Tournament on Friday, Sept. 6, with all proceeds going to expand the capabilities of Boundary Community Hospital's surgery department.

FOOTBALL: Lions victory, Hiatt scores season’s first TD for Badgers
The Eureka Lions claimed their first win in a 39-6 victory over Bonners Ferry (0-2) on Friday, Aug. 30 at Mendenhall Stadium.

PREP SOCCER: Boys steamroll Tigers, Girls 1-2
Badger boys soccer steamrolled the Timberlake Tigers (0-2-1), scoring nine goals in the first half and fresh off a victory over the Orofino Maniacs. Seniors Lucy Simpson and Paige McConkey recorded hat tricks for the Tigers (3-1) in an Intermountain League win over the Badgers (1-2) at Timberlake High.

BFHS Sports Schedule: Sept. 6-10
Bonners Ferry High School varsity sports schedule for Sept. 6 through 10.

Boundary County Calendar - Sept. 5-15, 2024
Upcoming events, activities, and meetings taking place in Boundary County.

Class of '54 holds 70th reunion
"Rowdy" Bonners Ferry High School classmates of 1954 gathered at the home of Dick and Kathy Schneurle for a 70th reunion celebration.

GoFundMe campaign launched for youth's funeral
A GoFundMe campaign has been launched to help a local family pay for a funeral after their infant daughter passed away on Aug. 26.

Meet and greet for senior center makes a difference
It seemed like a good idea at the time…and by the time Casey Gannon got off the phone on that particular Friday, the Boundary County Senior Center ended up with what could be more than 400 pounds of beef as well as a ton of goodwill.

Folk singer and songwriter opens Pearl Theater season
Music fans will be treated to folky tunes by songwriter and singer Brittany Jean at the Pearl Theater’s season opener on Saturday, Sept. 14.

Fall prescribed burning to begin across forests
Multiple prescribed burning projects are planned this fall, although those dates will depend upon conditions aligning with safe implementation. IPNF officials said prescribed burning is among each ranger district’s annual natural resource management programs to reduce hazardous fuels, prepare areas for tree planting, and improve wildlife forage.

PREP: Volleyball sinks Bulldogs, Beckle and Thomson top Badgers at Libby
Badger volleyball sinks Sandpoint Bulldogs in 3-2 non-league battle and XC competed at Libby Invite.

9/11 Commemoration 23rd anniversary celebrated Wednesday
n honor of those whose lives were lost or permanently impacted on Sept. 11, 2001, the Boundary County Chaplain Corps is sponsoring a local commemoration at the Boundary County Fairgrounds pavilion on Wednesday, Sept. 11, at 5: 30 p.m.

COLLEGE NOTEBOOK: Lucas ‘setting’ Big Bend CC volleyball up for successful year
Big Bend (3-4), which already has more wins than last season, will play Whatcom CC and Highline College on Friday, Pierce College and Skagit Valley CC on Saturday at the Pierce-Highline Invitational which will be held in both Puyallup and Des Moines, Wash.

ATHLETE OF THE WEEK: Beckle and Thomson, cross country
Bonners Ferry High School cross country runners Sydney Beckle and Micah Thomson have been named Athlete of the Week. Both are team captains.

Mark Carl Brackebusch, 74
Mark Carl Brackebusch was declared deceased as of January 15, 2024.

A call to extend 2017's Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
With many of the Republican-enacted Tax Cuts and Jobs Act provisions set to expire at the end of 2025, and amid Democrats’ continued attacks on many of those provisions, now is a good time to evaluate how the bill really worked. How did its changes affect Americans’ tax bills? What happens to tax bills if the cuts expire?

Rhythm Boomers Drum Circle at the Pearl Theater
The weekly Rhythm Boomers drum circle Saturdays at the Pearl Theater is a chance to get your drum on.
Matthee supports Open Primary Initiative
Karen Matthee believes it’s important for voters to know where candidates stand on important issues – before they go to the polls. That’s why, she’s making clear she supports Proposition 1 even in the face of an onslaught of opposition and misinformation from the Bonner County Republican Central Committee, chaired by Scott Herndon.
Matthee will advocate for our children
Recently, I have had the privilege of meeting Karen Matthee, candidate for Idaho State Representative, District 1A.
Karen Matthee deserves your vote
I met Karen, candidate for State Representative District 1, Seat A, during the primary campaign.
Matthee will look at all sides of the issues
We need more people in the Idaho Legislature who can look at both sides of the issues that are facing Idaho. Karen Matthee is that person. She is respectful of other views but knows what matters.

From the Archives – Sept. 5, 2024
According to this September 7, 1907, advertisement in the BF Herald, "Billy Bennett's Big New Shows" traveling tent visited Bonners Ferry, Idaho. The "night" performances were held on September 12-14, 1907, with a "free parade daily." The show consisted of vaudeville and drama performances. The leading role in the dramas was held by Billy's sixteen-year-old daughter, Belle.

This Week in History – Sept. 5, 2024
Local history in Boundary County, from Naples to Porthill, and from Bonners Ferry to Moyie Springs.

Boundary County Court Records - Sept. 5, 2024
Boundary County court records for the period of Aug. 24-30, 2024.

WaCanId Ride gearing up to take off with 131 cyclists from around the globe
Now in its sixteenth year, this annual Rotary supported event takes cyclists on paved roads encircling the Selkirk Mountains of Washington, Canada and Idaho — hence the name WaCanId.
Legals for September, 5 2024
Wednesday, September 4
Lewd case dismissed as victim has died
A lewd conduct case has been dismissed due to the death of the alleged victim.

County DMV moves to former Extension Office
The Boundary County DMV and auto license office is moving from the court house Wednesday, Sept. 11 to 6447 Railroad St, Suite B.
Heat Advisory Thursday to Saturday
A heat advisory has been issued for Boundary County and the Idaho Panhandle from Thursday afternoon until Saturday evening.
Heat Advisory Thursday to Saturday
A heat advisory has been issued for Boundary County and the Idaho Panhandle from Thursday afternoon until Saturday evening.

After the fire: Many stop by Wolf Lodge Steakhouse to offer encouragement
Many stop by Wolf Lodge Steakhouse to offer encouragement and to help as investigation continues
As word spread of the blaze that destroyed the beloved landmark eight miles east of Coeur d’Alene, people stopped by to take a look and offer encouragement. A few passersby on Frontage Road and Interstate 90 honked horns. A bouqu
Coeur d'Alene student suspended after threatening to 'shoot up the school'
Officers contacted the student and his parents at their home. The student was suspended from school and precautions have been taken to prevent the student from returning until the investigation is concluded.
Sunday, September 1

BCSD 24-25 information and important dates
Tuesday, Sept. 3 is the first day of school for the Boundary County School District No. 101.