Thursday, March 06, 2025

Voting is our right and responsibility

| November 3, 2006 8:00 PM

To the Editor:

As election day draws near, it is an important time to remember that voting means more than recognizing a name, liking the color of a sign or political party. It's about being educated and making your voice heard.

Voting is our power and right; our power because government is of the people, by the people and for the people; and our right through the Constitution. However, with this power and right also comes responsibility, and with our particular form of government, we have an even greater responsibility because we are fundamentally responsible for who governs our country.

Therefore, if in our country evil is promoted and good is punished, it is us who have allowed it. Christians, when much is given to us, much is required. Understand that we will be held accountable to our Creator for our voting decisions. It is therefore essential that we research the cnadidates so we can make an informed vote.

As we draw closer to election day, remember that it is our responsibility to vote and research the candidates by calling them, looking at their Web sites or reading voter guides such as in order to make an informed vote according to our convictions.

Michelle Tanner

Boundary County