Saturday, February 22, 2025

Problems with Paradise Valley Fire Department

| November 10, 2006 8:00 PM

To the Editor:

Are you tired of reading notices about how poor the Paradise Valley Fire Department is? These are really examples of how poorly they manage their finances.

If you are like me, you sit back and look at the whole picture. Why should we support a department with poor leadership and no discipline or disciplinary actions are swept under the rug. Why support a fire department when they don't keep fuel in their trucks and don't provide adequate fire safety for the district.

The only thing that doesn't change is the debt: why should we support them when we have no control or knowledge where the dues are spent? Much of that money is unaccounted for.

If you don't believe the dire conditions this fire department is in, call one of the board members and request a tour of one of the fire stations. Most of the fire trucks are "parade trucks" bough to look good, but not necessarily fight fires.

Now Paradise Valley Fire District is discussing becoming a taxing district. Why give them our hard-earned money when they can't wisely keep track of what they already have?

There are options for us who are unhappy with these conditions. We can refuse to support the district and talk with out neighbors about annexing into South Boundary Fire Protection District.

I sincerely hope hope you don't fall for Paradise Valley's silver tongue. Talk to your Naples neighbors about their fire department. Do they feel safe? Are they confident in their leaders?

If we ignore this situation, this time next year we will be spending hundreds of dollars supporting an inadequate, untrustworthy fire department that doesn't support you.

Joshua L. Wortley

Boundary County