Thursday, February 27, 2025

Call a hate crime a hate crime

| November 17, 2006 8:00 PM

To the Editor:

Where is the Outrage?

I have waited patiently for someone to speak up about President Chavez, of Venezuela, being hugged by the actor Danny Glover. President Chavez had just finished referring to our President as "The Devil" in front of UN.

His fellow actor, Mel Gibson got drunk and made some snide and cruel comments about the Jews being the cause of all wars.

He, crucified by the press and public for his thoughtless comments. No one seemed to care about Mr. Glover's actions. Could it be that he is black and to comment would have been in bad taste? Well we as Americans have out done ourselves once again. A young woman was pushed into a bon fire in Bonners Ferry and her assailant said,"Jews burn."

Visiting 1st district Magistrate Debra Heise, of Sandpoint, during sentencing, termed it an accident in lieu of a hate crime, as the Plaintiff is not Jewish.

The defendant Brian Todd is 21 and past what would normally be classified a youthful offender.

Has our society become so callous that we don't recognize hate when we see it?

Again I ask, where is the outrage?

This action by our jurist makes me shutter to think this is a wonderful example of justice in its finest.

I'll bet Judge Heise would have termed the action of the Nazis in 1938's burning of the synagogues and books (Kristallnacht) a youthful prank and after all, "boys will be boys."

