Thursday, February 27, 2025

Robert Vickaryous

| November 24, 2006 8:00 PM

The recent Republican loss of both the House and Senate was probably the most deserved of any loss in American political history. Never before had the GOP had the chance to do so much good and did so little. We voted for a change in 1994, in 1996 and again in 2000, and they kept giving us the same old program of deficit spending, bigger and more intrusive government, higher taxes and the list goes on. In short, the GOP changed the direction from bad to worse and then pretended that they were doing what the people wanted.

The good news following the Nov. 7 elections was that the liberal Republicans lost control of Congress. The bad news, however, was that the liberal Democrats gained control and will continue in the same general direction since both parties are bought and paid for by special interests of corporate America (business and academic elite) who are waging outright war on middle class American.

This is being done through the promotion of completely fraudulent as well as sovereignty-destroying free trade agreements, increased taxation, deficit spending and regulation to oblivion, not to mention our completely phony war on terrorism.

The list could go on but you get the point. We voted for change when we put the GOP in control and didn't get it. And we won't get it until enough people come to the realization that both parties are controlled by the same people behind the scenes. Those same people also control all the major networks, weekly magazines and daily newspapers.

The solution then is to wake the town and tell the people; that is, after you wake up, of course. I suggest you check out The New American online at

Robert Vickaryous

Bonners Ferry