Thursday, March 06, 2025

Herald a better paper, happier place

| October 13, 2006 9:00 PM

To the Editor:

I would like to address all the individuals who have told Robert James, the managing editor of the Herald, to go home.

We welcome many newcomers into this community every day. I know because I did the same thing in my job. We were named the friendliest town in Idaho, but yet you guys are telling Mr. James to go home. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

Mr. James took the job as managing editor with a blind eye. Not knowing how he or his family would be welcomed, he came anyway.

Mr. James has improved the Herald 100 percent. Not only has the sports coverage gone up, but sho has the local stories. I can actually read about people I know and care about. You couldn't do that before. The Herald is a much happier place to visit now. You can walk in and get five smiling faces ready to help you.

So before you go telling someone who is helping the community to leave, how about telling someone who is hurting the community to get out?

To Mr. James — welcome to Boundary County. May you and your family love and enjoy it. And to the locals who said those mean things — get a life!

Helen Allen

Boundary County