Thursday, February 27, 2025

A vote for Ramsey is a vote for democracy

| October 20, 2006 9:00 PM

To the Editor:

After the last election, the right wing interests dominated North Idaho. Some state positions were not even challenged. Bob Wynhausen and I were talking about the need to challenge the "Royal" team. I encouraged Bob that if he would run against George Eskridge, I would run against Shawn Keough. Bob filed, but I was having second thoughts. What are the odds of an independent for state office in North Idaho? I was relieved when Democrat Jim Ramsey filed. I mailed him a contribution check.

Jim represents our most patriotic candidate. He has nothing to gain. He filed because someone had to do it to keep our democracy strong. How often in this egotistical political climate where most are looking for personal power or representing special interests do you see the first contribution check coming from the person you filed to run against? As a former fighter pilot, Jim knows that sometimes you go because someone has to. Many times we wish it was not us, but our strongest motivation is we know someone has to. A vote for Jim Ramsey is a vote for democracy and an expression of patriotism.

Harvey Pine
