Thursday, February 27, 2025

Vote YES on Prop. 1 to fund education

| October 20, 2006 9:00 PM

To the Editor:

I have been hearing that the new sales tax will eliminate the supplemental levies for the school district. Not so! The legislature has played a cruel trick on the citizenry. the maintenance and operations funded by the new sales tax are for the state's share of the school expenses and not for local expenses for athletic programs, etc. These must be funded locally by — guess what — the property tax.

The legislature met and passed the bill without allowing alternate methods to be debated. This is the kind of gamesmanship one expects to see on an elementary school playground and certainly not in the government of a great state.

Proposition 1, if we pass it, will reduce the amount required for supplemental levies, but it is not intended to replace them.

This November, we will have a chance to get more mature representation in the legislature and fund education from sources other than then property tax. I urge a "yes" vote on Prop. 1 and votes for Elgar, Ramsey and Wynhausen.

Julien Bucher

Boundary County