Thursday, February 27, 2025

Principles before personalities

| April 6, 2007 9:00 PM

I would like to comment on my experience and findings through attending the County Comp Plan Workshops. I have found that the county commissioners and Mike Weland have taken extra care to produce a Comp Plan document for the public meeting that is clear and positive.

Not an easy task in my opinion. It appears the commissioners are in support of economic growth for our area while attempting to preserve the beauty and natural resources here in Boundary County.

Although the workshops are open to the public, all discussion has been limited to the board only at this point. I applaud the county for making the process open to the public and especially for making me feel welcome.

It has been an educational experience for me as a whole. I would encourage any citizen to attend future workshops and meetings to gain a better understanding of the work these gentleman are doing for our county.

I have had opportunity to hear different personal opinions on where our county officials stand on specific issues. Now that I have taken the time to collect first hand information, I see that there is no merit to some of the rumor around town.

We don't have the time to attend all of the meetings in our community, I understand that. However, I do believe that we can make time to attend the meetings that are most important to us and our community.

If we hold ourselves accountable for our actions and what we say, it will go a lot further in promoting our community in a productive, positive manner. Each one of us has a voice and deserves to be heard in the correct venue at the correct time.

The trick is learning to put principles before personalities for the greater good. Just one woman's opinion I guess.

Tina L. Carson

Bonners Ferry