Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Choices & Consequences

| April 27, 2007 9:00 PM

Thirty years ago you could drive into the parking lot at the Bonners Ferry High School and find several pick-up trucks with deer rifles hanging in racks in the back windows. Not many people gave it a second thought.

When I heard the story about the shooting at Virginia Tech, I thought about the number of guns that could be found on the school grounds 30 years ago. The other thing I was thinking was that people who want to shoot a bunch of sitting pigeons need to look no farther than a "gun free" school yard where they know that no one will have a weapon to defend themselves.

Something else that has changed in the past 30 years is that you used to be able to use deadly force to stop a felony in progress or stop someone who was fleeing from a felony like a burglary or car thief.

Then the intellectuals asked the question: Isn't a human life worth more than a TV set or a car?

And the rules of engagement changed so that if you find someone breaking into your house or stealing your car you can't do anything about it…unless the felon is threatening you with a weapon.

Well…You can have a wrestling match with the guy, and find out if they have a concealed gun or a knife when they shoot you or stab you.

I guess that is what you call progress; kinder, gentler society.

Oh yeah, my answer to the question: Isn't a human life worth more than a car or a TV set? Would be to ask the person committing the felony if they know that they might get killed committing their crime, and they do it anyway…I guess the answer is that they don't think their life is worth as much as a TV or a car.

Hey this is America. People have freedom of choice?

No. I think it is more like, "People have freedom from the consequences of their choices."

Christopher W. Ketner
