Friday, March 14, 2025

Resident upset Herald did not announce rodeo & parade

| August 10, 2007 9:00 PM

I found that the cover of this weeks paper was a picture of the rodeo, front page. Why wasn't there any mention of the rodeo coming to Bonners? Or the parade for the rodeo, or at least mention the person that is on the front page. I am really tired of finding out about events after they happen. If you can take the time to walk by and get a picture, but no information on the person you are taking it of, do you think that you could take the time to help promote local events.

Maybe that is part of the "news" as well. This is a small community, any event that people attend helps everyone from local business's to it's citizens. I am tired of finding out about events that have already happened in Bonners. Pull it together B.F. Herald.

Dan Phillips

Moyie Springs

Editors Note: The Herald responded to Mr. Phillips letter prior to publication to let him know that the rodeo was in fact mentioned in both the July 12 and July 26 editions, as well as a full page ad in the July 26 newspaper. However, as a courtesy to Mr. Phillips and his concerns, we were happy to publish his letter and thank him for his input.