Friday, March 14, 2025

Letter about Obama displays hate, ignorance

| December 27, 2007 8:00 PM

The letter written by Janney Chandler entitled "Don't Elect a Muslim as the Next President?" in the Dec. 6 edition of the Bonners Ferry Herald is a display of hate and ignorance.

It does not reflect what America is supposed to stand for.

"How can a Muslim be a "good American" much less the President of the United States of America?"

This is a sickening statement that is a large problem in the United States, even more so in Idaho, which is a counter to what many citizens in Idaho have been trying to reverse — its image of a hateful, back country state.

Anyone can be a good American; religion is most definitely not a contributing factor to patriotism.

The first amendment of the Bill of Rights states that every American citizen has the freedom of religion. Chandler says she recognizes that fact, but in a display of hypocrisy completely disregards it.

When Ms. Chandler states that "Muslims can't be both good Muslims and Americans," she shows her hate towards people of different religions. Not only that, she threatens people's right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The most disturbing and awkward part of this letter is its display of ignorance. There are multiple mistakes in Chandler's letter, including mistaking the country of Iran for the Muslim holy book the Quran.

She also claims that the U.S. Constitution was based on biblical principles; that is a one-sided opinion because the principles show up in numerous other religious manuscripts.

At no time has Barack Obama — misspelled Barak in Chandler's letter — ever stated or even gestured that he was against the U.S. Constitution or anyone's conception of God.

I'm glad that Chandler's letter displays strong patriotism and concern for our country, though I ask that next time she writes a political opinion letter, she base her statements on truths rather than sideways prejudice, half truths and horrific errors about the topic she's addressing.

Erol Ozgur

Bonners Ferry