Friday, March 14, 2025

BFHS Choir chosen as one of the best in six states

| February 2, 2007 8:00 PM

ARIOSO; the BFHS Honor Choir was chosen as a showcase choir for the music educators of six states at their Northwest Division Convention in Portland, Ore., on Feb. 15-18. Bonners Ferry will celebrate the achievement of these 24 talented young performers on Saturday, Feb. 10 at 7 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church.

The Gala evening will be a fundraiser featuring ARIOSO's concert and a silent auction. Being chosen as a showcase choir for All Northwest is a rare honor for any school and almost unheard of for a school the size of BFHS. All proceeds from the evening will benefit the choir which is raising over $8,000 to pay for their trip. The evening will also celebrate three individual singers who were chosen from over 4,900 auditionees for the All Northwest Honor Ensembles: Mak Kastelic, Megan Plantz and Beka Stonehocker. Mak and Megan will be singing in the All Northwest Mixed Choir and Beka in the All Northwest Women's Choir. These choirs will also perform for the Music Educator's Regional Convention in Portland.

ARIOSO is one of three choirs at BFHS, and the only auditioned ensemble. These 24 young people demonstrate the dedication, discipline, and desire for excellence we would hope for in all of our students as they take the stage, representing our school and community, in performances here and for the educators from Alaska, Washington, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana and Oregon. They are one of just a handful of high school choirs chosen to perform for this event. ARIOSO and the other Bonners Ferry High School choirs are directed by Vicki Blake. Barb Nelson accompanies the choir on organ and piano.

The Gala concert on Sat. Feb. 10 will include all the works they will be performing in the Portland program which features works from the Medieval Era to the present. The evening begins with an English madrigal, "All Creatures Now Be Merry," followed by a six part a cappella work "Beati Quorum Via" by English composer C.V. Stanford. From the cathedrals of Britain, the music will take us to the contemporary synagogue for a Hebrew song of solidarity, "Kumah Echa."

Next we visit the Middle ages with a 13th Century plain song, in an arrangement by great American composer, Wilber Chenowith, "Of the Father's Love Begotten," "Witness," a traditional African American Spiritual arranged in eight parts by Jack Halloran will be followed with the powerful contemporary work based on the words of Chief Seattle, "This We Know." The choir will conclude with a rousing Nigerian carol, "Betelehemu" featuring percussion by Ryan Hale and Keillan Albertson, and soloist Patti Howard.

Many community organizations and individuals have stepped forward to help support the choir in this endeavor. The Rotary Club, Echo Springs Transition Center, the Kootenai River Inn, Kuntz Piano Tuning, Marty and Teresa Becker, and the Badger Booster Club have all made very significant donations. Students and their parents have made pies, held bake sales, made gift baskets, sold raffle tickets, and are now gathering items for the silent auction to help the students earn their way. The students will once again be offering their singing Valentines on Feb. 14.

For $20, you get a four part rendition of "Embraceable You" delivered live and in person, along with a rose and a card.

If you or your organization would like to make a donation or offer an item for the silent auction or buy a Valentine, please contact Vicki Blake at 267-3149, ext. 206, or leave the item or donation at the High School office.

"I am so often overwhelmed by the support and generosity of this community," said Vicki Blake, "As groups and individuals continue to emerge, excited to be helping ARIOSO make their way to this event, I can only express my deep gratitude and joy at being a tiny piece of this truly unique and amazingly rich arts community. Thank you."