Friday, March 14, 2025

Adam Hall wins Rick Sanders Open

| January 27, 2007 8:00 PM


For the Herald

The transition from high school to Division I college wrestling can take its toll on a wrestler's body. Just ask Adam Hall.

A high ankle sprain kept him out of the Cowboy Open in Laramie, Wyo. A separated collarbone caused a last minute withdrawal at the Southern Scuffle. Still recovering from injuries, Hall placed third at the Portland State Open, losing a close match in the quarter finals to freshman Ben Cate of Oregon State, 7-5. The two met again in the third place match, with Hall winning 6-0.

Once again healthy, Adam Hall took control at the Rick Sanders Open in Redmond, on Jan. 13.

He pinned his first two opponents, an unattached wrestler and Jeremy McLaughlin, University of Oregon. In the semifinals, Hall won a close match with Jake McCoy, University of Oregon, 12-11, which set up the finals rematch once again with Cate. A hard fought battle ended in a 7-2 win for Hall.

In his final competition as a college redshirt, Hall will enter the California Collegiate Wrestling Invitational at San Francisco State University on Feb. 3.