Friday, March 14, 2025

S.B. Fire board chair invites public input

| July 27, 2007 9:00 PM

Mr. Mike Murphy is uninformed and misinformed about how the South Boundary Fire Department is managed.

Perhaps this is due to the fact that he has never, to my knowledge, attended any of the public meetings held monthly at the Naples station. Meetings are announced in advance, and the proposed agenda is posted on the bulletin board at the station as prescribed by law.

Budget hearings are conducted annually by law and are open to the public. These hearings are announced well in advance in the Bonners Ferry Herald as prescribed by state statute.

All records, including payroll, are open to the public, and may be examined either by appointment or when there is staff at the department, however, by law, personnel records are not open to the public.

If Mr. Murphy is interested in knowing the truth, I encourage him to attend our next monthly meeting on Aug. 8 at 7 p.m. at the Naples station. Once he has examined the records, I believe he will be ready to offer the apology he promised if he was wrong.

Bob Martin, Chairman

Board of Commissioners

South Boundary Fire Protection District