Thursday, February 27, 2025

Softball reunion is scheduled

| June 15, 2007 9:00 PM

We would like to cordially invite all softball players, (fast pitch and slow-pitch); from the 60's through the 90's, to a reunion scheduled for July 21, 2007.

The activities will include golf in the morning (contact Gordy Allured) and a Social at 2:00 p.m. at the Last Chance Saloon (formerly Jack's Club).

There will be a buffet style luncheon costing $7.00 per person available.

Players who played for any Bonners Ferry Team from the 60's through the 90's are encouraged to attend including people from Creston, Cranbrook, Sandpoint, and Priest River. Players who attend are encouraged to bring pictures, articles, and memorabilia to the Social or contact Jake Yeoumans. They may also drop off these items at the Bonners Ferry Herald Office, attention: Myrtle McLean.

For many of us, we started playing baseball for Coach John Wheeling. He coached all baseball from Little League to American Legion.

John worked swing shift for the UP Railroad and during the summer, spent most of each day working on the ball field by himself and collecting money from sponsors (contributing himself) to see that we had the uniforms and equipment to play baseball. H

e would take us to the Spokane Indian games and even pro tryouts! From this sprung a lifetime of interest and many wonderful softball leagues in the small town of Bonners Ferry. At one point we had 19 men's teams and 10 women's teams.

It started several players to fantastic softball careers. Danny Meddock became a great pitcher in fast pitch. After taking us to the State Tournament for several years in Idaho, he moved to the Portland, Oregon area.

He was the most valuable player for a team that won the Oregon State and Northwest Regional tournaments four times. They went to the national tournament six times and placed 3rd in the nation once. His brother Rick played on one of the best teams in Moscow after being the player/coach of our Foust Logging Team.

Hod Sandborn played and tutored us in Bonners Ferry. He was one of the best fast pitch players that the Spokane area ever had. Bob Pace still plays fast pitch in the very competitive Seattle area. Chuck Roady and Ken Yeoumans were instrumental in starting the Bonners Ferry slow pitch league, along with a long list of others. The Schnuerle boys' team still plays with players 50 to 60 years old.

I would also like to point out that Foust Logging and Anderson Logging Corporations were the best sponsors that you could ever ask for. It was a huge challenge to try to participate in a manner that would reflect the class and dignity that they deserved.