Sunday, November 24, 2024

Badger alumni face off in annual gridiron contest

| June 18, 2007 9:00 PM


For the Herald

BONNERS FERRY — Badgers from the ages gathered on the gridiron at Kenny Mendenhall stadium Friday evening for some rowdy fun, playing their annual alumni game of touch football to keep the glory days and the bragging rights that go with them alive.

Some old Badgers showed they still have the agility and grace of their glory days … though the speed is decidedly a thing of the past and they came with a few more creaks and groans than were evident in their halcyon years.

Some young Badgers showed they have the speed, the grace and the agility, all they're lacking is that touch of seasoning that separates old men from young.

Lining up on the white team were Dan Rice, Class of '92, Danny Swift, '04, Casey Dirks and Clint Arthur, '97, Marc Taggart, '85, Brian Jones, '87, and Jordon Stockton and Ryan Winebark, both of whom are set to graduate in 2008.

On the blue team were Badger graduates Kenny Swift, Josh Hawks and Mitchell Fortune, all class of '07; Badger coach Caleb Arceneaux, class of '95, Don Alt, '86, Travis Hinthorn, '90, and future alumni Jim Youngwirth, class of 2008.

Phillip Sweet, who graduated before written records were kept and has lived an adventurous life since — riding bulls and racing down raging rivers, showed some of the young pups on the white team that even the old dogs have a lot of growl left in them, even if the bite is a little longer in the tooth.

And as he has for years, Dave Koon managed the sidelines, prodding and encouraging his fellow Badgers on both sides of scrimmage.

In a game like this, score is meaningless. What counted where the whoops, laughs and groans at the great plays, such as Caleb's touchdown pass to Kenny Swift, which drew cheers, jeers and awe that he managed to throw a football that far.

Nobody commented on Kenny's agile play in bringing that ball down and scampering in for six … but in 10 or 12, they will.