Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Ladies golf team thanks Mirror Lake volunteers

| June 29, 2007 9:00 PM

By Betty Phalen

For the Herald

Volunteers have been busy at Mirror Lake Golf Course, working on Hole #7. Old overgrown shrubbery was removed and new shrubs were planted. Special thanks go to John Driedger of Apple Creek Propagators who donated all the shrubs and Jim Stippich who donated the rock, which is now nestled around all the new plantings.

Appreciation also goes to our group of men and women volunteers who labored to make this happen: Bob Schneurle, Al Smith, Tom Florea, Joe Wilkerson, Louise Carter, Blanche Studer and Evelyn Rae.

Also, many thanks to the ladies who plant and maintain flowers around the course each season: Annie Koon, Etta Mae Schneurle, Blanche Studer, Evelyn Dinning, Virginia Sanborn, Marian Rosco, Donna Irons, Louise Carter, Ruth Ann Wilson, Linda Hiatt and Jeannie Richards. Our golf course is a prettier place due to their efforts.

The senior lady golfers played at Twin Lakes Golf Course on June 18, and several ladies brought home prizes. Closest to the pin for C flight was won by Etta Mae Schneurle. Chip ins were made by Louise Carter, Evelyn Rae and Fran Crandell. Evelyn Rae also made a birdie and won 1st low net for her flight. The next game will be at the Ranch Club in Priest River on July 16.

On June 20 low gross winners by flight were: (A) Gerri Ann Howlett 46, (B) Linda Bogdan 55, (C) Ruth Ann Wilson 59. The low net winners were: (A) Marj Pinkerton and Evelyn Rae tied with 34, (B) Betty Phalen 38 and (C) Buzz Thiell 37.

There will be no play on July 4 and plans are being made to invite the Cabinet Mt. Golf Course ladies from Libby, Mont., to play here on July 11.