Friday, March 14, 2025

Madelin makes bid for mayor

| October 26, 2007 9:00 PM

Madelin the cat has tossed her hat into the ring and is running for mayor here in Bonners Ferry.

I know what you're thinking; this cat is a known shoplifter and probably has more misdemeanors than birthdays. So what. Honestly folks, there's two kinds of us around here: Convicts and folks who haven't yet been caught, right?

Oh, and sure you'll probably sling mud about her catnip abuse too. Well let's remember former D.C. Mayor Marion Barry, ring a bell? He was convicted of smoking crack cocaine in a motel room with his supplier- a women who was known to multi-task! Upon his release from prison, mayor again. No political experience you say? Good! We don't need career politicians but rather a series of "transients."

Yes Madelin has two faces, black and white making her a suitable candidate for all voters regardless of ethnicity.

Furthermore, as Madelin points out, many don't have a leg to stand on while she has four.

Madelin does, it's true, live a somewhat pampered lifestyle but can nonetheless be found in the gutter at any given time, a free recipient of handouts. Madelin can relate to us have nots too. The perfect "everybody" candidate.

So folks with all the facts on the table, and in realization that we're all imperfect, albeit not all drug users and shoplifters, let's consider which aspiring mayor "seems" most honest.

Brad Buerge

Bonners Ferry