Tuesday, March 04, 2025

School board supports best interest of students

| October 26, 2007 9:00 PM

Recent letters to the editor seem to question the honesty and integrity of the school district's governing board and professional administration.

I see where Maria LaBarbera, a trustee herself, feels the board owes an apology to the public for their majority decision to apply for a school district emergency levy. This decision was based upon a substantial rise of school attendance this year.

Maria, you do not realize, even after two years on the board of education, that once a decision by the board is passed, you accept it. One does not go public with negative campaigning, be it at the local store, gas station, or school facility to criticize that same decision.

The main purpose of the school board is to work in the best interests of all students. The new attendees should not be treated, or feel like second class members.

Without school necessities like books, desks, chairs, computer and necessary classroom aides equal and quality learning for all students cannot take place. If you are not an advocate of equal opportunity learning for students, perhaps you should consider the option of withdrawal.

The Capursos are bringing in a Sandpoint lawyer to investigate the necessary state funding and local contribution to that funding. This will cost a ton of district man-hours and money that could otherwise be much better spent on kids and education, don't you think?

If I am correct, could this "law threat" be more about real-estate sales and development from those who lived in Cocolalla in 2006? If this is true, I feel you're way too new to be that informed about the local educational needs.

I would hope you would join the positive educational advocates and contribute to working toward the successful progress of our Bonners Ferry students. The vast majority of this county's parents and youths are hard at work advocating quality education, activities, programs, funding and staff. They are the ones who make a huge difference.

John and Shirley Lindberg
