Sunday, February 23, 2025

From the Bonners Ferry

| September 14, 2007 9:00 PM

Herald June 8, 1912

Says Drainage

Project Feasible

Owners of overflowed lands of the Kootenai Valley in this district are highly elated over assurances that the Canadian government will lend a hand in the reclaiming of the rich territory, which is annually covered by the waters of the Kootenai River.

They seem to feel that they are on the eve of realizing the success of their reclamation project, which has been hanging fire for several years.

When the Kootenai Valley landowners and the business men of Bonners Ferry learned the chief hydrologist of the Canadian provincial government would be in the city this week, they immediately set about to show him a good time.

A committee composed of Messrs. Kent, McCoy, Brown and Moore arranged for the smoker and program, which was carried out at Kent's hall.

Some 75 of the representatives' businessmen and property owners of Bonner Ferry and the Kootenai Valley attended the smoker. The hall was decorated with British and American flags.

Dr. E. E. Fry acted as toastmaster, and after the company enjoyed their fill of the good things to eat and drink. Major Walker was called upon to give the address of welcome to the honored guests. Musical entertainment was rendered during the evening by the Utopia orchestra.

Prepare for July Fourth

Judging from the enthusiasm displayed at the mass meeting of the businessmen of the town held Friday evening at Kent's hall, Bonners Ferry will have one of the finest Fourth of July celebrations this year that has ever been held in Kootenai Valley.

Will Have

Three Saloons Here

At the meeting of the Village Board of Trustees held last Saturday evening, it was decided to limit the number of saloons in Bonners Ferry to three and that the license should be fixed at $1,000 annually.

Nine applications for saloon licenses had been made to the board, and that body found itself in a quandary when it came to selecting the three to whom the licenses would be granted.

It was past the midnight hour when it was finally determined that the three licenses should be granted to M. H. Marvin, James Casey and George Myers.

County Commissioner Dunn arranged for a meeting of the county commissioners with the village board of trustees, which was to have been held last evening for the purpose of discussing the matter of granting saloon licenses.

Commissioners failed to make an appearance yesterday and it is understood that the saloon licenses will stand as given above.


Carl Klockman, one of the largest ranchers of the Porthill district, and a heavy stockholder in the Idaho Continental Mining company, one of the most promising mines in the district, was a business visitor in the city yesterday.

Sunday dinners at the Casey restaurant are just as cheap and just as good as home cooking and save the work.

For Sale — $2,000 buys one-room house, two barns, six lots, close in.

A. H. Featherstone of Bonner Water & Light Co. arrived here looking after his business interests.

"Yes, it is true that we will give a day power service in Bonners Ferry," said Mr. Featherstone today. "Just as soon as the necessary equipment can be shipped here from San Francisco."

A new stock of Studebaker Wagons, Buggies, Hacks and Road-carts at Browns.

The school board of Independent District No. 4 is having the lawn and grounds about the school house graded and have removed certain old sheds from the building. The board may decide to paint the schoolhouse before the opening of the fall term.