Monday, March 03, 2025

Naples News

by Jeneen SCHULER<br
| April 4, 2008 9:00 PM

Patrons of our very own North Idaho institution, the Naples General Store, might have missed some familiar faces lately. Owners Earl and Linda Berwick have been in California for the past week visiting family. Also, their son, Steve, and his family recently relocated to Boise, for whom we wish the best in their new adventures.

So who's minding the store? Not to worry, John Gustafson and Rose Schrock can tell you the location of every nut, bolt, guitar string and long underwear.

Snowbirds - you will recognize them by their tanned, relaxed faces. They are flocking back from exotic locales that boast sunny tee offs at 7 a.m. and lunch on terraces where umbrellas are only opened for shade.

At a closer glance, you will note that they walk upright, characteristic of a species not bent over a snow shovel all winter. Their call is a happy twitter of shopping, beaches and beautiful sunsets.

Yes, they are back, and we welcome them with open weary arms. They are a promise of spring. They bring sunshine on their faces and spring in their step.

Of course, I jest. I am looking forward to the soon return from California of my good friend Jackie Gale. Jackie left for her winter digs in October. Jackie, just as most of the other snowbirds, knows a thing or two about snow from living year around in North Idaho for years. But it's OK, Jackie, you can come home now, it's warming upŠreally.

Living across the street from Naples School, I will miss the ringing bells and happy voices of kids as they bolt out at lunch and recess. They will be on spring break through April 6. Admit it. We all had one, that pesky word that took us down in the class spelling bee. Mine was “maintanance.”

As you can see, I still don't know how to spell it. I rely heavily on spell check, so I will thoroughly enjoy attending an old-fashioned spelling bee to watch with admiration young spellers rattle off some very difficult words.

Sponsored by Rotary Club of Bonners Ferry and Naples Helping Hands, the spelling bee will be held at 9 a.m. April 26 at Free Methodist Church.

Naples Helping Hands held its annual Spaghetti Dinner on March 28. Members also sold raffle tickets for a new Brinkman gas grill with all the bells and whistles. They will continue to sell tickets until the drawing date, which is to be announced.

South Boundary Fire Department is gearing up for an open house on June 7. There will be food, a lot of fun and educational activities.  

Jeneen Schuler owns Naples Inn. To be included in her column, send an e-mail to or call 267-5864.