Friday, March 14, 2025

Braden, Hiatt sisters lead girls to two victories Kellogg, St. Maries

| April 23, 2008 9:00 PM

The Bonners Ferry High School Girls Track Team defeated Kellogg 109-26 and Saint Maries 125-20 during the April 16 meet.

The team was led by double winners Melody Braden and sisters Samantha and Erin Hiatt.

Braden scored first in the 3200-meter run with a time of 12.24 and first in the 1600-meter run with 5.02.

Samantha Hiatt took first in the 110-meter hurdles with a time of 17.11 and in the 300-meter hurdles with 50.21.

Erin Hiatt placed first in the 800-meter run with a time of 2.42 and in the 400-meter run with 1.05.

Also placing first for the Lady Badgers were Mikki Erikson in triple jump with 29 feet 10 inches, Alicia Hedrick in shot put throwing 29 feet and 11 1/2 inches, Jessica Merz in high jump with 4 feet 8 inches, Casey Watt in discus 99 feet 6 inches and Emily Pauls in 200-meter run with a time of 28.93.