Friday, March 14, 2025

Roger William Hodel

| August 8, 2008 9:00 PM

Roger William Hodel, 59, was taken from us on Sunday, Aug. 3, 2008, in a tragic motorcycle accident on Highway 95 south of Bonners Ferry.

Roger was born July 25, 1949, in Milwaukee to Merlin and Inez Huebschen Hodel.

Roger went to school in Milwaukee and graduated from Custer High School in 1967.

He served in the Army from 1968-1971, for the most part near Seoul, Korea.

Roger often joked that the song “I’ve Been Everywhere” by Johnny Cash, was written for him. He worked so many jobs, including in the oil fields in Wyoming, underground mining in Utah, as a timber faller in Washington, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Alaska, California, Oregon, New Mexico and Utah, and as a hunting guide in Wyoming. He also had various other jobs that kept him outside.

Roger was working for Foust Logging Inc. in Bonners Ferry.

Roger and Diane met in 1993 in Darrington, Wash. He was working at Rocky Mountain Helicopter. She was with the U.S. Forest Service.

They moved to Idaho in 1997, and married in 2001. They loved the life they had built in Idaho and are truly grateful to their friends in North Idaho who have jumped in to help during this time of great loss.

 Roger lived an adventurous life — sky diving (over 120 jumps), riding motorcycles, hunting, fishing and downhill skiing. He loved the outdoors, loved spending time with friends and enjoyed his days.

He was an easy going, fun loving, kind hearted, gentleman, who will be greatly missed, and never forgotten.

Roger’s older brother, Jesse, has fond memories of Roger taking risks that no one else would, and living his life the way he wanted to live it.

Roger is survived by his wife in Naples; father in Redgranite, Wis.; brother and sister-in-law, Jesse and Sue Hodel of Vermillion, Ohio; sister and brother-in-law, Trish and Gordon Brodbeck of Menomonee Falls, Wis.; daughter Erin Sheahan and grandson Trent Green of Darrington; seven nieces and nephews; and many lifelong friends in Wyoming and Idaho (You know who you are).

 Roger was preceded in death by his mother on Aug. 21, 1991, father-in-law, E.R. “Bud” McCafferty on Aug. 27, 1994; and mother-in-law, Dorothy Hain McCafferty on Oct. 22, 2003.

 A “Celebration of Life” will be held 4 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 7, at Great Northwest Territories Event Center, 1 mile east of Naples off Hwy 95 at milepost 498.

 Roger’s family invites you to share memories at the ceremony or via the Web site.

 Donations may be made in Roger’s name to: American Cancer Society, 728 134th St S.W., Suite 101, Everett, Wash., 98204, in honor and remembrance of his family and friends who have battled cancer.

Bonners Ferry Funeral Home assisted the family with memorial arrangements.

Family and friends can sign Roger’s online guest book at