Friday, March 14, 2025

From The Bonners Ferry Herald

| August 28, 2008 9:00 PM

May 9, 1913

During the past few weeks, the agitation for a new and modern school house for Independent School District No. 4 has become so strong and so insistent that it is assured that the board of trustees will soon take steps toward the calling of a bonding election for the purpose of determining the sentiment of the entire community.

According to the sentiment now being expressed on every hand, a $75,000 building is wanted, and the majority of the school trustees have expressed themselves as being favorable to a bonding issue covering this amount.

A bonding issue was voted down last December on account of the general impression that was falsely circulated that the trustees had determined, or had planned to select a new school building site on the “Bench.”

If the election on the $75,000 bonding issue is called, the matter of a site will be thoroughly sifted before the proposition is put to the voters. Up to the present time, the best available site seems to be located below Spokane International Railway Co. tracks. On this site, 5 or 10 acres could be purchased, while there is no other central location where any sized tract could be secured except at a large expenditure, which would include the buying in of property worthless to the district.

The need of a new school building in District No. 4 is even more apparent than it was in December, and many of those who voted against the bonding issue at that time are now in favor of raising money for a new schoolhouse. With the taxpayers of the district, it is a question of whether they will continue to throw away money on a frame building, which will last but a few years, or whether they will be the pride of the community for 25 years to come. If the district is to have a new building, definite action should be taken immediately so that construction could commence at once, and the structure be ready for use the beginning of the 1913-14 term.

Drainage Hearing

Last Saturday Judge of the District Court Flynn issued an order in the matter of the petition filed by E. E. Elliott. The court was asked to grant an order for the formation of a drainage district in the Kootenai Valley, calling for a meeting of all interested in the proposed formation of the district to be held at the Sandpoint Courthouse May 20.

Porthill News

The post office department has advertised here this week, asking for bids from parties willing to take the contract to carry the mail both ways daily, except Sunday, between Addie, Idaho, on S. I. Ry. and Porthill via the K. V. from Bonners Ferry and will give much better satisfaction in every way to the local people.

The Idaho Continental Co. has a gang at work, putting in the piling at the approaches to their ferry landing on both sides of the river, having mounted a pile driver for the purpose on their newly launched car ferry.


Don’t forget the auction sale of horses, buggies and harness, Saturday, May 10, at the corner of the Kinnear Block.

W. C. Cundell purchased an acre tract on the Northside Monday from M. M. Fry. The deal was made through Kent and Dore.

Mosquito Dope — The only safe guard against the bites of mosquitoes known to scientists is a Ford auto. See Dr. C. E. Moore.

Get our prices on implements, wagons and buggies. Bonner Hardware Co.