Friday, March 14, 2025

A benefit for Bonners Ferry Fire Chief Larry Owsley, who has cancer, will be held 4 p.m.

| February 28, 2008 8:00 PM

Saturday, March 8, at the Eagles Lodge at 7159 2nd St. in Bonners Ferry.

Owsley will be taking many trips to Coeur d'Alene for treatments and has a long road ahead of him. Diagnosed earlier in the year, Owsley has undergone surgery for an aneurysm, according to friend and fundraiser organizer Gary Purdy. Treatment is expected to last for six months.

“We want to help a friend, an Eagle's member and a public servant,” Purdy said. “He's donated to everything.”

Items donated for the brown bag and open auction include a snowmobile jacket from Boundary Tractor, tools from John Deere, a bicycle from Boundary Trading Co., and much more.

New and gently used items are being accepted and can be dropped off at the Eagles Club by March 7. Call Purdy at 267-3125 or the Eagles at 267-3024.

A spaghetti dinner will be included.

Two local bands took accolades during Saturday's Battle of the Bands at Panida Theatre in Sandpoint.

In the 18 and older division, Bar 77 took first. Members are brothers Rhett and Ryan Hale, and Jake Pfisthner, all of Bonners Ferry, and Isaac Grey of Naples.

In the 18 and under division, Duderonomy took first out of eight bands. Members are brothers Dillon and Derek Deitz, Aaron Hall and Keith Anderson.

“We were all just kind of on cloud nine for a while,” Dillon Deitz said in reaction to the award.

Duderonomy got its name from a chapter in the Bible and plays progressive melodic metal.

Jonathan Pemp of Bonners Ferry on Monday returned to Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas, where he is serving in the Army National Guard.

Pemp had been home since Feb. 16.

He is the son of Joe and Latrease Pemp of Bonners Ferry. Joe and his son, Collin Pemp, teach English in China.

Badger Booster Club, which supports student athletic teams and organizations, will expand its offerings at the Boundary County Fair this year.

The Boosters and Valley View Parent Teacher Organization, which has traditionally served hamburgers and hot dogs from a grill in the grassy area, will share the main kitchen at the fairgrounds so it can serve breakfast, lunch and dinner.

“We're going to have pies, cheesecake, ice cream cones, banana splits and more,” said Debbie Musial, a volunteer with the Boosters.

Each night, the Boosters will offer a different meal, like possibly lasagna on Monday with garlic bread, a salad, vegetable and roll. Breakfast will include biscuits and gravy, and Badger McMuffins.

Members of the Badger athletic teams will volunteer to help serve.

Also expect to see the Badger Boosters at Rod Benders, Bonners Ferry Swish three-on-three basketball tournament and at Viper Paintball in Paradise Valley.

Bonners Ferry Lacrosse Club for boys at the high school began practicing Monday. Twenty-one students have registered; another four to eight from Northwest Academy also are expected to join, said coach John Niewieroski.

Part of the program's success is due to contributions from Art Kline, whose son, Dallas Kline, attended Boulder Creek Academy. Kline has purchased equipment valued at more than $4,400. Kline also donated 100 hooded sweatshirts and snow caps, which are being sold for $20 and $5, respectively.

Other major contributors to the program are Les Schwab, Mountain West Bank and Boulder Creek Academy.

Coaches and referees are needed; referees are paid $35 a game. A clinic for referees will be held March 15 and 16.

For information, call Niewieroski at 267-2778, or David Brinkman 267-3504.

Spreading the Word is about the people of Boundary County. If you've gone on a vacation, have a wedding planned, are moving or anything else you'd like to share, call Gwen Albers at 267-5521 or send an e-mail to