Wednesday, September 18, 2024

TRUDY DAY Correspondents

by Kathryn Ray
| February 28, 2008 8:00 PM

Greetings from Eastport.

The sunshine has been out and with it, the neighbors and tourists. As they say, hope springs eternal, and most people are hoping that spring is here.

Though you probably couldn't convince the Branson family, who recently went ice fishing at Robinson Lake. When all were tired and ready to go, both of their four-wheel drive trucks  were stuck.

It took two hours of shoveling by Bill, Mary, Darron, Julie, Tyler and Alisa to get one truck out. The others had to wait until the next day. The worst part was no fish for  supper.

Though you couldn't tell looking at him, our one and only beloved Hall Mountain Volunteer Fire Department Chief Brad Lowther celebrated his 50th birthday at a surprise party that his wife, Lori, gave him on Feb. 20 during the fire department's board meeting in Good Grief. Brad was truly surprised and had a large  group of firefighters, friends, and family wish him well.

Speaking of the Hall Mountain Volunteer Fire Association, it has come to our attention that volunteers are badly needed at all stations, but especially at the Porthill station  No. 1. The need is so critical that the station may have to close because there is only one volunteer there.

If closed, this will mean that those who live or own businesses in the Porthill area will have to pay a substantially higher homeowners or business insurance premium because they will be more than 5 miles from the nearest fire hall. Consider joining this outstanding organization. 

Michele Thompson and her son, Bradley, took a week away from work, school and the cold weather to visit family in Barefoot Bay, Fla. They enjoyed walks on the warm, sandy beach, and Bradley managed to spend a couple of days honing his skills at a “rad” skate board park.

Jason Luedke, who lives in Portland, Ore., recently visited his father, Richard Luedke, at the Welcome Ranch and stopped by the Grief to say Hi.

Jason told us about the historical significance of our little area in the David Thompson story. Evidently, the Thompson party crossed the Moyie River at the Welcome Ranch. When he was young, his Boy Scout Troop followed and recut the David Thompson trail from Eastport to Coeur d'Alene.

Quite a feat for youngsters. He also told us of Bigfoot sightings in this area and swears that it is true. We'll be on the lookout.

Trudy Day and Kathryn Day co-own Good Grief Cafe. To submit information to their column, send a e-mail to, or stop by the restaurant. They can be reached at 267-0709.