Friday, March 14, 2025


| July 16, 2008 9:00 PM

Bob Schnuerle scored a low gross of 40 and Kevin Dirks scored a low net of 32 during the July 8 Mirror Lake Men’s Association play.

Rhys Sandaker took second with a low gross of 41. Riley Mayo placed third with a low gross of 41.

Bill Mostek placed second with a low net of 32. Cal Russell took third with a low net of 33.

Team results included Idaho Alpine, 131 net; Boundary Tractor, 136 net; and Trojan Lanes, 142 net.

Team standings for the season include Idaho Alpine 144.5 points, Trojan Lanes 131, Course No. 11 130.5, Maggie Logging 128.5, JB’s Les Schwab 128.5, Boundary Tractor 127, Allen’s Electric 127, Log Inn 121, What Fore 120, Pace Kerby 117.5, Course No. 3 117.5, Course No. 7 115 and Riverside Auto 113.