Thursday, February 06, 2025

Bonners eye doctor went out of his way

| July 31, 2008 9:00 PM

It was a regular Thursday for me. I was busy, and in too much of a hurry to think about safety glasses and Sawzalls.

I finished my service call uneventfully and went home. By Friday night, my eye was burning and I blamed it on the sun I’d been in all day.

By Saturday, I was popping Advils and exceeding the number of eye drops recommended for “tired, itchy eyes.” I still thought I could wait until Monday morning to see Dr. Barker. By Sunday, I felt like clawing out my eyeball.

I decided to call Dr. Barker Sunday morning — I was desperate. He called me back and said, “I can be there in 15 minutes if you’ll see me in my office.”

I was there in 10. Yes, there was a metal shard in my eyeball, and he removed it. Instant relief.

Dr. Barker came in on his Sunday to help me out of my own self-induced predicament. How many people can you say that about? The least I can do, besides thanking him profusely, is tell everyone who reads this about it.

We’re lucky to have Dr. Barker in our community.

Robert Hanover

Bonners Ferry