Friday, March 14, 2025


by Gwen Albers
| June 11, 2008 9:00 PM

Managing editor

A benefit will be held Saturday, June 14, at Last Chance Saloon for Roger Doering, who had part of his foot amputated due to a MRSA-related infection.

A spaghetti feed hosted by the Eagle Auxiliary begins at 3 p.m. followed by a brown bag auction with music at 4. Auctioneer Jeff Sater will be selling donated items.

Anyone interested in making a donation should call Kim Haworth at 946-0022 or drop items off at Last Chance in downtown Bonners Ferry.

• Former Boundary County Sheriff Bruce Whittaker has returned from a 22-day, 7,202-mile motorcycle ride.

Whittaker, 57, participated in the Run for The Wall ride, which promotes awareness of the nation’s prisoners of war and those missing in action. He drove his 2006 Harley Davidson FLH from Naples to Los Angeles to meet with other riders from the region before heading East.

Whittaker rode to Washington, D.C., which included taking a portion of old Route 66. He joined 400,000 bikers for the Memorial Day Parade in Washington before returning home.

Whittaker would love the opportunity to participate in the event again.

“God willing and if the creek don’t rise, I might do it next year,” Whittaker said.

• Kassy Piatz-Avery will undergo a kidney transplant on June 17 at Sacred Heart Medical Center in Spokane, Wash.

Kassy, 17, is getting a kidney from her 32-year-old cousin, Christa Rice of Bonners Ferry. Rice is a mother of five.

• Sixty-five years after Cliff and Jo Gillard of Bonners Ferry married, they got their wedding cake. Family surprised the couple during a gathering in the Seattle area.

When the Gillards married on June 1, 1943, in Bonners Ferry, the Spokane, Wash., bakery they ordered their wedding cake from never delivered it. A few days later, while on their honeymoon in Spokane, the Gillards went to the bakery to find out what happened.

Through the window, they watched as customers drank coffee and ate the couple’s wedding cake, piece by piece. • Carol Bowie of Naples won gas grill raffled by Helping Hands of Naples. Bowie’s name was drawn during Saturday’s open house at the South Boundary Fire District’s open house in Naples.

Spreading the Word is about the people of Boundary County. If you’ve gone on a vacation, have a wedding planned, are moving or anything else you’d like to share, call Gwen Albers at 267-5521, or send an e-mail to