Friday, March 14, 2025

Deitz places first in Golf League

| June 22, 2008 9:00 PM

Chad Deitz placed first for low gross with 36 points during the Mirror Lake Men's Association June 12 play.

Placing second was John Dreidger with 39 and third was Carrick Remaley with 39.

For low net, Derek Deitz placed first with 32 points; Carey Renyolds, second with 33; and Frank Plantz, third with 33.

Team standings are Troy Boys, 78; Course No. 7, 78; Tungsten Holdings, 77.5; Duke's Diner, 75.5; Kootenai Tribe, 75.5; Course No. 3, 72; Allen's Electric, 71.5; Forest Capital, 69.5; Mugsy's, 67; Rail Roaders, 66.5; Century 21, 64.5; Kootenai Inn, 64.5; and Country Cooking, 60.5.

Rhys Sandaker placed first for low gross with 38 points during the June 10 play. Riley Mayo came in second with 39 and Steve Howlett placed third with 44.

For low net, Steve Neumeyer came in first with 33 points; Don Rigney, second with 33; and Dick Odmark, third with 34.

Team standings are Idaho Alpine, 61.5; Course No. 7, 59; Maggie Logging, 58.5; Course No. 11, 5; JB's/Les Schwab, 55.5; Riverside Auto, 54.5; Trojan Lanes, 53; Allen's Electric, 51.5; Course No. 3, 51.5; Pace Kerby, 50; What Fore, 48; Log Inn, 48; and Boundary Tractor, 47.