Friday, March 14, 2025


| March 7, 2008 8:00 PM

For the past 28 years, I have had the privilege of working for our community as an elected official.

Over those many years, I have seen many law enforcement people come and go.

I have seen many different styles and approaches to law enforcement. In my opinion, one of the most effective law enforcement professionals in both style and substance was the late Chief of Police Don Hamilton.

Don's down-home approach to law enforcement both endeared and enlisted the help of our citizens to assist law enforcement in carrying out their many and varied responsibilities.

Throughout his long career, he remained above all else both trusted and approachable. If he asked you a question you knew he had a good reason for asking and trusted that your willingness to assist with an answer was both respected and confidential.

When he gave you a lecture, which were always short and to the point, along with a citation, you knew he was right.

Greg Sprungl, while he has his own unique law enforcement management style, does remind me quite a bit of my old friend, Don.

Even though Greg has gone through high level law enforcement training at the local, state and international levels, he has remained as grounded as the citizens he serves.

Since Greg has spent most of his law enforcement life here as well as working in the timber industry, prior to going into law enforcement, he understands this community and the people he serves. He has refused to allow the “Big City” “I-know-more-than-you attitude” to become any part of his law enforcement philosophy and as a result, like Chief Hamilton, people are willing to work with Greg and know that his word is his bond and that they can trust his efforts to be in the community's best interest.

While Greg is busy updating the sheriff office tools and equipment, policies and procedures and and leveraging modern high tech when and where appropriate, he truly understands that without the community's trust, he could never hire enough officers to ever be as effective as true community assisted policing.

If you have never met Greg, I would suggest you say hello and find out yourself. Ask him to talk to one of your groups and check him out.

I am pleased that he has announced that he is seeking another term as Boundary County Sheriff and know that when he is re-elected, Boundary County's chief law enforcement official will remain someone who understands the community he serves and that we will have returned a professional back into office who is more interested in serving than being served.

Darrell Kerby

Bonners Ferry