Friday, March 14, 2025

Writer thanked for reminding readers about WWI veteran

| March 18, 2008 9:00 PM

Brad Burge wrote a good letter in the Feb. 28 issue of the Herald and pointed out some interesting facts.

While I haven't read the Newsweek article he mentioned as the source of his information, I'd be willing to bet however that some of the most important facts regarding World War I were carefully omitted such as the Lusitania was carrying munitions to be used against Germany, and the German government warned that they intended to sink it and paid for ads in American newspapers warning passengers of their intent.

The Wilson Administration thwarted their efforts. The Lusitania was sent into an area wherein German U-boats were known to be operating. The Lusitania escort was ordered sent back to port.

When the Lusitania was sunk by only one torpedo, which caused the munitions to blow, the Wilson Administration began propagandizing for war with Germany in order to save American banking interests, which had loaned British banks billions of dollars, which it would lose if England lost the war. Profits for this war amounted to over $38 billion, and most of it was made by the some “Money Trust,” which had made the loans to England.

Except for important facts, like these, the Newsweek article was very good and Brad did a good service by reminding the readers of the horror of a war that we need not have entered.

Robert Vickaryous

Bonners Ferry