Friday, March 14, 2025

Kudos to school board members

| March 27, 2008 9:00 PM

Tim Bertling and Gil Hagen are two current school board members who are deeply invested in Boundary County education. Educating children is their top priority.

They both model values such as integrity, kindness, respect and responsibility. They serve selflessly, sometimes taking time away from their own families to improve the quality of education in Boundary County. They are excellent examples of the outstanding community members we want our children to become.

They not only give serious thought to issues, weighing all options before casting their votes, but listing carefully and respectfully to community input. These two board members play an integral part in the future of children in Boundary County. Many decisions that were made during their tenure as board members helped Boundary County School District save money.

It would be best for our children in Boundary County if we keep these shining stars as our board members for another term.

Evergreen Elementary School Staff