Friday, March 14, 2025

Callos wins salsa title for second consecutive year

by Sarah THOMAS<br
| May 8, 2008 9:00 PM

Salsa king Kevin Callos defended his title for a consecutive year during Saturday’s Second Annual Salsa Festival in downtown Bonners Ferry, which was sponsored by the Friends of Downtown.

“I think that it’s pretty incredible and I’m actually surprised because there were so many contestants,” said Callos. “It was pretty awesome to get it two years in a row.”

Not only did Callos win first choice from judges out of 17 entries, but also won People’s Choice from 311 folks voting. Because he could not win two awards, People’s Choice went to Tim Fulton of Bonners Ferry. Fulton won $25.

Placing second was Mary Cheney of Sandpoint, winning $50. Callos took home $75.

First and second choice were decided by judges, who were Bonners Ferry Police Chief Dave Kramer, Bonners Ferry firefighter John Youngwirth, editor of Rural Northwest Jay Cohn, former Boundary County Sheriff Bruce Whittaker and Panhandle State Bank Manager Dave Walter.

Vendors present were Laurie Schuartz, Gina Swift, Grace Siler and the Human Rights Task Force, Festival of Trees, Second Chance Animal Adoption, Bonners Ferry Fire Department, the Shriners, Friends of the Restorium, Janet Maurstad, Lee Harris and Dany Starr, Heather Etherton, Teresa Solum and Helping Hands of Naples.

Entertainment was provided by Selkirk Singers, Albertsons Singers and Alliance Band.

Volunteers putting on the event were Carolyn Testa with Groove Studio, Dolly and Mike Boling with Dollar Depot and More, Jill Nystrom with Jill’s Café, Nita Hillard with Mecari’s Gifts , Johanna Brooks with Bonners Ferry Candy, Brett Brown with Safeway, Mike Sloan and the City of Bonners Ferry.

Anne Bonar from Boardwalk Boutique won the raffle basket, which included over $500 worth of merchandise.