Friday, March 14, 2025

Local school board candidate makes pledge to constituents

| May 8, 2008 9:00 PM

I, Donna Capurso, if given the opportunity to serve as the Boundary County School District No. 101 Zone 2 Trustee, make the following pledges:

PLEDGE No. 1 — I pledge that I and my immediate family, will not do business in any way, shape, or form, directly or indirectly, with the school district and/or its vendors during my tenure.

PLEDGE No. 2 — I pledge that I and my immediate family will not accept any gifts or payments of any kind including, but not limited to, goods, services, cash, or meals from the school district and/or its vendors during my tenure. Reimbursement for travel to fulfill statutory training requirements will be kept to a bare minimum including transportation costs, hotel/motel rooms (lowest prices), and meals. These requirements will be evaluated as to closest or most practical venues. This includes all board trainings, retreats and meals, in lieu of catered taxpayer-funded dinners.

PLEDGE No. 3 — I will request that the district post its check register online at each and every board meeting during my tenure until such time as this occurs. For comments from districts both large and small who have already successfully posted their check registers go to: HYPERLINK “”

PLEDGE No. 4 — I will request that the superintendent’s employment contract and a salary and stipend schedule for all employees, along with the current income and expense ledgers for BCSD, be posted on the district’s Web site for public access.

PLEDGE No. 5 — I will request that the board audio tape all executive sessions for verification that no public meeting statutes are violated.

PLEDGE No. 6 — I will do my best to promote accountability and responsiveness to the public regarding any school related issues or health concerns involving the school children of Boundary County, through leadership, honesty, integrity, and fiscal responsibility.

Donna Capurso

Candidate for school board