Friday, March 14, 2025

Spreading the word

| May 8, 2008 9:00 PM

As of last week, Boundary Trading Co. in Bonners Ferry had collected $400 to $500 worth of non-perishable food items for a drive it’s doing with KHQ TV in Spokane, Wash., said store manager Matt Morgan.

Residents have until Friday, May 9, to donate food at the grocery store for the Success By 6 Summer Fun Food Drive.

Traditionally a holiday food drive, the food drive has been moved to spring for the first time to accommodate the tremendous need for food for families in the summer months.

• Don Dirks stopped by the office the other day with a photo of the Bonners Ferry Baseball Team from 1948. He got the photo from his mother, Edna Dirks. Edna’s brothers, Floyd and Howard Friedly, played on the team. Roger Guthrie provided the names of the ballplayers.

Others on the team were Sid Neumayer, Sid Sullivan, Jack Guthrie, Roger Guthrie, James Egan, Jim Oddson, Bobby Davis, B. Chisham, Conrad Chisham, Bill Mackey, D. Wells, Herman Ripatta and B. Sullivan.

• Ayla Neumeyer of Naples is a new junior member of the American Angus Association.

Junior members can register cattle in the American Angus Association, participate in programs conducted by the National Junior Angus Association and take part in association-sponsored shows and other national and regional events.

The American Angus Association is the largest beef registry association in the world, with more than 36,000 active adult and junior members.

• Talk about full circle. Valdie Burkholder stopped by last week with a post card from Bonners Ferry that had been mailed to someone in California 60 years ago.

Valdie’s son, Jim Burkholder, recently found the post card on the Internet auction Web site, eBay. He mailed to his mother in Bonners Ferry.

From looking at the postcard, the photo doesn’t resemble any place in Bonners Ferry.

Spreading the Word is about the people of Boundary County. If you’ve gone on a vacation, have a wedding planned, are moving or anything else you’d like to share, call Gwen Albers at 267-5521 or send an e-mail to