Friday, March 14, 2025

Spreading the Word

| May 23, 2008 9:00 PM

A group of parents with seniors at Bonners Ferry High School are organizing a graduation party at Twin Rivers Canyon Resort in Moyie Springs.

Shawn Watt, whose son, Jake, will graduate with about 100 classmates at 1 p.m. Saturday, May 31, at Kenny Mendenhall Football Stadium is heading up the effort. The old-fashion potluck will follow at 3 o’clock.

“There were a lot of parents, who were going to have graduation parties after graduation, which would make it difficult (for everyone to get to),” Shawn said. “We rented Twin Rivers for an open party for seniors.”

So far, a dozen parents, including Teresa Becker, whose son, Lex, and Annette Stuurmans, who son, John, are graduating, have agreed to participate. The cost of the party will be divided among parents. Organizers will provide hot dogs and two kegs of root beer.

If interested in participating, call Shawn at 267-3405 by Friday, May 23.

The all-night party for graduates will follow at the high school.

• Gary Aitken and his daughter, Illiana, 2, found their first buttercup of the spring season on March 21 while walking in the Mission Hill area on the Kootenai Indian Reservation. The little yellow flower was dug up and put in a small flower pot, where it bloomed for a few weeks.

IIliana is also the daughter of Crystal Weaselhead.

• Riverside High School students last week thanked the United Methodist Women for their generosity by treating members Lucille Kucera, Dolores Gardner and Bobbie Bowen to lunch and a talent show.

United Methodist Women has donated money to the school. The group also invites Riverside students to its rummage sales the day before they open to the public for free stuff.

• Mary Dufur won a gas grill from a raffle sponsored by Riverside Auto. Anyone who came into the downtown Bonners Ferry dealership could enter the raffle.

• Sherilyn Overstreet of Sandpoint recently completed the massage apprenticeship program at Emma Fields Manner of Life at Naples.

Overstreet completed 500 hours of education and training supervised by Fields. Overstreet will be practicing at the Manner of Life clinic in Sandpoint.

• Tiffany Rose Wadel has graduated from Gonzaga Preparatory School in Spokane, Wash. She will study business law and political science at Seattle University. Tiffany is the daughter of Maureen and Steve Shelman of Bonners Ferry,

Spreading the Word is about the people of Boundary County. If you’ve gone on a vacation, have a wedding planned, are moving or anything else you’d like to share, call Gwen Albers at 267-5521 or send an e-mail to